10 Reasons why being Short, Black, Female, Pretty, and Athletic are Examples of ‘Privilege’

10 Reasons why being Short, Black, Female, Pretty, and Athletic are Examples of ‘Privilege’

Liberals have developed dozens of terms to position their ideological brand and subvert their ideological enemies. Here are more than 20 of them: Tolerance, choice, safe space, micro-aggression, gender fluidity, gender reassignment, multiculturalism, diversity, fairness, inclusion, empowerment, global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate change deniers, hate speech, dreamers, paying yo [...]

Minimum Wage Facts Democrats Don't Want You to Know

Minimum Wage Facts Democrats Don't Want You to Know

Biden and Co. want to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. First, like so much of government regulation, this is theft. Only governments (and the mafia) can force people to pay more money for work they don’t do. Second, it’s a job killer for young people trying to get work experience. If you listen to Democrats, most Americans are working at jobs for minimum wage pay. It’s not even close to the [...]

To whom will we be in bondage?

To whom will we be in bondage?

The Bible is clear: God’s image-bearers can only attain lasting freedom when they are in bondage to Jesus Christ and His commandments which are not burdensome. We are bondservants by nature as creatures. The only question is: To whom will we be in bondage? To be outside of Christ is to be in slavery. The world today is outside of Christ, and never has slavery been more widespread or more specific. [...]

A New Year's Resolution: All of Scripture for all of life

A New Year's Resolution: All of Scripture for all of life

Many Christians approach life as if it is made of bits and pieces of unrelated reality. They struggle to see the relationship between seemingly contrasting categories. In fact, Christians often have been taught that the Bible addresses exclusively spiritual issues while some other standard should be used to govern how we should think about secular matters such as law, economics, politics, educatio [...]

The Cult of Never-Trump

The Cult of Never-Trump

Attacks against Trump supporters continue to phone in from the Left and Right. The latest is from Michael Horton who is the J. Gresham Machen professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Westminster Seminary California. He has been joined by Never-Trumpers Beth Moore, David French, and Rod Dreher, author of The Benedict Option. Horton’s article is a reaction to the “Jericho March” that was [...]

How Leftists Turn the Christmas Story into a Political Nightmare

How Leftists Turn the Christmas Story into a Political Nightmare

You can’t be woke enough these days. Basketball player turned cultural commentator Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said social media companies should do more to silence “irrational and harmful” posts from conservative and left-wing celebrities who aren’t woke enough. In most cases, “irrational and harmful” are defined as not agreeing with a Leftist agenda. Someone like the former Lew Alcindor is not affected [...]

Always Winter but Never Christmas in Woke America

Always Winter but Never Christmas in Woke America

In C. S. Lewis’s book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, he describes a beautiful place (Narnia) under the spell of an evil character (the White Witch)—who symbolizes the Devil. Lewis writes of her that it was she who has made it “always winter, but never Christmas.” “Always winter, but never Christmas”—what a great phrase to describe this world, without the loving, powerful, and positive inf [...]

Minister and Senate Candidate Compares Tax Cuts to Killing Children

Minister and Senate Candidate Compares Tax Cuts to Killing Children

Rev. Raphael Warnock is in a runoff in Georgia against Republican Kelly Loeffler for a valuable Senate seat. Warnock is a Democrat and minister. In a sermon, he attacked Republican senators who passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. He claimed such a vote was a “vicious and evil attack on the most vulnerable people in America” and compared the tax cuts to Herod who was “willing to kill children [...]

Pro-Abortion Governor Dares to Tell Us About God

Pro-Abortion Governor Dares to Tell Us About God

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced new coronavirus restrictions and urged Christians to refrain from attending church services during the Christmas season. This year, we need to think about what is truly the most important thing. Is it the worship or the building? For me, God is wherever you are. You don’t have to sit in the church pew for God to hear your prayers. What is the most important th [...]

Are Countries Returning to the Gold Standard?

Are Countries Returning to the Gold Standard?

The following is from the Bank of Italy. “Gold is an excellent hedge against adversity” and “as protection against high inflation… [U]nlike foreign currencies, gold cannot depreciate or be devalued as a result of a loss of confidence.” Gold restrains governments from creating unconstitutional and regressive programs that end up bankrupting nations. Today, all a government has to do to create the f [...]

Pope Francis Doesn’t Know Much About Private Property

Pope Francis Doesn’t Know Much About Private Property

Pope Francis says the right to private property is “a secondary natural right derived from that which everyone has,” which in turn arises from the “universal destiny of created goods” and affirmed that “the Christian tradition never recognized as absolute and the right to private property untouchable.” Pope Francis’ thinking on the topic of private property is muddled and contradictory. Private pr [...]

Coups in America?

Coups in America?

I realize that the election isn’t over, but it isn’t looking good for President Trump. Let me say something about that. Despite all of the investigations of more than fifty years, which included the Warren Commission Report, the recent release of public documents never originally provided to the public, and dozens of other private probes, none ever demonstrated clearly that there was a conspiracy [...]

The Impact of the Geneva Bible on America

The Impact of the Geneva Bible on America

When Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) became queen of England in 1553, she was determined to roll back the Reformation and reinstate Roman Catholicism. Mary had strong ties to Catholic Spain. She married Philip II of Spain and induced the English Parliament to recognize the authority of papal Rome. Mary met with a great deal of resistance from Protestant reformers in her own country. Mary showed no signs [...]

Religious Freedom at Risk

Religious Freedom at Risk

400 years ago this month, a weary band of Christians from England came ashore in New England after a grueling 66-day voyage aboard the Mayflower. The Pilgrims came for one purpose, which they spelled out in writing: “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.” It was all about religious freedom. They wanted to worship Jesus in the purity of the Gospel. 150 years after the Pil [...]

The Parable of the Wicked Husband

The Parable of the Wicked Husband

There once was a man who hated his wife. He nit-picked everything she ever did. He had friends to spy on her. With the help of others, he continuously plotted against her. He lied about her, stirring up rumors and stoking the fires of gossip. For more than three years, he abused her and grossly disrespected her person and place as a wife. Sometimes his wife’s personality was perceived as boorish, [...]

The Threat of Unhindered National Government

The Threat of Unhindered National Government

The following article is my third response to a journalism and political science major who sent me questions to answer for a research paper she was writing. (Read Part One and Part Two) Here’s the multi-part question: Roy Moore also landed himself in some controversy when he began refusing to recognize federal court orders regarding marriage equality. Does American Vision believe that Moore’s acti [...]

Compromise Can Kill You

Compromise Can Kill You

If Joe Biden and company indeed have won, the more radical among his cadre will demand vengeance. AOC already has announced the intent to hold President Trump supporters “accountable.” Those of us who didn’t support Biden will be given options. Either suffer the wrath of the winners or “come together” in “unity.” There will be a lot of rhetoric about heali [...]

Why I Am a One-Issue Voter

Why I Am a One-Issue Voter

The issue of abortion has barely come up in the debates of Election 2020. But for many of us, it is still the issue that matters most. I am a one issue voter, without apology, and that issue is abortion. I’m against it. If a politician thinks it is acceptable—whatever the rhetoric—to deliberately kill a living, developing human being in the womb, that politician is wrong. And he or she [...]

One of the Most Despicable Senate Speeches Ever Given

One of the Most Despicable Senate Speeches Ever Given

Since Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in 2016, Democrats have said some very bad things about him, his supporters, and the United States. The nomination and confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett has driven these people to the lowest of low when it comes to disparaging people they disagree with. How many times have you heard Democrats tell us that Joe Biden will unify the nation. Do [...]

The Apostle Paul and the Lesser of Two Evils

The Apostle Paul and the Lesser of Two Evils

Christians are still bringing up “I can’t vote for the lesser of two evils.” Somehow they believe it’s wrong to vote for someone like Donald Trump who is doing a number of things to stop abortion but it’s OK to sit back and let Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win in November knowing full well that abortion will continue unabated. Somehow saving some unborn babies is not OK but letting a po [...]