The Biblical Model of Church and State

The Biblical Model of Church and State

For a discussion of jurisdictions, see Part 1 of this series “Getting to Know Your Church-State Jurisdictions.” One way to keep Christians out of the public arena, especially in the realm of politics, is to claim that there is a separation between Church and State which when interpreted and applied by courts and organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for Separat [...]

Getting to Know Your Church-State Jurisdictions

Getting to Know Your Church-State Jurisdictions

I was listening to an interview with Ken Starr on his new book Religious Liberty in Crisis: Exercising Your Faith in an Age of Uncertainty. I have not read the book, but I did agree with Starr’s assessment that most Americans lack a basic knowledge of the First Amendment. Most likely Mr. Starr does not deal with the First Amendment and how it relates to civil government in terms of biblical law. [...]

Fencing Churches and the Sin of King Uzziah

Fencing Churches and the Sin of King Uzziah

Police in Canada erected a metal fencing around GraceLife Church in Edmonton “that’s led by a pastor who was jailed for holding worship services that violated provincial lockdown rules.” The church was ordered to be “shut it down until it ‘can demonstrate the ability to comply’ with the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. To show their disdain for the worshippers, additional fencing was erected around [...]

When Uncle Sam is Paying You Not to Work

When Uncle Sam is Paying You Not to Work

The first two laws of economics (notice the use of nomos—law—in the word “economics”) is “You shall not steal” and “Let’s make a deal.” You can only deal with what you own. Civil governments believe they can subvert these laws (and others) for the good of the people and the nation. It can’t be done. Every attempt to subvert God’s economic laws results in poverty at one end and unlimited control at [...]

To Save America, Begin Here...

To Save America, Begin Here...

People often ask me what they can do to reclaim our nation. Many things can be done but the one action that would make a monumental difference would be for Christians and conservatives to remove their children from government schools. It would devastate the power base of the messianic State, take power away from the powerful teacher unions that pour millions of dollars into the Democrat Party, and [...]

When Will Christianity Today Evaluate Biden by the Ten Commandments?

When Will Christianity Today Evaluate Biden by the Ten Commandments?

Mark Galli, an editor at Christianity Today, wrote the following about Pres. Trump in an article that took the internet by storm and received hundreds of responses from evangelical writers, including me: That [Trump] should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of Ten Commandments. According to Galli, there is a God, and the Ten Commandments are a [...]

The Grievance Culture Can Never be Appeased

The Grievance Culture Can Never be Appeased

As many of you probably know, Georgia has tightened up its voting laws, and like clockwork, the grievance culture has sprung into action. What does the reform legislation do? First, it requires those who vote in person to show a picture ID. Second, those who vote by mail via an absentee ballot must also be identified by name and address. Third, the time to cast an absentee ballot has been reduced [...]

Gun Control in a World Where God Doesn't Matter

Gun Control in a World Where God Doesn't Matter

Once again, there’s talk about more gun control in the United States. It happens every time some lunatic decides he wants to kill people. Gun control laws do not affect people who want to murder people. Murder is a crime, and yet people still murder. The vast majority of people in the United States who own guns have never unlawfully used their guns, and yet Democrats want to put further restrictio [...]

Cancel Culture has become Cancer Culture

Cancel Culture has become Cancer Culture

Every day seems to bring new examples in the news of our cancel culture. Cancel culture is a cancer to our culture. The examples border on the ridiculous: • Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller “Psycho” is sexist. • The Muppets require a disclaimer from Disney. • Dr. Seuss, the famous children’s author, becomes radioactive for reportedly having engaged in racist drawings. • Mr. Potato Head is sexist. • Dis [...]

How the Sinister Wedge of Pluralism Spoils Everything

How the Sinister Wedge of Pluralism Spoils Everything

Can a biblically‑based government (including the civil sphere) operate within the conceptual framework of pluralism? While it depends on the definition of pluralism, let me say that the modern concept of pluralism is one of the most pernicious inventions of the twentieth century designed to eliminate the Christian religion. All sorts of evil acts are done in the name of “pluralism.” Homosexuality, [...]

If You Believe Transgenderism is Real, You Will Believe Anything

If You Believe Transgenderism is Real, You Will Believe Anything

Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem “returned a bill designed to prevent biological men from competing in biological women’s sports back to her state legislature … for changes.” Why did she do this after she celebrated International Women’s Day by defending women’s sports? Because national politics on the issue of transgenderism is affecting everything. “The changes include removing collegiat [...]

The Real Source of Asian Hate

The Real Source of Asian Hate

As usual, the Democrats jumped on the murders of several Asian massage parlor workers blaming the attack on former President Donald Trump. As they say, “never let a crisis go waste” even if it means lying about the crisis. For example, U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California, said the following on Twitter: “These murders occurred at a time when anti-Asian violence has been spiking. All offi [...]

Will California Mandate Pagan Worship in Schools?

Will California Mandate Pagan Worship in Schools?

In California schools, it would seem that Jesus is out, but worshiping human-sacrifice-requiring Aztec deities may soon be in. In a 1996 book I wrote with D. James Kennedy, The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail, which dealt with today’s anti-Christian bias, we noted the following: “San Jose, California. City officials built a statue of the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl, costing taxpayers half a million do [...]

Criminals Laugh at Second Amendment Restrictions

Criminals Laugh at Second Amendment Restrictions

The House of Representatives passed an expansive gun control bill that would criminalize firearm sales, gifts, or loans between unlicensed private persons. Some Republicans joined the unconstitutional bill. Criminals are laughing. Do members of Congress believe that such a law is going to stop criminals from selling, loaning, or “gifting” firearms? There are people right now who kill other people [...]

Has the National Motto Changed?

Has the National Motto Changed?

Is recognition of God in the public arena today just a meaningless construct? It reminds me of politicians swearing in on a Holy Bible but not having the slightest clue what the Good Book says. If you asked the average American today, “What is the national motto of America?” I doubt that many of them would answer correctly. Of course, the answer is, “In God We Trust.” And it has been as such since [...]

Can Secularism Justify and Account for Anything?

Can Secularism Justify and Account for Anything?

Christian apologetics begins by establishing an authoritative starting point. Like Archimedes (287?–212 B.C.), who once boasted that given the proper lever and a place to stand, he could “move the earth,” the Christian apologist seeks to base his defense on a secure foundation to move the hearts and minds of sinners to embrace the eternal hope found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But u [...]

Taxation, Theft, and the Sin of Envy

Taxation, Theft, and the Sin of Envy

Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to impose a two-percent wealth tax on the richest Americans. The wealth of most rich people is in stocks and other investments they own. The 16th Amendment is very clear: “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived…” People who own stock do not pay tax on their stock gains until they sell their stock. It’s th [...]

What Conservatives Can Learn from Zorro in the Culture Wars

What Conservatives Can Learn from Zorro in the Culture Wars

One of my favorite movies is The Mark of Zorro (1940) starring Tyrone Power, Basil Rathbone, and Linda Darnell. There is a 1920 silent film starring Douglas Fairbanks and a 1974 made-for-TV version with Frank Langella in the lead role titled The Mark of Zorro. Antonio Banderas, Anthony Hopkins, and Katherine Zeta-Jones revived the story with The Mask of Zorro in 1998 and a sequel The Legend of Zor [...]

Spending our Grandchildren's Future

Spending our Grandchildren's Future

Ronald Reagan once observed, “Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.” I thought of that quote when I read some of the details of the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that is touted as “COVID relief.” Critics, like Congressman Steve Scalise (R-Louisiana), say that it’s a “liberal wish list.” Scalise is not alone. Many Re [...]

Privately Engaging but Socially Irrelevant

Privately Engaging but Socially Irrelevant

We cannot live within the fluid boundaries of legal relativism. There must be a definitive and final legal standard of appeal to justify moral decisions at the personal and governmental levels. But by whose standard and by what standard? If there is no transcendental moral standard, then the opinion of one judge is as good (or as bad) as the opinion of another. The Ten Commandments have served as [...]