Christianity and Liberty Cannot be Separated

Christianity and Liberty Cannot be Separated

Our forefathers in the faith did not retreat from involvement in society and politics. They did not turn civil government—the making, enforcement, and adjudication of laws—over to Satan and those who serve him. They did not surrender the ministry of civil government to those who are in rebellion against God. Instead, they sought to base civil government and law upon the truth. The founders underst [...]

Eschatological Atheism

Eschatological Atheism

The people in Jesus’ day saw the kingdom of God only in externals. They visualized the kingdom of God as coming, not through regeneration, but by revolution. Jesus said of His followers: “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled” (John 6:26). It was Jesus’ message about mankind’s need for salvation and about [...]

Biblical and Historical Lessons of Resistance

Biblical and Historical Lessons of Resistance

America has entered troubling times. The massive expansion of federal government power with its destructive laws and policies is of grave concern to many. But what can be done to quell the abuse of power by civil authority? Are unjust or immoral actions by the government simply to be accepted and their lawless commands obeyed? How do we know when the government has acted tyrannically? Which action [...]

The Lie of "Property is Theft"

The Lie of "Property is Theft"

“You shall not steal” is a fundamental biblical commandment that’s found in both Testaments (Ex. 20:15; 21:16; Lev. 19:11, 13; Matt. 19:18; Rom. 13:9). If property is theft, as one Christian stated on his Facebook page, then every person in the world is a thief because everyone owns something. Property rights are fundamental in the Bible, so much so that they’ve been written into our nation’s laws [...]

We're Not Subjects of Rome

We're Not Subjects of Rome

In the New Testament, Israel was controlled by the Romans. Only Roman citizens had political standing (Acts 16:37; 22:25– 29; 25:9–12). Jesus had a political trial because the Jews did not have the authority to put Him to death (John 18:30–31). His accusers brought false civil charges against Him (Luke 23:1–2) to force Pilate’s hand (John 19:12). We’re not subjects of Rome. “Render to Caesar the t [...]

Jefferson's Wall of Separation

Jefferson's Wall of Separation

Many Americans might be surprised to learn that the United States Supreme Court building has a number of depictions of the Ten Commandments and other lawgivers prominently displayed, some of which are carved in stone, adorning entryways and visible in the chamber where the justices sit. Isn’t this a violation of the First Amendment and the “separation of church and state”? Histor [...]

The Local Mission Field for Every Church

The Local Mission Field for Every Church

Every Sunday, millions of people attend church services in this country. They usually hear a nice message about Jesus and what He did during his three-year earthly ministry. What is mostly missing is the “go and do likewise” application for each listener of these weekly sermons. What actual difference does what Jesus said and did make to 21st century Christians? A constant need is cris [...]

Sez who?

Sez who?

In a paper titled “Unspeakable Ethics, Unnatural Law,” law professor Arthur Leff laments the impossibility of disconnecting law and religion. In his refreshingly honest assessment of the dilemma, he wrote: My plan for this Article, then, is as follows. I shall first try to prove to your satisfaction that there cannot be any normative system ultimately based on anything except human wil [...]

On Becoming "Greatly Annoyed"

On Becoming "Greatly Annoyed"

As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” And this she kept doing for many days. Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command yo [...]

Christians and Dirty Jobs

Christians and Dirty Jobs

Christianity’s failure to be a practical religion in the past 150 years or more has meant the success of a perverted and twisted secularism and an advancing militant Islam that are doing incalculable harm at home and abroad. Humanism and Islam have gained the upper hand by default. The rejection of any type of this-worldly application of the Bible has resulted in the proliferation of a man-centere [...]

Become the Problem They Think You Are

Become the Problem They Think You Are

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12) “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. [...]

An Important Church-State Battle in Seattle

An Important Church-State Battle in Seattle

We have all seen the horrible violence in Seattle since 2019. But now there’s a new battle, virtually under the radar. In 1932, the Union Gospel Mission began serving the poor and downtrodden in Seattle. But now this ministry which has been serving millions of meals through the years and providing many other services may have to shut its doors because of a decision by the Washington Supreme Court. [...]

Scientists Say It. We’re Forced to Believe It. That Settles It.

Scientists Say It. We’re Forced to Believe It. That Settles It.

“The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him” (Prov. 18:17). Is there such a thing as “science”? There isn’t. Science is not a thing like a shovel used for digging, a microscope for viewing what can’t be seen with the naked eye, or a gun to send a projectile through the air. To “follow the science” means to follow the opinions, theories, and conclusions of people [...]

The Latest Cancel Culture Controversy in California

The Latest Cancel Culture Controversy in California

The Babylon Bee has done it again. After the California governor’s blowout victory in the recall election, the Christian satirical site had a meme noting the large-scale exodus underway in California, with the headline, “Gavin Newsom Named U-Haul Salesperson Of The Year.” But there’s a largely-overlooked religious controversy in California right now that is no laughing matter. We have seen in rece [...]

There's No Fixing Stupid

There's No Fixing Stupid

The following Meme caught my attention. I guess its creator assumed that if you say the same thing 22 times it becomes true. This is the Cowardly Lion apologetic methodology: “I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I do!” Of course, it’s about abortion. Three objections should immediately jump out at you. [...]

Historical Revisionists are at it Again

Historical Revisionists are at it Again

In recent years, we have seen the phenomenon of historical revisionism being taught in our schools. Usually, this deals with events centuries ago. But what about historical revisionism involving something in our own time? Any American older than a certain age can remember 9/11 well. We can remember exactly where we were when we first heard the news of the attack. But now there are many Americans w [...]

Wealth Redistribution by Majority Vote is Still Theft

Wealth Redistribution by Majority Vote is Still Theft

Biden and Co. want to steal more money in the form of taxes in the name of “the people.” The people will be fooled into believing that taxing the rich is for the greater good, and they have a right to use the power of government to reap the benefits of the immoral confiscation. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) wore a dress with “Tax the Rich” emblazoned with large blood-red letters while she [...]

New York Times Admits Unborn Babies are Persons

New York Times Admits Unborn Babies are Persons

The New York Times made a surprising admission — life begins at conception. As you know by now, the Supreme Court’s 5–4 procedural ruling on the Texas Fetal Heartbeat law is driving people on the Left crazy! They are saying the dumbest things. Some pro-abortion women are calling on other pro-abortion women to deny sex to men until the ruling is rescinded. I’m OK with that. One of the biggest suppo [...]

America’s Work Ethic is in Trouble

America’s Work Ethic is in Trouble

Jerry Newcombe’s article below explains the negative implications of government interference in the economy. Subsidies disrupt the economy at many levels and often cripple the people they are meant to help. Anyone familiar with government wealth transfer legislation that has been designed to help the poor knows that when something is subsidized you get more of it. There have been multiple generati [...]

Cancel Culture’s Long History and Its Workarounds

Cancel Culture’s Long History and Its Workarounds

Cancel culture has a long history. The false prophets of Israel wanted the true prophets silenced. Jezebel murdered hundreds of them. Obadiah hid those who had escaped her wrath. There were many attempts to silence Jesus. It was fear of the people that kept the antagonists away. The religious leaders used political accusations as false testimony to bring the Roman government into canceling Jesus p [...]