Abortion and Church and State

Abortion and Church and State

Gary discusses several recent media responses to the ongoing abortion debate on today’s podcast. When a nation moves away from the absolutes of God’s law we can expect an immediate substitute to fill the void. The “human rights” idea has become the alternative to biblical law; it now forms the basis and foundation for all spheres of life. Human rights has sand as its foundation because in “h [...]

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

The House of Representatives and Senate are considering more expansive gun control bills considering the latest school shooting in Texas. These school shootings are horrific and evil. The parents of these children are devastated as I would be. I can’t imagine the anguish they must feel. Some Republicans joined past gun control bills and some of them are working with the Democrats to enact even mor [...]

Pray and Act

Pray and Act

There are many more Christians who gave up on politics after the election of Ronald Reagan didn’t bring in the millennium or something close to it. And when George H. W. Bush got elected, and Bill Clinton got elected twice, and George W. Bush turned out to be a huge disappointment, hopelessness set in. All that work, and for what? Christians who are experiencing political remorse are really suffer [...]

Pro-Abortion Arguments are Failing Miserably

Pro-Abortion Arguments are Failing Miserably

I saw the following on CSPAN. Catherine Glenn Foster, who serves as President and CEO of Americans United for Life, responded to comments made by DEMOCRAT Representative Jamie Raskin about abortion and rape and incest exceptions that account for less than one percent of all abortions. That means that more than 99 percent of all abortions are elective abortions. Raskin believes abortions should be [...]

The Agenda of Education

The Agenda of Education

Gary discusses a recent media screed about the ‘racist’ nature of homeschooling and Christian schools. All argumentation will inevitably be taken back to a single reference point from which the arguer will appeal for authority to support his worldview. That reference point, for example, might be the expert opinion of others. Of course, these experts are not the ultimate authorities. Th [...]

How Blacks Became Political Slaves to Democrats

How Blacks Became Political Slaves to Democrats

When the master of Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) discovered that his wife was teaching his 12-year-old slave to read the Bible, he stopped her. “If he learns to read the Bible it will make him ever unfit to be a slave,” her husband said. In no time “he’ll be running away with himself.” In his later years, Douglass reflected on that incident as the first antislavery lecture he had ever heard, and [...]

The Abortion Roaches are Coming into the Light

The Abortion Roaches are Coming into the Light

Listen to the podcast based on this article. The abortion roaches have come out in broad daylight since the preliminary SCOTUS Roe v. Wade ruling was surreptitiously leaked to Politico. The abortion roaches are in a full-scale panic like when the light comes on when you’re looking for an after-midnight snack from the kitchen. But in the case of the abortion roaches, they are not retreating to thei [...]

A Moral Context to Everything

A Moral Context to Everything

Gary discusses recent political battles around the country focusing on schools, the Bible, and prayer. Many Christians attempt to reach either the atheist or the agnostic by saying something to this effect: “I will set aside my belief in God so that I can prove to you that He exists. I will not depend upon my faith, so that I can show you that God’s existence is reasonable and not just my pe [...]

Down the Memory Hole

Down the Memory Hole

Gary discusses recent news articles and events that have been flushed by the liberal media because they don’t fit the narrative. No one is neutral, not even the person who claims to be neutral. Unbelieving professors, for example, are very capable of intellectual bullying. They will want you to lay aside your weapons, your defenses, your philosophy, and then bully you with their alleged know [...]

Biden's Resignation and Bible Prophecy

Biden's Resignation and Bible Prophecy

Gary discusses a recent article that speculates about the potential end of the Biden presidency and sensational interpretations of Bible prophecy. We should be wary of allowing current events to shape the way Scripture is interpreted. There is a long history of failure. God had promised to give the land of Canaan to Israel (Num. 13:1–2). Just as God was about to bring the Israelites into the land, [...]

It Goes With You

It Goes With You

Gary concludes his talk on 2 Timothy 3 on today’s podcast. The Christian worldview does not apply only to religious topics, it applies to every area of life and every situation. Truth is manifestly opposed to error and there is much error being promoted and taught today. The Christian worldview is necessary to correct and direct right thinking and living. King David is confronted by Nathan t [...]

We're Becoming a National 'Indian Reservation'

We're Becoming a National 'Indian Reservation'

While at the April 9th Cross Politic event in Rapid City, South Dakota, I participated in a political forum with three Republican candidates: Steven Haugaard, a member of the South Dakota House of Representatives, representing District 10, running for Governor; State Representative Taffy Howard, also a member of the South Dakota House of Representatives, representing District 33, running for the U [...]

Smiley-Face Fascism

Smiley-Face Fascism

We’ve been taught that fascism is a foreign-born ideology that spawned the political aspirations of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. In reality, fascism has had a long history in America and has been resurrected by people who believe that power guided by good intentions can do no harm. They are ignorant of history and human nature. We don’t have to go abroad to find examples of fascism. Fascism [...]

The Philosopher Kings of D.C.

The Philosopher Kings of D.C.

On today’s podcast, Gary discusses taxes, politics, the elite, and Bernie Sanders. Socialist Bernie wants to tax those evil rich people that can afford super-yachts. The way for politicians to sell a tax increase to a majority of voters is to persuade middle-class voters that only the rich will pay the new tax. Middle-class voters keep buying this obvious lie. They are told that there is too [...]

The Prophetic Mess that 'Rosh' is Russia

The Prophetic Mess that 'Rosh' is Russia

The Internet is filled with claims that modern-day Russia is the rosh of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Those who believe this rarely read the chapters in terms of the time the prophecy was revealed to Ezekiel, the weapons used in battle, and parallels to other parts of Scripture. There’s a much simpler solution. A Beginner's Guide to Interpreting Bible Prophecy With so much prophetic material, it seems d [...]

We Must Do Our Own Homework

We Must Do Our Own Homework

When error comes, it always rides in on the wings of truth.[1] Nikita Khrushchev (1894–1971), the late Premier of the former Soviet Union, described a time in the Communist republic’s history when a wave of petty theft was sweeping through the government-owned plants. To curtail the stealing, guards were placed at factory entrances to watch the laborers as they entered and departed. At the Leningr [...]

Russia, Ukraine, and Ezekiel 38-39

Russia, Ukraine, and Ezekiel 38-39

On today’s podcast, Gary responds to an article’s assumption that Russia and the current invasion of Ukraine are fulfilling Bible prophecy based on Ezekiel 38-39. The twentieth century is replete with books and articles assuring readers that Russia is clearly mentioned in the Bible. Nearly every modern-day prophecy book comes to the same conclusion. Russia is Ezekiel’s “Gog,” with its [...]

The 1980 National Affairs Briefing Revisited

The 1980 National Affairs Briefing Revisited

The National Affairs Briefing Conference was held in Dallas, Texas, in August of 1980. Then-candidate Ronald Reagan was in attendance and delivered a speech. You can view and listen to Reagan’s speech here. Dr. North also spoke. The following article was written by Dr. North about the NABC. As you will see, little has changed… _____________________________ Guest article by Dr. Gary North [I [...]

The Sword and the Keys

The Sword and the Keys

As institutions, Church and State are separate but not so separate that either one can deny the law of God as it applies to each of them. “This separation in no way implies a radical antithesis between God and State, between Christianity and State, between morality and State, between Bible and State." [1] The biblical relationship between Church and State must be considered. A jurisdictional [...]

The Real Meaning of the First Amendment

The Real Meaning of the First Amendment

Family, church, and civil governments reflect the self-government of the people, whether good or bad. At the civil level, a nation gets what it votes for. Civil government, no matter how righteously conceived, cannot make people better. Leadership, like water, rises to its own level, the righteousness or unrighteousness of the people. George Washington, in his Farewell Address, gave this advice to [...]