Where Do 'Values' Come From in a Matter-Only World?

Where Do 'Values' Come From in a Matter-Only World?

In a previous article, I mentioned an episode from the TV series Boston Legal and the firm’s choice to defend a school-board member who fired three teachers who would not teach Intelligent Design (ID) along with evolution in the science classroom. You can read it here. Next up on the witness stand was Roberta Turner, one of the teachers who refused to teach the theory of evolution alongside the th [...]

Student Debt and Loaves and Fishes

Student Debt and Loaves and Fishes

Gary discusses the next phase of the Democrats’ disastrous economic policy in an attempt to buy votes in future elections. There are two owners: the lender and the borrower. The lender owns money. This is a capital asset. It could be used for consumption purposes, but the owner is a capitalist. He prefers to put his money to use in order to gain even more money later on. He looks for borrowe [...]

What's Lacking in the Constitution

What's Lacking in the Constitution

The following is from Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution: The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensa [...]

Big Government and Small Citizens

Big Government and Small Citizens

Gary answers a listener question about the tension between God’s kingdom and man’s kingdom. Christians have always challenged the world when it was deep in the stench of paganism and ideological darkness. In the past, such conditions have brought out the best in the Christian worldview and those who extended it to the broader culture. Christianity infused the world with the light of th [...]

Leftist Selective Outrage Over Rosaries, Flags, and Words

Leftist Selective Outrage Over Rosaries, Flags, and Words

When the political party supported by the Left is in power, leftists believe any criticism of their policies is like an armed insurrection. The protests by some on January 6, 2021, have been depicted as a full-scale revolution designed to take over the existing government while numerous violent protests, burned buildings, and dead police officers across the United States in the past two years have [...]

Using Taxes as a Political Weapon

Using Taxes as a Political Weapon

Gary reveals little knows information from the 1970s proving that the IRS has a long history of using its power to push social agendas, including education. Many new private Christian schools were formed during the 1970s because negative changes in the public schools (completely unrelated to desegregation) had alerted parents of the need for specifically Christian education. These private schools [...]

Using the Bible to Support Abortion

Using the Bible to Support Abortion

Gary points out recent leftist abortion hypocrisy of attempting to appeal to the Bible on today’s episode. No one in his right mind would want to rehabilitate the reputations of Stalin, Mussolini, or Hitler. Their barbarism, treachery, and debauchery will make their names live in infamy forever. Amazingly though, Margaret Sanger has somehow escaped their wretched fate. In spite of the fact t [...]

Can Christians Judge People Outside the Church?

Can Christians Judge People Outside the Church?

There’s a Christian on Facebook who keeps using 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 to defend his claim that Christians cannot and should not judge people who are not Christians. This means that if a homosexual asks for a cake or flowers for a same-sex wedding, the Christian baker and the Christian florist must comply based on the following: “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those [...]

The Failure of Christian Socialism

The Failure of Christian Socialism

The recent passing of Ronald Sider is an opportunity for Gary to tell the sad history of Christian socialism in America. In 1972, a collection of articles by F. A. Hayek was published in Great Britain: A Tiger by the Tail. It was on central bank inflation. The tiger today is much larger. It is much more dangerous. The world is still on the tiger’s back. Money is the most marketable commodity. [...]

The Anti-Morality of Abortion

The Anti-Morality of Abortion

Gary discusses recent comments coming from rabid pro-abortionists about their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June. Former seminary and college professor Tremper Longman III claimed that pro-abortion advocate Joe Biden “is a devout Christian by all accounts.” All accounts? Supporting abortion on demand is not in any way a Christian view. The Democratic Party platfo [...]

America is NOT a Christian Nation

America is NOT a Christian Nation

Gary responds to a Facebook commenter who claimed America was not founded as a Christian nation. A single line in the first Treaty of Tripoli (ratified June 10, 1797) is often cited as incontrovertible evidence that our founders self-consciously denied any attachment to the Christian religion, and that there is a radical separation between religion and civil government. This conclusion is based up [...]

The Five-Point Covenant

The Five-Point Covenant

In this rebroadcast, Gary DeMar sits down with the late Dr. Gary North for a discussion about the five-point covenant model. In The Godfather books and films, Don Corleone is a lot like today’s politicians. He’s the man in charge. He grants political favors. He makes and enforces laws. He even collects taxes. The Mafia is run like a government. Five Points of Government Vito Corleone b [...]

The Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers

The Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Did you read in the news about the three mosques in the U.S. that were set on fire just the other weekend? Did you hear in the mainstream media about the scores of attacks, including some firebombings, of the Planned Parenthood facilities by pro-life extremists? Did you hear about the harassment of pro-abortion politicians and judges for their pro-abortion stance? You didn’t? Neither did I, becaus [...]

What the Founders Believed

What the Founders Believed

Gary responds to a statement from Hawaiian Sen. Mazie Hirono claiming that we have no idea what the Founding Fathers believed. One way to keep Christians out of the public arena, especially in the realm of politics, is to claim that there is a separation between Church and State. The argument is based on the assumption that in biblical times Church and State were merged, and in modern times the Fi [...]

Dobbs and What Comes Next

Dobbs and What Comes Next

Gary discusses the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade and what it means and what comes next. As citizens of political jurisdictions, Christians must submit themselves to those who rule because God has established the civil realm by His own sovereign will (Rom. 13:1). Keep in mind, however, that civil authorities are not absolute in the way they exercise their authority since they a [...]

Electric Cars and Government Intervention

Electric Cars and Government Intervention

Gary discusses electric cars, economics, and the current administration’s love affair with making political laws influenced by climate change. Almost every business in the United States started and prospered without the help of the government. This does not mean that once some businesses started and prospered that they did not try to use the power and authority of civil government to thwart [...]

Everyone Has a Worldview

Everyone Has a Worldview

In this second part of his interview with David Vaughn, Gary discusses worldviews and their importance. The Bible states, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7). True knowledge does not take place unless one begins with the presupposition that God exists and His Word is supreme. If the starting point is something other than God and His Word, then that other thing becomes [...]

Reclaiming the Moral Center

Reclaiming the Moral Center

Gary is interviewed by David Vaughn on his radio show, Worldview Matters. Gary and David discuss two big topics currently in the media: abortion and mass shootings. When the sixteenth-century German Reformer Martin Luther “was called to defend his rejection of indulgences before the church and before the emperor, Luther, alone and in peril of his life, appealed to the authority of the Word of God. [...]

Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Using the right word to get an unfamiliar and sometimes unpopular and counter-culture idea across to people is tactical. If someone wants to hide what is really going on, words that can mean almost anything are often used to serve as an ideological cover for repressive programs and ideologies. The word “gay” and the use of a rainbow flag offer cover for what the practice of homosexuality is all ab [...]

Economic Ignorance is Making Us Poor

Economic Ignorance is Making Us Poor

If you are going to debate a topic, it’s important that you define terms. So much of what our government does is based on muddied definitions of terms. You almost never hear the words “abortion” and “homosexuality” by advocates of these practices. They choose terms to obscure what really takes during an abortion and what kind of sex homosexuals engage in. To mask what is really going on, they lead [...]