What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

We’ve been taught that fascism is a foreign-born ideology that spawned the political aspirations of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Fascism has had a long history in America and has been resurrected by people who believe that power guided by good intentions can do no harm. They are ignorant of history and human nature. We don’t have to go abroad to find examples of fascism. The political philos [...]

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Political liberals, like Kamala Harris for instance, are more than willing to use every means necessary to get their message out, even breaking tax laws they supported. When, in 1800, President John Adams received a letter from Germany, proposing to send over to this country “a company of schoolmasters, painters, poets, etc., all of them disciples of Thomas Paine,” he made prompt and emphatic repl [...]

Christians, Politics, and the Upcoming Election

Christians, Politics, and the Upcoming Election

This November’s election will be the most impacting election our nation has faced because it deals with two opposing political philosophies. Being informed on the platforms of each political party is important to make intelligent decisions that will have long-term consequences for us, our children, and grandchildren. Should Christians be involved in politics? Should Christians vote? These and othe [...]

Dissent is Good and Necessary

Dissent is Good and Necessary

Leftists love to suppress dissent while decrying banning books. They devote a week to banned books while they regularly ban books. It’s a clever deception. Hillary Clinton is finally telling the truth. “Hillary Clinton Declares ‘We Lose Total Control’ If We Don’t ‘Moderate and Monitor’ Social Media Content More.” Leftists have been in the business of shutting down dissent for a very long time. So- [...]

The Lesser of Two Evils Conundrum

The Lesser of Two Evils Conundrum

Help us turn $10K into $20K! We do not know what a political candidate will do once in office. God did tell Samuel what Israel’s choice of a king would do, and the people still wanted this king (1 Sam. 8). We know what the Democrats have in store for us. We also know what establishment Republicans have in store for us. (I wrote some of this article in 2016. Substitute “Kamala” for &ldq [...]

Man is “In the Dock,” Not God

Man is “In the Dock,” Not God

The “Liberal Democrat” political party in the United Kingdom is demanding that a Christian politician, in defense of his beliefs, must prove in court the divinity of Jesus Christ. C.S. Lewis wrote a series of essays that were compiled and published in the book God in the Dock. To be “in the dock” means to be on trial. In the case proving the divinity of Jesus and the existence of God, the creature [...]

MAGA vs the DC Uniparty

MAGA vs the DC Uniparty

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Gary discusses MAGA, Trump, and the Washington DC political machine. Politics is one biblical sphere of God’s delegated temporal governments; family and church governments are two others. Politics (civil government) has a major impact on our lives. It’s the Christian’s duty to be involved, if only to keep the State from imposing its will over us and oppressing the chur [...]

The Pulpit and Politics

The Pulpit and Politics

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Dr. Jim Garlow has a great way of answering resistance to politics among Christians: “I’m not political, I’m Biblical, but you don’t recognize it. I’m governmental, and Biblical because God is. “Everybody understands that the Bible speaks to the personal issues of life, nobody argues that; everybody understands that the Bible speaks to the family issues of life, nobody [...]

You're Paying for All of It

You're Paying for All of It

Gary discusses the economic envy and what is being “promised” by a certain presidential campaign. God owns everything, yet He is not tempted by evil (James 1:13), for He is righteous. The fact that a rich man forsakes God is not due to his riches “seducing” him, but to his own evil heart. You could as easily say that the poor man’s lack of possessions “seduces&r [...]

My Experience with Fake News and ‘Red Meat Journalism’

My Experience with Fake News and ‘Red Meat Journalism’

Help us turn $10K into $20K! The secular press wants to interview me. I should say “wanted to interview” me. I said no. Here’s the first email I received: I’m a journalist at ProPublica, and I’m starting to research stories about the influence of faith on the electorate this year. I’d be very grateful to chat with Mr. DeMar, given his expertise, about some of his thoughts for what we might expect [...]

Three-Fifths Clause and the Electoral College

Three-Fifths Clause and the Electoral College

Help us turn $10K into $20K! On today’s podcast, Gary answers a commenter on Facebook that doesn’t know much about history, or at least about U.S. Constitutional history. Bureaucracy is the rule or manipulation of a people by non-elected officials and civil servants. As a civil government grows and assumes additional governing responsibilities, it must appoint governing officials to im [...]

It’s Political Déjà vu All Over Again

It’s Political Déjà vu All Over Again

Little has changed when it comes to American politics. The names have changed, but the policies are the same. The same is true of voters. Prior to 1976, there was no designated Christian voting bloc. Christians were dragged into politics as a designated group kicking and screaming. They had all kinds of excuses: • Jesus didn’t get mixed in politics. • We can’t impose our morality on other people. [...]

Guns Aren’t the Problem

Guns Aren’t the Problem

Gary discusses the tyrannical nonsense of wanting to infringe gun rights as a response to criminal activity. Once again, there’s talk about more gun control in the United States. It happens every time some lunatic decides he wants to kill people. Gun control laws do not affect people who want to murder people. Murder is a crime, and yet people still murder. The vast majority of people in the Unite [...]

From 1864 to Now

From 1864 to Now

Gary discusses the historical conditions and motivations behind an important book written in the 19th century. Our forefathers in the faith did not retreat from involvement in society and politics. They did not turn civil government—the making, enforcement, and adjudication of laws—over to Satan and those who serve him. They did not surrender the ministry of civil government to those who are in re [...]

The Scripted Episode of Presidential Politics

The Scripted Episode of Presidential Politics

The craziness of the current political situation is difficult to deny; it’s like watching an episode of scripted television. Jim Jones had his followers believing that he had supernatural powers. They would do anything for such a “gifted” spiritual leader, especially if he had power over life and death. But Jones had no special powers. He used deception and the irrational willingness of peop [...]

JD Vance and an Idol of Bread

JD Vance and an Idol of Bread

Gary responds to certain Christians concerned with Donald Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance. Christians cannot shrink from the scene when political decisions are hard to make. We need to be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:16) while recognizing that “the sons of this age are often more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light” (Luke 16:8). We live in a sinful wor [...]

Violent Rhetoric from the Left

Violent Rhetoric from the Left

Gary points out the ongoing hypocrisy of the media and social media allowing liberal celebrities to say and post the most outlandish comments about Donald Trump. With so much debate, how does anyone know what the First Amendment means? An interpreter of any document as important as the Constitution must consider the historical circumstances that led to its formation, the vocabulary of the period, [...]

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

Monty Python’s John Cleese reacted to the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump by, naturally, pointing the finger at the NRA and calling for gun control. (There are some reports that the now dead assassin had explosives in his car. Let’s not forget the Oklahoma City bomber killed 168 people including children in a daycare center and injured over 680 others using fertilizer [...]

The Religion of Statism

The Religion of Statism

Gary continues his interview with Paul Stevenson about politics and freedom and the decline of western culture. When Jehoshaphat initiated reforms, one of the first areas of reformation was the judicial system: ‘‘And he appointed judges in the land in all the fortified cities of Judah, city by city. And he said to the judges, ‘Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for [...]

Career Politicians on Both Sides

Career Politicians on Both Sides

Gary discusses international politics with Paul Edward Stevenson, a radio host from Britain. A careful reading of Scripture will show that the State (civil government) has almost no authority to regulate education, business, welfare, and ecclesiastical affairs. For example, the only time education of children is taken on by the State is when the people of God are held captive by a pagan government [...]