The Ten Commandments of Secular Statism

The Ten Commandments of Secular Statism

John Wycliffe of Oxford University produced the first hand-written translation of the New Testament into English in the 14th Century, he wrote in the preface: “The Bible is given for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The Bible was not given only for religious people of a particular theological persuasion; it was designed to be a standard for everyone and every gover [...]

The Household and the State

The Household and the State

To deny the validity of the many governments and the responsibilities that each has under God, would be to deny the authority that belongs to each of them in their designated realm of activity. If we as individuals neglect our personal governing duties, then we can expect the State to assume the role of all other legitimate governments and claim to be the sole government, while labeling all others [...]

Obeying God and Not Men

Obeying God and Not Men

Gary discusses several principles from his book God and Government to a class of homeschoolers. A brief survey of the Bible and its principles will show that it has directives for all areas of life. Does this, however, include civil government? Is God as concerned about the structure and principles of political systems as He is about families? Or, has God left the area of political systems for man [...]

Hijacking the Declaration in Defense of Abortion and Atheism

Hijacking the Declaration in Defense of Abortion and Atheism

Vice President Kamala Harris loves abortion. She and many more like her believe it’s a political sacrament, a religious rite that’s necessary to “save democracy” by killing off the future. It makes perfect sense if you are a self-absorbed secularist which she is. Her latest manipulation to give gravitas to her views is an appeal to the Declaration of Independence. On the 50th anniversary of the Ro [...]

Speech is not Free

Speech is not Free

Speech is not free in the sense of being without cost; it’s free (at least theoretically) in the sense of being without restraint. What you don’t know can kill you, and in the case of ignorance about our nation’s founding document, it can turn you into a slave to the State. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution because the states were not satisfied with the claim that the Constitution w [...]

Castaways in a Suicidal Culture

Castaways in a Suicidal Culture

Gary discusses an article on the Front Page Magazine website about the current state of craziness in western culture. The Stylites lived on pillars (stylos is the Greek word for “pillar”). These “pillar saints,” as they were called, followed the example of a recluse named Simeon who lived in the fourth century. Simeon’s desire to be a super-spiritual saint began when he was a boy. He chose the lif [...]

Paul's Man of Lawlessness

Paul's Man of Lawlessness

Gary responds to a listener question regarding the “man of lawlessness” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2. In his description of the man of lawlessness, Paul makes it clear that he had a contemporary figure in mind. First, he tells the Thessalonians that “the mystery of lawlessness is already at work” (2 Thess. 2:7). Second, the Thessalonians knew what was presently restraining the man of [...]

Population Bomb False Prophet Still a Media Favorite

Population Bomb False Prophet Still a Media Favorite

Paul Ehrlich was interviewed by CBS’ 60 Minutes for its opening 2023 broadcast. Do the people at 60 Minutes vet the people they interview, especially those who claim to be authorities on a particular subject? The thing is, not a single prediction of Ehrlich’s since 1968 has come true. Ehrlich is a biologist and professor emeritus of population studies at Stanford University, a member of the Americ [...]

Of "Morons" and "Idiots"

Of "Morons" and "Idiots"

Facebook is not the place to find the best information and/or rebuttals to biblical content. The same can be true of the Internet in general. Here’s one I found interesting. When someone like the following person engages in personal attacks, be on your guard. You are about to be thrown a pile of theological manure passed off as food for thought. The following is so bad that I believe it’s necessar [...]

A Whirlwind of a Year

A Whirlwind of a Year

It’s been a productive year at American Vision and Gary looks back at what was accomplished and ahead to upcoming projects in 2023. Please consider a year-end donation to help advance the message and ministry in the coming year. Gary recaps what’s been done, what’s being worked on, and what’s to come. As a donation-based ministry, American Vision uses your funds as efficien [...]

Thank You for Your Support!

Thank You for Your Support!

Dear American Vision Family, American Vision has had a great year, thanks to all of you! When I returned to American Vision about three years ago, we were in dire straits. Our inventory was sold off at discount prices to stay solvent. Things looked bleak. Praise God, we’ve had a marvelous turnaround. While there are some books still out of print, we continue to produce new material. Last year we f [...]

Let's Keep Christmas Commercialized

Let's Keep Christmas Commercialized

by David Chilton Click here to listen to the podcast based on this article. Every year about this time, there rises a hue and cry about the “commercialization” of Christmas, accompanied by impassioned pleas to get back to the “real meaning” of the celebration. Too much time and money, we hear, are spent on the public side of the holiday — the hustle and bustle of shopping, the lavish decorations, [...]

How Leftists Turn the Christmas Story into a Political Nightmare

How Leftists Turn the Christmas Story into a Political Nightmare

Please consider a year-end donation to keep articles like this one coming in 2023. Every Christmas liberals have tried to make the Christmas story about some Leftist program. Leftists have little regard for the Bible unless it can be used to scold Christians for judging righteously (Matt. 7:1-2; John 7:24) and supporting socialism based on voluntary giving (Acts 2:42-45; 4:32-35). In the same brea [...]

Having Questions About the Bible

Having Questions About the Bible

Gary and Robert Cruickshank discuss how questions they had about what they were reading in the Bible led them to where they are today. Preaching about the soon coming of Christ has long been used by Christian prophecy teachers as a way of pleading with the lost to commit themselves to Jesus Christ. Such a motivating device can backfire on even the most well–intentioned evangelist. What happens if [...]

Are Christmas Trees Pagan?

Are Christmas Trees Pagan?

Critics of Christmas need not reply. Every Christmas there is the inevitable talk about a “war on Christmas.” Not all opposition comes from secularists, atheists, and Muslims. Some Christians believe the Bible does not set aside the birth of Jesus as a special calendar day to honor His birth because such a celebration violates the “regulative principle of worship.” Others believe Christmas has a p [...]

The Intersection of Faith and Culture

The Intersection of Faith and Culture

Gary discusses how he came to understand the importance of politics, government, history, culture, and a biblical worldview. All argumentation will inevitably be taken back to a single philosophical starting point from which the person arguing will appeal for ultimate authority to support his worldview. Numerous starting-points are put forward as the foundational basis for thinking straight: · rat [...]

How Is Your Bible Constructed?

How Is Your Bible Constructed?

While I was a student at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, I was also the Assistant Manager of the bookstore. The bookstore afforded me the opportunity to learn about books, not only the authors and their content but their construction. Books from Great Britain had the best bindings. Hardback books published by the Banner of Truth Trust were beautifully designed. Older works f [...]

A Gospel-First Foreign Policy

A Gospel-First Foreign Policy

Gary concludes his discussion with Luke and Joy by addressing politics and foreign policy. At the close of the war George Washington said, “I must be permitted to consider the wisdom and unanimity of our national councils, the firmness of our citizens, and the patience and bravery of our troops, which have produced so happy a termination of the war, as the most conspicuous effects of the Divine in [...]

Giving Thanks For "The Many signal Favors of Almighty God"

Giving Thanks For "The Many signal Favors of Almighty God"

On Thursday, September 24, 1789, the first House of Representatives voted to recommend—in its exact wording—the First Amendment of the newly drafted Constitution to the states for ratification. The next day, Congressman Elias Boudinot from New Jersey proposed that the House and Senate jointly request of President Washington to proclaim a day of thanksgiving for “the many signal favors of Almighty [...]

History and the Need for a Military

History and the Need for a Military

Gary continues his interview with Luke and Joy from Apologia Radio. “Religion supports valor by inspiring faith in the providence of God. Every Christian believes that the purposes and plans of God include, either directly or permissively, all the events of time, and that such are the resources of Divine power, wisdom, and goodness, that all things will be overruled to the final triumph of right. [...]