Playing the Gnosticism Card

Playing the Gnosticism Card

Not long ago, I received an email from a woman who asked me if I could direct her to some information that refutes Gnosticism. She wrote that a friend of hers “claims to be on an extraordinarily intense spiritual ‘pilgrimage’ of ‘really pressing in to know God intimately’—but this guy has in effect divorced himself from the material world and from all relationships (including his wife and 10 child [...]

Ezekiel's Battle is History

Ezekiel's Battle is History

Gary interacts with a short video by Jack Hibbs discussing what’s happening in the Middle East and claiming it’s a fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39, Gog and Magog. Getting the interpretation of prophecy right will help in dealing with those who are not familiar with the topic and see danger in some of the talk about an inevitable nuclear holocaust. When a prominent prophecy writer asso [...]

John Lightfoot on the ‘New Heavens and New Earth'

John Lightfoot on the ‘New Heavens and New Earth'

I love reading older commentaries that have not been tainted by elements of dispensationalism and where the authors had the freedom to publish their works without being shunned or denounced. Lightfoot is hard to go up against since his academic bona fides are difficult to question. Lightfoot was one of the original members of the Westminster Assembly that produced the Westminster Standards. His be [...]

Did the Jews Kill Jesus?

Did the Jews Kill Jesus?

Gary discusses an article and interview by Pastor Greg Laurie where he claims it is ridiculous to blame the Jews for Jesus’ death. Preterists believe that the events described in Matthew 24:1-34 were fulfilled in the events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. “The guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of [...]

For The Glory of God and Advancement of the Christian Faith

For The Glory of God and Advancement of the Christian Faith

This article was originally published by David Lane of The American Renewal Project On December 22, 1620, the Puritans, one hundred and one in number, disembarked and set foot on land at Plymouth Rock. Thus began a new era in the history of the world. Their first act after leaving the Mayflower was to kneel, pray, and offer thanksgiving to God in the name and for the sake of Christ, taking possess [...]

Should We Still Be Celebrating the Lord’s Supper?

Should We Still Be Celebrating the Lord’s Supper?

Since I’ve been studying eschatology, there has been a great deal of pushback. First it came from dispensationalists. This was expected since it’s where I spent most of my time and effort. It’s the dominant view today. In fact, it’s dominated the prophetic landscape for nearly 200 years. End-time thinking, and prophetic prognostication goes back further as Francis X. Gumerlock demonstrates in his [...]

Sola Scriptura, or Who Will Interpret the Interpreters?

Sola Scriptura, or Who Will Interpret the Interpreters?

I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church. My Catholic upbringing included Catholic school through the fifth grade and serving as an altar boy through my teen years. My first dose of a foreign language was Latin, a prerequisite if you were an altar boy in the 1950s and 1960s. After becoming a Christian in 1973, I began to question several Catholic doctrines based on the Bible. It was sola scriptur [...]

We Need a Council on Eschatology

We Need a Council on Eschatology

While the Creeds and Confessions take us so far on the topic of eschatology, so many of the proof texts used to support their arguments are misplaced. Other than a future judgment of the living and the dead and the resurrection of the body/dead, and that God’s “kingdom will have no end … and the life of the world to come,” little else is said about eschatology (i.e., future things) in most histori [...]

The Final Response

The Final Response

Gary concludes his response to his critics with this episode. What about Revelation 1:7 which states, “BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him” (cf. Isaiah 40:5), even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the land will mourn over Him”? The fact that “those who pierced Him” would see this event take place, we must conclude that what was revealed to John [...]

The Bereans Examined the Scriptures Daily

The Bereans Examined the Scriptures Daily

Gary continues his response to his questioning critics. Listen to Part 4 here. Jesus was not declaring a new set of rules for the church to obey by discounting what had been written in what Christians know as the “Old Testament.” He was simply holding His first-century audience accountable for how they were misreading Scripture and urging them not to rely on what they had heard was written. For ex [...]

Things We Know and Things We Don't

Things We Know and Things We Don't

A new statement has appeared from the same group demanding answers from Gary. Scripture verses have finally been included, giving him a place to begin interacting with both the original three questions and the statement. Modern writers from all different eschatological positions are beginning to recognize the historical fact that preterist interpretations of John’s visions are not a novelty that h [...]

The ‘Jesus Revolution’ and the Always Soon Coming of Jesus

The ‘Jesus Revolution’ and the Always Soon Coming of Jesus

Listen to the podcast on this topic here The Asbury Revival and the release of the film The Jesus Revolution have gotten a lot of media attention. The reviews of the Jesus Revolution have been good. With Kelsey Grammar, fortunately replaced Jim Gaffigan, playing Chuck Smith (1927-2013), it should be good in terms of production value. Here’s the storyline: Inspired by a true movement, JESUS REVOLUT [...]

The Restoration of Israel

The Restoration of Israel

With AD30 in the rear-view mirror and AD70 still to occur, the New Testament documents are written during a short time period with a high level of expectancy and imminency. Kim Burgess continues his look at Romans 11, especially verses 25-26. Salvation comes to the Gentiles through the Jews, not in spite of them. Paul says he was in chains “for the hope of Israel” in Acts 28:20. So wha [...]

What Does the Bible Teach?

What Does the Bible Teach?

The FIRST of several podcasts about the “Three Questions Letter” controversy has been made public for all the world to see. By scrolling down to the end of this article, you will find the link. I will be recording a SECOND podcast to be posted soon after. Depending on how far I get in the SECOND podcast, there will most likely be a THIRD. What I can guarantee is some very interesting i [...]

The Jesus Movement and Movie

The Jesus Movement and Movie

Gary discusses the current movie, Jesus Revolution, which tells the story of the Jesus Movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It is upon a final standard—a standard to which no greater appeal is made—that all worldviews rest.[1] What we are looking for in our apologetic task is a reliable gauge of truth that does not depend on the fallible, finite, and fallen character of man for validation. [...]

Spiritual Charlatans

Spiritual Charlatans

Gary riffs on one of his favorite side-topics: spiritual manipulation and magic. Jeane Dixon, astrologer and alleged “psychic,” became famous when she supposedly predicted that John F. Kennedy would be assassinated sometime during either his first or second term of office. It was in 1952 that Dixon claimed that “the 1960 election… will be dominated by labor and won by a Democrat. But he wil [...]

Why Creation and Eschatology Can’t be Separated

Why Creation and Eschatology Can’t be Separated

The Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed describe God as “Creator of heaven and earth”/ “Maker of heaven and earth.” Nothing is said about the age of the earth. The Westminster Confession of Faith states the following, but does not say anything about how old the earth is: It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, [...]

Secular Fundamentalism

Secular Fundamentalism

Gary was interviewed by Jay Rudolph on the Plumb Line radio program. God assures believers He will “abolish all rule and all authority and power” in opposition to His kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:24). While Satan rails against the church, God promises “the gates of Hades shall not overpower” it (Matthew 16:18). Jesus describes the church as a marching army, ready and able to move against the stationa [...]

What Do We Do Now?

What Do We Do Now?

Gary participated in a round-table discussion recently about Christian worldview and cultural response. Too many Christians believe that what they believe personally has no bearing on the political sphere. It was one of the reasons that often Christians opposed slavery personally but did not oppose it politically. They believed there were two standards—one for the Church and one for the State. The [...]

The Ten Commandments of Secular Statism

The Ten Commandments of Secular Statism

John Wycliffe of Oxford University produced the first hand-written translation of the New Testament into English in the 14th Century, he wrote in the preface: “The Bible is given for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The Bible was not given only for religious people of a particular theological persuasion; it was designed to be a standard for everyone and every gover [...]