Paul and the Near Eschaton

Paul and the Near Eschaton

Gary responds to a podcast episode where a biblical scholar reinterprets Paul as being purely “heavenly-minded.” Old Testament Israel was Yahweh’s chosen means to bring salvation to the Gentile nations of the world. Not understanding this principle gets us off track. People think that eschatology, because of the influence of the historic creeds of the Church and of the various systemat [...]

The Time Was Indeed Very Short

The Time Was Indeed Very Short

Ron Rhodes appeals to Revelation 3:10 to support the pre-trib rapture view in his book Bible Prophecy Under Siege. (See Parts One and Two) Here’s what he has to say in support of his view: This verse reveals that church saints will be kept from the actual time period of testing, not just the testing itself…. That Revelation 3:10 refers to a rapture before this future period of worldwide testing is [...]

Remaking ‘Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving’ in the Image of Woke

Remaking ‘Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving’ in the Image of Woke

The woke Social Justice Warriors were out in full military regalia after watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving that originally aired in 1973. Franklin Armstrong, the only black child featured in the animated feature is sitting in a lawn chair alone on one side of the table. To the woke crowd, this is racism pure and simple because, as you know, everything is racist. I guess not having a “person of [...]

Kirk Cameron on Optimism and Victory: An Interview

Kirk Cameron on Optimism and Victory: An Interview

Gary interviews his longtime friend, Kirk Cameron, about how he came to embrace a new view of Christianity and the world. One of the reasons we are in this cultural and political mess is partly due to a misunderstanding of particular prophetic texts that claim to teach that the “rapture of the church” is inevitably near (for 2000 years?). Why do battle when “the Antichrist” is inevitably going to [...]

Meaninglessness and Its Consequences

Meaninglessness and Its Consequences

When a person loses hope and does not see meaning in this life, inevitable consequences follow. Giving up on life is the result of life having no meaning. Why bother if we are nothing but a conglomeration of atoms and molecules animated by an electrical charge? There’s no meaning in that. How does a civilization survive and grow when previous generations strip life of meaning. A life without meani [...]

The Legacy of Rousas J. Rushdoony

The Legacy of Rousas J. Rushdoony

Gary interviews the late Dr. Gary North about his own personal history and how he came to know and be mentored by Dr. Rousas Rushdoony. Eventually, men confess their true faith, even men who do not expect to win. This is an important theological point. Men’s ability to remain confessionally lukewarm is drastically limited. They cannot always remain silent. Rushdoony has called this the pheno [...]

From Woodstock Nation to Sinking Ships

From Woodstock Nation to Sinking Ships

George Will called 1968 “perhaps the worst year in American History” and called the sixties “the most dangerous decade in America’s life as a nation.” [1] This is not surprising because of the continued escalation of the Vietnam War, the draft, and the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy. These events happened a year after the “Summer of Love” that began in the Haight- [...]

The Nation’s Pillars are Falling on Us

The Nation’s Pillars are Falling on Us

There’s word that Taylor Swift could affect the 2024 election (Biden is looking to her for help), the courts are out of control (crazy New York judges and juries are examples), and the people who take an oath to uphold the Constitution don’t know what it says, what it means, or how it applies. It’s not only Swift who could impact the election. Trump’s rape accuser says she will “do everything I ca [...]

We're Doomed Without Christianity

We're Doomed Without Christianity

Gary talks about recent comments from Elon Musk and an English rapper named Zuby. Unbelief leads to the destruction of every department of the university. But consider, more broadly, the modern university itself. Not only is there cancer growing in every department intellectually, but the university as a whole has no center, no unity. Originally, the university was called the uni-versity because s [...]

Satanic Morality

Satanic Morality

Gary discusses a recent question answered by Vivek Ramaswamy about the American government “propping up” Christianity and Christian Nationalism. Professor Stone is correct that there were traditional Christians and deists among the Founders. “Around the time of the American Revolution,” Robert Royal, president of the Faith and Reason Institute, writes that “a significant minority of th [...]

Does Isaiah 13 Predict the ‘End of the World’?

Does Isaiah 13 Predict the ‘End of the World’?

An image of Isaiah 13 from the Bible with some highlighted verses was posted on Facebook followed by a comment that stated that “the wrath of God is coming on the world,” that is, our world that was 2700 years in the future from the time the prophecy was given to Isaiah. Of course, God hasn’t stopped with judging the world when He sent Israel and Judah into captivity or with Babylon, the Medes and [...]

Don’t Yearn for the ‘Good Old Days’ Because They Weren’t that Good

Don’t Yearn for the ‘Good Old Days’ Because They Weren’t that Good

“In 1905, a Vermont doctor and his chauffeur were the first to successfully drive a car across the country from San Francisco to New York. It took them 63 days. Today you can fly cross country in a matter of hours while using wireless Internet.” — David Bahnsen It’s 2024 and to the surprise of many, we’re still here. We don’t know what the future will bring. With that in mind, many people are nost [...]

Harvard and the Demise of ‘Truth’ in Higher Education

Harvard and the Demise of ‘Truth’ in Higher Education

The battle for America is being fought on two fronts: In the courts and the universities. If these two institutions remain in the hands of liberals, reversing anti-Christian trends will take decades longer. The universities feed the law schools, the law schools corrupt the minds of impressionable law students, and the courts maintain the status quo. Our colonial founders understood that the garden [...]

Are Christmas Trees Pagan Symbols?

Are Christmas Trees Pagan Symbols?

Every Christmas there is the inevitable talk about a “war on Christmas.” Not all opposition comes from secularists, atheists, and Muslims (see here and here). Some Christians believe the Bible does not set aside the birth of Jesus as a special calendar day to honor His birth because such a celebration violates the “regulative principle of worship.” Acknowledging the birth of Jesus is biblical. Chr [...]

Betrayed by Feminism

Betrayed by Feminism

Gary discusses an article written by a woman who regrets pursuing her own goals and fulfillment in the workforce and being single. There is a worldview that seeks to make absolute the things of this world. A different spirit energizes man without God. This is the religion of humanism called secularism. A “secularist” is someone who “is completely time-bound, totally a child of his age, a creature [...]

The “Jesus Was a Refugee” Narrative

The “Jesus Was a Refugee” Narrative

Every Christmas liberals have tried to make the Christmas story about some Leftist program. The Bible is convenient when Leftists and their fellow Democrats want to snooker the religiously naïve public. We’ll see more of it this year because of the border and immigration issues that energize the Democrat Party. Leftists have little regard for the Bible unless it can be used to scold Christians for [...]

This Generation and Brood of Vipers

This Generation and Brood of Vipers

From the archives: Gary answers an interesting question that was submitted to the Michael Heiser podcast several years ago. “This generation” in Matthew 24:34 and the parallel passages in Mark 13 and Luke 21 refers to the generation of Jesus’ day. Following this biblical evidence, most Bible com­mentators have interpreted “this generation” in this way, understanding t [...]

The Enlightenment and Christianity in America

The Enlightenment and Christianity in America

Gary refutes the claim by revisionist historians that America was founded not on Christian principles but on Enlightenment ones. There would not have been an America if Darwin’s evolutionary worldview had been around in 17th and 18th-century America. There would not have been, in the words of the Declaration of Independence, any “inalienable rights” since there would not have been a Creator to end [...]

Naturally, Democrats Want to Abolish the Electoral College

Naturally, Democrats Want to Abolish the Electoral College

You remember Monica Lewinsky. She stated that she had nine sexual encounters with President Bill Clinton in the Oval Office. Her real expertise is coming out as a political analyst. She has written an article advocating for several amendments to the U.S. Constitution. One of her suggestions is to scrap the Electoral College system that’s used to elect the president. “The most fundamental underpinn [...]

The Beast in the Bunker

The Beast in the Bunker

Gary answers a listener question about the “number of the beast,” Nero, and Titus. The number 666 has long fascinated theologians and mathematicians. Maybe the interest in the number has something to do with the attainment of wisdom and understanding since to “calculate the number of the beast” will reward the diligent (Rev. 13:18). Wallace John Steinhope is the physicist in Paul Natha [...]