Harry Reid Wants to Reinstitute Slavery

Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada has described opponents of the controversial government healthcare bill as equivalent to those who opposed an immediate end to slavery. “You think you’ve heard these same excuses before? You’re right,” Reid said. “In this country there were those who dug in their heels and said, ‘Slow down, it’s too early. Let’s wait. Things aren’t bad enough’—about slavery.” The anti-sla [...]

The First Question to ask a Climate Scientist

Scientists live or die by grant money. In order for a teaching scientist to keep his job, he has to publish a certain number of peer reviewed articles every year. Ph.D. students choose a university based on the prestigious reputation of its faculty. The published articles and books are indicators of the school’s academic achievement. Over time, many of the articles took on an ideological ben [...]

Thanksgiving and God

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091126.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) On Thursday, September 24, 1789, the First House of Representatives voted to recommend—in its exact wording—the First Amendment to the states for ratification. The next day, Friday, September 25, Congressman Elias Boudinot from New Jersey proposed that the House and Senate jointly r [...]

Remember the Chicago Seven When You Think of the New York Five

“The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy. . . . ‘Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the Department of Justice, said Sunday that while the men may attempt to use the trial to express their views, ‘we have full confidence in the ability of the courts and in particular the federal judge who may preside over the trial to e [...]

It's Not Daylight Savings Time

Each and every year we spring forward moving our clocks ahead an hour in the Spring and fall back moving our clocks back and hour in the Fall. Not every state complies with these yearly rituals. There was a time when Daylight Saving Time was not observed in most of the Eastern Time Zone portion of Indiana and the states of Arizona and Hawaii. Making appointments in Indiana could be very confusing [...]

Is "V" About the Obama Administration?

“V” was a TV series that aired in 1983. It was about seemingly benevolent Visitors who came to earth to bring hope. People immediately took sides, some embracing the Visitors and others resisting. One elderly man was struck with how the Visitor’s rhetoric sounded so much like what he had heard growing up in during the time of the reise of Adolf Hitler. The Visitors are not what t [...]

What you Probably Didn't Know About Helen Keller

I’ve used the story of Helen Keller to teach the lesson that God’s people should never be content with scraps fed to us from the table of humanists. The first time Anne Sullivan sits down to eat with the Keller family, Helen is seen moving around the table taking food from each of the plates. When she gets to Sullivan’s plate, Helen meets an obstacle in the person of her new &ldq [...]

Selling ObamaCare Like Selling Hot Dogs

President Obama is trying desperately to sell his healthcare program to the nation. His latest stunt is a staged photo op at the White House Rose Garden with 150 doctors in tow from the 50 states. How would the people know that these men were doctors? “Doctors attending the event were instructed to show up in white lab coats to give observers the feeling that doctors stand behind the President&rsq [...]

High Gasoline Prices are Paying Off

If government had its way, oil prices would be regulated and “excessive” profits taxed. The majority of Americans support higher taxes on the oil companies because of short-term self-interest. This is why many of the people who are protesting the healthcare bill are really protesting the possibility that their present government healthcare benefits will be cut. The majority of Americans like gover [...]

The National Reform Association

In 1861, a small Presbyterian denomination known as the Covenanters, founded in 1809 in Western Pennsylvania, created a petition that pointed out that the Constitution made no reference to Jesus Christ and the law of God. “The petition received initial support from Senator Charles Sumner, and in 1862 two Covenanter ministers presented the document to President Lincoln. Lincoln was noncommittal. . [...]

The Age of Revelation

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090915-age-of-revelation.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) For several years, American Vision has been republishing a number of classic books that rarely see the light of day. When they can be found, they are extremely expensive to procure. We began with David Brewer’s The United States: A Christian Nation and Charles Gall [...]

Barack Obama Needs to Rent Ferris Bueller's Day Off

“In 1930, the Republican controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the… Anyone? Anyone?… the Great Depression, passed the…Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act which, anyone? anyone? Raised or lowered?… Raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not [...]

The Enlightened Before the Enlightenment

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090718-founders-enlightenment-french-american-jefferson-franklin-paine-christians-logic-reason.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Almost every modern critic of America’s Christian heritage makes the claim that America was founded solely on Enlightenment principles as they get to define them. For evidence they refer to Benja [...]

The RIGHT to Petition the Government

Sen. Barbara Boxer claims that “Well-dressed” protesters at Town Hall meetings are out to “hurt our president.” House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi claims protesters are “carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.” A DNC attack ad calls those who oppose latest round of legislative agenda “angry mobs” and “extremists.” The President is calling on people to forward emai [...]

The Moon-Landing Hoax

On July 20, 1969, two Americans landed on the moon. While railroads transformed commerce, communication, and travel in the United States, Moon landings abruptly stopped with no commercial benefits after six missions. There are still people, 40 years later, who believe it never happened. Whoopi Goldberg is the latest. Bill Kaysing thinks he knows why. Kaysing claims in his book We Never Went to the [...]

Walter Cronkite Was a Socialist

“We ought to be increasing our taxes. We who have it ought to be paying a lot more, but should insist on efficiency in expenditure.”—Walter Cronkite When Walter Cronkite was 89, he regretted having retired as the anchorman of CBS News. He wanted to be America’s “most trusted man” again. Cronkite was a socialist. Of course, you knew that, but let’s let “Uncle Walter” tell you himself. The September [...]

The Iroquois League and the U.S. Constitution

It’s been claimed that credit should be given to the Iroquois for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other vital instruments of liberty. The ideas expressed in these documents of liberty and representative government were not derived from Western Christianity but rather borrowed from Native American minority groups without given their due credit. “Anthropologist Thomas Riley asserts that th [...]

Swearing to Make the Pain Go Away

A new study shows that swearing might help to mute the pain of an injury. “It taps into emotional brain centers and appears to arise in the right brain, whereas most language production occurs in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain.” The researchers enlisted 64 undergraduate volunteers and had them submerge their hand in a tub of ice water for as long as possible while repeating a swear word [...]

Are You Smarter than an Arizona High School Student?

To determine students’ level of basic civic knowledge, The Goldwater Institute surveyed Arizona high school students with questions drawn from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) item bank, which consists of 100 questions given to candidates for United States citizenship. You can download a copy of the citizenship bank of questions here. The longstanding practice has bee [...]

Were the Founders Deists?

July 4th brings out the historical revisionists. One of the more kooky revisionist claims is that our Founding Fathers were Deists. Deism is a philosophical belief system that claims that God exists but is not involved in the world. While God created all things and set the universe in motion, He is no longer involved in its operation. Given this definition of deism, which of the founding fathers w [...]