Atheism Needs Christianity

Atheism Needs Christianity

What happens to the children of parents who espoused the Christian faith? Franky Schaeffer has repudiated his father’s work and much of his own work he did with and for his father. Josh Harris has denounced the faith of his father, Greg Harris. Jonathan Merritt is promoting same sex everything. His father is James G. Merritt, the Senior Pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Georgia. Ronald Reagan, Jr. [...]

Does the Bible Require Jesus to be Buried for 72 Hours?

Does the Bible Require Jesus to be Buried for 72 Hours?

I’ve been reading Dan Kimball’s book How (Not) To Read the Bible. It’s a well-constructed book with lots of illustrations that helps to make sense of the “antiwomen, anti-science, pro-violence, pro-slavery and other crazy-sounding parts of Scripture” that skeptics bring up in attempts to discredit the Bible. Some Christians won’t like all of Kimball’s explanations, especially when it comes to the [...]

The Wheat and the Weeds: When and Whom?

The Wheat and the Weeds: When and Whom?

Sam Waldron who teaches at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary has been writing on the topic of postmillennialism. In his “DatPostmil? #4: Does the Growth of the Kingdom Require Postmillennialism?” he discusses some of the parables of Jesus. While he agrees with the growth imagery of the parables, he dismisses “postmillennial implications of these passages,” in particular “the Parable of the Whe [...]

The Real Source of Asian Hate

The Real Source of Asian Hate

As usual, the Democrats jumped on the murders of several Asian massage parlor workers blaming the attack on former President Donald Trump. As they say, “never let a crisis go waste” even if it means lying about the crisis. For example, U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California, said the following on Twitter: “These murders occurred at a time when anti-Asian violence has been spiking. All offi [...]

Will California Mandate Pagan Worship in Schools?

Will California Mandate Pagan Worship in Schools?

In California schools, it would seem that Jesus is out, but worshiping human-sacrifice-requiring Aztec deities may soon be in. In a 1996 book I wrote with D. James Kennedy, The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail, which dealt with today’s anti-Christian bias, we noted the following: “San Jose, California. City officials built a statue of the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl, costing taxpayers half a million do [...]

Has the National Motto Changed?

Has the National Motto Changed?

Is recognition of God in the public arena today just a meaningless construct? It reminds me of politicians swearing in on a Holy Bible but not having the slightest clue what the Good Book says. If you asked the average American today, “What is the national motto of America?” I doubt that many of them would answer correctly. Of course, the answer is, “In God We Trust.” And it has been as such since [...]

Biblical Law and the Slave Trade

Biblical Law and the Slave Trade

Twenty-five years ago, I received a letter from a reader who disagreed with my assertion that the type of slavery practiced in the United States was unbiblical because it was the result of “man-stealing,” a practice that is condemned by the Bible. As you can tell from the following paragraph, he is passionate about his beliefs. But is he right? The Bible does not condemn slavery. The Bible does co [...]

The Mystery of the Missing Church

The Mystery of the Missing Church

A popular argument for a pre-tribulation rapture is the claim that while the “church” is mentioned 19 times in the first three chapters of the book of Revelation, in chapters 4–18, dispensationalist Mark Hitchcock writes, “there is absolute silence.” Similar to the way dispensationalists place a gap in time between the 69th and 70th weeks of Daniel 9:24–27, they place a gap between the last verse [...]

The First Steps Toward Tyranny

The First Steps Toward Tyranny

In terms of Christian theory, privatization means that the grand, global umbrella of faith has shrunk to the size of a plastic rain hat. Total life norms have become part-time values. In terms of Christian practice, watch your average Christian business person or politician. Are there family prayers at home before leaving for work? The private sphere. Are there Bible studies with colleagues at the [...]

It's Never Been About "Just the Facts"

It's Never Been About "Just the Facts"

If this past election has taught us anything, it tells us that facts don’t matter. Showing an image of a nearly full-term baby in his mother’s womb to members of Congress did not dissuade the Democrats from supporting abortion until and even after a baby’s birth. Democrats ignore the science and the empirical data behind the transgender movement. The ACLU has declared that there is no advantage fo [...]

George Washington Warned Us

George Washington Warned Us

Maybe it’s just me, but I am starting to come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi just doesn’t like former President Donald Trump. She seems to have been the driving force behind Trump Impeachment II. Jeff Charles of Red State calls it “the Democrats’ new production of ‘An Impeachment Story Part II: Maybe It’ll Work This Time.’” Impeachment is a Constitutional provision potentially to remove a sit [...]

The New Paradigm: We Suck

The New Paradigm: We Suck

Not every historical event can fit into a history curriculum. Historians are selective in what they choose to add to a history curriculum. This means that there is no neutrality when it comes to the study, research, compilation, teaching, and the “so what?” of history. Some historical facts and events are added, and some are left out. This is inevitable. The most crucial factor to understand writi [...]

When Religious Activism was Praised

When Religious Activism was Praised

The civil rights movement of the 1960s was influenced by those who brought morality to bear on issues related to race and equality. “For the first time in history, a single Protestant‑Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Jewish testimony was presented to Congress in support of legislation. Congress became aware that the religious community was aroused in a startlingly way. The participation of the religi [...]

The 1776 Report v. the 1619 Project

The 1776 Report v. the 1619 Project

The day Joe Biden was sworn in as President of the United States, The 1776 Report by former Pres. Donald Trump’s Advisory 1776 Commission disappeared from the White House website. The 1776 Report was a needed response to the New York Times Magazine 1619 Project that claimed that slavery was the foundation upon which the United States was founded. The United States was unofficially founded in 1776 [...]

The Violent History of Leftist Politics

The Violent History of Leftist Politics

Most people don’t realize it but today’s Leftist politics was birthed and incubated in violence against the system. The violent rhetoric and action of the 1960s and ending with the Kent State shootings in 1970, drove the radicals underground. They were the same radicals but they exchanged their bombs for college degrees, suits, and political ascendency. They became the system they said they despis [...]

Won't Know Much about History

Won't Know Much about History

The old song said, “Don’t Know Much About History.” But if Joe Biden gets his way, we could revise the title to “Won’t Know Much About History.” One of the last things outgoing-President Trump did was to sign an executive order on the 1776 Commission. It is geared toward teaching American school children about America’s true source of greatness. Yet one of the first things incoming-President Biden [...]

The Great Tribulation of Ezekiel 5

The Great Tribulation of Ezekiel 5

God tells Israel that He will not bring another calamity on Jerusalem like the one He brought in Ezekiel’s day: “And because of all your abominations, I will do among you what I have not done, and the like of which I will never do again” (Ezek. 5:9). One commentator who believes that there is yet to be a future Great Tribulation to surpass all the tribulations brought upon Israel writes the follow [...]

Beware of Romantic Revolutionaries

Beware of Romantic Revolutionaries

The reactions to the events since the November 3rd election have been mind boggling. Who could have thought that so much venom could be spewed by a major political party hell-bent on total destruction of its ideological rivals, a one-time competing political party that has lost what little courage it had to fight for ideals it claimed to have, and communication companies (one of the first areas to [...]

Was Preterism Invented by the Jesuits?

Was Preterism Invented by the Jesuits?

One of the arguments used against preterism is that it was developed by Spanish Jesuit Luis De Alcazar (1554–1613) who wrote a commentary titled Vestigio Arcani Sensus in Apocaplysi or Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse in which “he proposed that all of Revelation applied to the era of pagan Rome and the first six centuries of Christianity.” Here’s a typical example: “The Praeteri [...]

How Great is the Great Commission?

How Great is the Great Commission?

What was Adam and Eve’s original task? Was it to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with people who would deny God and His ownership of and authority over everything? Not at all. Of course, the fall disturbed the original plan, but the plan has not changed. The world does not belong to God’s highest creation or the devil. In Matthew 28:18–20 Christ, after stating that He (not the church) [...]