What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

We’ve been taught that fascism is a foreign-born ideology that spawned the political aspirations of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Fascism has had a long history in America and has been resurrected by people who believe that power guided by good intentions can do no harm. They are ignorant of history and human nature. We don’t have to go abroad to find examples of fascism. The political philos [...]

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Political liberals, like Kamala Harris for instance, are more than willing to use every means necessary to get their message out, even breaking tax laws they supported. When, in 1800, President John Adams received a letter from Germany, proposing to send over to this country “a company of schoolmasters, painters, poets, etc., all of them disciples of Thomas Paine,” he made prompt and emphatic repl [...]

It’s Time to Talk Again About God’s Kingdom

It’s Time to Talk Again About God’s Kingdom

[Those who reject special revelation] are like the Irishman who preferred the moon to the sun, because the sun shines in the day-time when there is no need of it, while the moon shines in the night time; so these moralists, shining by the borrowed, reflected light of Christianity, think they have no need of the sun, from whose radiance they get their pale moonlight.[1] I’ve watched a series of sho [...]

Columbus Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

Columbus Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

There was hardly a peep out of Monday being Columbus Day. The malcontents are happy enough to get the day off with pay. A new revelation (which is an old claim) is that “Spanish researchers have claimed that DNA and other analyses indicate that Christopher Columbus likely came from a Jewish family in Spain.” This should give some of the same people more reasons to hate him. The usual dissenters co [...]

Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Gary points out that making mental connections between things that interest you is a helpful way to learn and remember new things. The brain is a magnificent creation. A typical adult’s brain contains fifteen billion to one hundred billion neurons. If we accept the lower estimate, this means that you and I can remember two-to-the-ten-billionth-power bits of information. How big is this number? It [...]

Get Yourself Educated

Get Yourself Educated

Gary interacts with a recent clip from Charlie Kirk where a questioner asks Kirk about “common law” and America’s founding. When modern-day critics of America’s Christian heritage argue that America was founded by deists on Enlightenment principles and call into evidence Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson and for good measure James Madison, John Adams, and [...]

Unbiblical and Dangerous Prophecy Teachings about Israel

Unbiblical and Dangerous Prophecy Teachings about Israel

There’s confusion today regarding the last days and the role Israel is said to play. I hope the following will clear up some of the mischaracterizations of Israel and the last days. Are we to believe that after 2000 years a single last-days generation of Jews living in Israel will be slaughtered during soon to occur Great Tribulation based on a reading of Zechariah 13:7-9? “It will come about in a [...]

The Pulpit and Politics

The Pulpit and Politics

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Dr. Jim Garlow has a great way of answering resistance to politics among Christians: “I’m not political, I’m Biblical, but you don’t recognize it. I’m governmental, and Biblical because God is. “Everybody understands that the Bible speaks to the personal issues of life, nobody argues that; everybody understands that the Bible speaks to the family issues of life, nobody [...]

Episode 5: Jesus' 'Soon' Coming Under the Microscope

Episode 5: Jesus' 'Soon' Coming Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 5 Gary responds to recent comments made by Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson’s national tour. The literal meaning of Scripture “embraces the normal, everyday, common understanding of the terms of the Bible. Words are given the meaning they normally have in common communication.” The interpreter should be mindful of the “historical setting.” Sentences o [...]

Episode 4: The Olivet Discourse Under the Microscope

Episode 4: The Olivet Discourse Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 4 Gary puts Matthew 24, or what is commonly called Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, under the microscope. The question before us is simple: Does the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24; Mark 13; and Luke 21) describe signs that were fulfilled in (1) events leading up to and including the destruction of the temple in AD 70, (2) a future generation, (3) a past gener [...]

Three-Fifths Clause and the Electoral College

Three-Fifths Clause and the Electoral College

Help us turn $10K into $20K! On today’s podcast, Gary answers a commenter on Facebook that doesn’t know much about history, or at least about U.S. Constitutional history. Bureaucracy is the rule or manipulation of a people by non-elected officials and civil servants. As a civil government grows and assumes additional governing responsibilities, it must appoint governing officials to im [...]

Fallen, Finite, and Fallible

Fallen, Finite, and Fallible

Gary answers two listener questions, one about the Bible itself and another about sovereign citizenship. We do not defend the Christian faith as a series of separate propositions. We defend the whole package. Men are in sin. God in His grace has pursued man and has provided a revelation of himself. And what we are defending is the entire Bible. There is no way around it. And in the Bible, Jesus is [...]

Episode 3: The Man of Sin (Part Two)

Episode 3: The Man of Sin (Part Two)

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 3 On this third episode of Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope, Gary continues his study of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the “man of lawlessness.” II. The temple A. The temple was still standing when Paul wrote his letters to the Thessalonians. “[T]he hearer would naturally think of the Jerusalem temple, which would stand for two decades more.” B. [...]

From the Top-Down and Bottom-Up

From the Top-Down and Bottom-Up

The emphasis of the Moral Majority in 1980 was about politics even though Jerry Falwell and other Evangelicals disputed this charge. What Falwell and others meant was that the Bible has something to say about politics. Of course it does. Politics was a necessary initial emphasis when one considers the damage that has been inflicted on our nation by our national government, special interest groups, [...]

What Happened in 2023? (Part Two)

What Happened in 2023? (Part Two)

In this concluding part, Gary continues giving his side of the story, as well as the biblical exegesis that informs his own views on eschatology. One of the most wonderful benefits of fulfilled prophecy, over against the speculations of self-appointed prophetic speculators, is that fulfilled prophecy can be used to support the Bible’s own claim that it is indeed the very Word of God. For example, [...]

Is the Church of England Right to Drop the Word ‘Church’?

Is the Church of England Right to Drop the Word ‘Church’?

A new study claims the Church of England is leaning towards a decision to drop the word “church” in favor of a more “relevant and modern sounding” identity. “The report from the Centre of Church Planting Theology and Research suggests when creating new places of worship, the Anglican church is more likely to discuss them as ‘communities’ and ‘congregations.’” I believe it’s the right move but for [...]

What Happened in 2023? (Part One)

What Happened in 2023? (Part One)

Gary is interviewed by Darren Doane about what actually happened during the 2023 “Three Questions” controversy. Traditionally, Christians have gotten their understanding of what passes for Biblical eschatology from the historic creeds, confessions of faith and catechisms of the Church, and from the various systematic theologies that have been written in the course of Church history per [...]

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Gary discusses current financial conditions and the need to be prepared for short-term and long-term “disruptions.” Christians have time on their side. It may not always seem to be so, but it is. Time is under God’s sovereign control. He allots time to everyone, but He blesses those who conform themselves to His law. Long life and large families are both aspects of God’s blessings to t [...]

Is ‘Defense Only’ a Strategy?

Is ‘Defense Only’ a Strategy?

Jerry Falwell, along with Ed Dobson and Ed Hindson, wrote an interesting and helpful survey of fundamentalism, appropriately titled, The Fundamentalist Phenomenon: The Resurgence of Conservative Christianity. When a movement is described as a “phenomenon,” this immediately categorizes it as a temporary oddity, a minority position that should be studied with curiosity but not accepted as the answer [...]

What's Going On at American Vision

What's Going On at American Vision

Gary gives an update on the various projects and needs at American Vision. The mind is like the body. When it isn’t pushed into service, it does as little as possible to function. But when concentrated critical thinking is demanded, an untrained, atrophied mind behaves like an out-of-shape body—it falters under the demands of rigorous mental activity. Getting the mind into mental shape is no less [...]