Government Hypocrisy and Koran Burning

President Obama’s approval rating is at an all time low — what factors into these statistics and what do they truly indicate? When corporations institute the same practices the government uses, the corporations are penalized while the government officials guilty of the same practices are applauded. A church in Florida plans a “Koran burning” for September 11th — wise or foolish i [...]

Repeal the Perks

What’s the best way to get these career politicians out of Washington D.C.? Take away the special privileges that make it so comfy that they never leave, and make it so hard to vote them out. If we’re ever going to experience liberty again in this country, we must remove the elitists in our nation’s capitol and tear down their ivory tower. [...]

Opposition to the Mosque at Ground Zero

The Ground Zero Mosque has brought all sorts of people out of the woodwork and has brought a lot of underground views out for the public to see. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, wants an investigation of those funding the anti Ground Zero Mosque movement. The is the essence of fascism. [...]

True Flower Power

After a few years of peace, love and protesting, the Woodstock generation dropped out of sight. Forty years later we see them once more in the public eye, now in positions of leadership, power and influence, effecting change of the worst kind. For forty years, the enemies of Christ’s kingdom were laboring for the furtherance of their cause, rising through the ranks to the top of their respec [...]

Should Rape be Illegal?

According the the Proposition 8 decision, religion can no longer be considered when determining whether a sexual practice is morally and legally wrong. But this creates a few problems. When you take away religious considerations, there are quite a few evils left open for debate. For instance, apart from religious morality, how can you argue that rape is morally or legally wrong? If you maintain an [...]

Powerless Christians in a World at War

Christians are in the midst of a battle, but many, are rendered powerless and ineffective, sitting on the sidelines when they should be in the fray. What causes this defeat that has taken so many Christians out of the game? Is there something we can do to turn back the tide? [...]

Proposition 8: A Morally Bankrupt Decision From an Economically Bankrupt State

Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, was overruled by District Judge Vaughn Walker. The 138 page decision goes to considerable lengths to justify something that not only is immoral, but irrational. Scripturally and historically, when a society becomes economically bankrupt, a moral bankruptcy has already taken place. [...]

Ronald Reagan Tapped Into Unspoken Conservatives

The Rockefeller family had bankrolled liberal protestantism in America since the turn of the 20th century. In the 70s, Jimmy Carter was the Rockefeller’s man. But with the recession of 1980, and his liberal policies of other issues, Carter lost his foot-hold of popularity among conservatives. At a unique turning point for Carter’s re-election race, Ronald Reagan appeared at a conservat [...]

This May Be the Healthcare Solution You're Looking For

With government healthcare looming on the horizon, it is time to seek out alternative solutions. Samaritan Ministries International offers a health insurance alternative that improves the system while providing Christians an opportunity to bear each others burdens. As a member of Samaritan, you can know that your money isn’t funding evils such as abortion or embryonic stem cell research. Get [...]

Celebrity Obsession: A Modern Idolatry

Many Americans, unfortunately, maybe even most Americans, know more about Mel Gibson’s meltdown or Lindsay Lohan’s trial, than they do about the 2500 page healthcare bill or Elena Kagan’s judicial philosophy. The drama of the personal affairs of the rich and famous act as a screen to cover up so much more that is going on in our nation and our world. We should be much more inform [...]

Taxing and Regulating Us to Death

Isabel Paterson writes in her book The God of the Machine, “Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends.” ((Isabel Paterson, “The Humanitarian with the Guillotine” in The God of the Machine (1943), 235.)) Thomas Sow [...]

The Magnificent Seven and Today's Political Bandits

Gary reviews the parallels between the classic film The Magnificent Seven and today’s political arena. Politicians have a lot in common with the bandits in the movie, apart from the Western setting. Are there seven amongst modern men willing to face such villains? [...]

Commandments, Not Suggestions

It’s only been recently that biblical law has been viewed as non-applicational to contemporary society, by non-Christians and Christians alike. The claim is made that there are so many laws in the Old Testament that would be impossible to apply today. Laws against murder and theft are viewed as self-evident that everyone agrees on. Certainly in principle this is mostly the case, but not always in [...]

"Screaming" Won't Prevent Genocide, But Guns Can

The 2006 documentary “Screamers”, explores why genocide continues to occur in modern times, focusing on the 1915 massacre of more than a million Armenians. While the film purposes to raise awareness and prevent future genocide, it misses the mark in several key areas. The film does not mention that all of these instances of genocide were preceded by the lawful disarming of the populati [...]

Textbooks and Tyrants

Christian conservatives in Texas have won a huge victory in the battle over history textbooks, much to the dismay and criticism of the left; but is it enough? Gary talks about this and more in today’s show. [...]

Is America Headed for Socialism?

Gary interviews Bojidar Marinov, founder of Bulgarian Reformation Ministries and regular columnist for American Vision. Bojidar will be one of the featured speakers at American Vision’s Worldview Super Conference this July 21 24. [...]

"Vox Populi, Vox Dei"

“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory,’“ Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t—till I tell you . . . When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “Which is to be master—that’s all.” ((Lewis Carroll, Th [...]

Atheists Want Leadership Positions in Christian Organizations

The U.S. Supreme Court is confronted with atheists that want to have “equal opportunity” in Christian organizations. The apparent reason that atheists want to be a part of such religious establishments is so they can control them. Christians are countering the atheists and want the freedom to choose their own leaders on religious grounds. What will the Supreme Court decide? [...]

Art and Taxes

Who decides what art is? Some unelected official in the state or federal government or the people who actually view it? Many insist that art should be funded by our tax dollars and defined by the government. Gary DeMar lays out why this is a bad idea and how it would be much better to have art privately funded. [...]

The Loss of Family Values

The black community has been on a downhill slope morally since being introduced to welfare in the 1960s. The dependency on government handouts has crippled the family, producing doubts that it can recover at all. Gary discusses this issue and possible ways to solve it on today’s show. [...]