Are Gas Prices Too High?

Everyone is upset about the high gas prices we’ve been experiencing lately, resulting in a lot of oil company bashing. But are the oil companies really the bad guy in this scenario? Find out right now on Vantage Point. [...]

Does the First Amendment Prohibit Prayer?

It seems that every time there is a council meeting the issue of prayer comes up. A Christian prays in Jesus’ name during the meeting and the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State jump in and dub these prayers unconstitutional. What does the Constitution really say? Watch Vantage Point to find out. [...]

Do You Really Want Washington to Make Budget Cuts?

In America’s current economic state, many propose cutting the budget. But when you get down to talking of cutting specific programs such as Medicare, Social Security or government education people start to balk. Most people are not willing to give up a government program that they benefit from, but ultimately we will have to give them up if we want to right the economic wrongs that have abou [...]

Beware of Mr. Fix-It Politicians Going to Washington

It’s been said that history repeats itself. Take, for example, the supposed freakish parallels between the assassinations of presidents Lincoln and Kennedy. Abraham Lincoln was first elected to Congress in 1846. John Kennedy followed exactly 100 years later. Lincoln was elected President of the United States in 1860. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. After their deaths both were succeeded by [...]

When Disobeying the Law is the Righteous Thing to Do

“In 1660 John Bunyan disobeyed the law of England by preaching without a license. He was arrested at a church meeting and put in prison so damp that he said it was enough to ‘make the moss grow on one’s eyebrows.’ There he converted his prison into a pulpit and wrote the greatest of all Christian classics, Pilgrim’s Progress. He was told that he would be released if he promised not to further viol [...]

The Right to Petition the Government for a redress of Grievances

My article “Is It Unbiblical to Protest Against Unrighteous Governments?,” a response to John MacArthur’s comments on whether it’s right to protest against unjust, unconstitutional, and unbiblical actions by civil magistrates received a lot of attention and a number of comments. One person argued that we should follow Jesus’ example and glory in our suffering. Then why didn’t Peter stay in his pri [...]

The Scourge of Unbridled Democracy

Islam is a worldview masquerading as a religion intent on world domination through fear, terror, and the ballot box. The talk from both ends of the political spectrum is that “democracy” will cure the ills of Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and the surrounding Muslim nations. What if the protesting people of Egypt decide they want a Taliban-style social and political system whose goal is to defeat the infidel [...]

Political Protests and Liberal Hypocrisy

The people of Egypt are protesting in the streets of Cairo, and liberals are ecstatic. They are hoping the Mubarak regime will collapse and the people of Egypt will find their political voice. “The whole world is watching” their anti-government protests. There is no place to hide from the watching eye of the new technology. Obama and company are critical of the way Mubarak has turned off the inter [...]

Leftist Rhetoric, Political Assassinations, and Race Riots

NPR’s Scott Simon claims that events like the Tucson shootings “Didn’t happen when 63 million people watched Walter Cronkite (1916–2009) every night.” “Uncle Walter,” as he was affectionately called, reported during a time when there were only three major TV news sources—ABC, CBS, and NBC. There were no comparable conservative competitors. Conservatives got their message out through privately publ [...]

The Original Constitution and the Three-Fifths Myth

Lanny Davis is a lawyer, a graduate of Yale Law School and from 1996 to 1998 he served as a special counsel to President Bill Clinton. He and Jay Sekulow appeared together on “The Sean Hannity Show” to discuss the reading of the Constitution by the new Congress. Davis wanted to know if the “three-fifths” clause would be read, implying that it was a racist part of the Constitution. Mr. Sekulow did [...]

The Constitution: Old, Racist and Irrelevant?

The Republicans in Congress are planning to read the Constitution! Wait, shouldn’t they have already done this? One would expect that they would be familiar with a document they have sworn to uphold. Will the reading of the Constitution make any difference in the way they run our nation? Watch this episode of Vantage Point for a candid discussion of this topic from a biblical perspective. [...]

The Christmas Story is Not about a Homeless Couple

With Congress wrangling over amnesty for illegal aliens, the budget, taxes, earmarks, and the extension of unemployment benefits, it won’t be long before we hear liberals telling conservatives how unchristian they are for not voting for more government aid to help the poor. And they will appeal to the Bible in an attempt to make their point. Every Christmas season we hear the inevitable revisionis [...]

It's Okay to Steal

If I break into my neighbor’s house and steal from him when I am out of a job or need money, it would be a crime and I would most likely go to jail or be made to pay restitution. However, if I help to elect someone to political office and he makes laws to tax people so the revenue collected can be given to others, this is seen as economic fairness. [...]

A Biblical View of Private Property

[caption id=“attachment_3757” align=“alignleft” width=“130” caption=“Jezebel and Ahab Plot to Steal Naboth’s Vineyard”][/caption] God’s sovereignty includes ownership of all His creation. Melchizedek, in blessing Abram, said, “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth (Gen. 14:19; cf. v. 22). The Bible continues the relat [...]

Election 2010: A Taste of Victory But the War Isn't Over

For conservatives, the results of last week’s election are encouraging, a victory but we have to keep our guard up. If we relax and become complacent we will lose every inch of ground gained, probably even more. We won some battles but it is important to stay vigilant, fight even harder, the war is far from over. [...]

So What's Your View of the Future and Does It Matter?

The future of government must be considered from a variety of perspectives. It is not enough to consider only the civil dimensions of government. In biblical terms, Government is multifaceted and multi-jurisdictional. The future of government must be considered in all of its dimensions, beginning with the individual and including civil affairs. If individuals abdicate responsibilities in the areas [...]

Is Civil Government a Biblical Concept?

A brief survey of the Bible and its principles will show that it has directives for all areas of life. Does this include civil govern­ment? Is God as concerned about the structure and principles of political systems as He is about families? Or has God left the area of political sys­tems for man to develop according to the needs of a particular era or to satisfy the desires of a particular people? [...]

Social Security: An "Innocent" Baby That Grew Up To Be a Monster?

As we wrap up this series dealing with Wayne Grudem’s book, “Politics According to the Bible”, we concentrate on what he has to say regarding social security. Dr. Grudem puts forth the idea in his book, that social security was worthy and even biblical as it was first established in 1935, and that it became corrupt over time. Gary DeMar and Dr. Gary North examine this assumption, [...]

Not Imposing Christianity Through National Law

Is a Christian nation an “Old Testament nation?” Does the Bible tell Christians to follow Old Testament law to the letter? The idea of theonomy is not well-known, but it is strongly debated. Gary and Joel explain the what theonomy is and how it differs from Christian reconstruction. [...]

Government Spy Vans Are Watching You

Is the government justified in x-raying your vehicles for public safety? Is now the time to boycott Microsoft since Bill Gates supports death panels? Is Mama Obama’s war on ‘demon trans fat’ heading towards a new prohibition? All of this and more on this episode of American Vision’s Vantage Point. [...]