American History with Bill Federer

American History with Bill Federer

Gary interviews author and speaker Bill Federer on today’s episode. The story of Christianity in America is one of the most astonishing chapters in the annals of the world. The events of Providence in reserving and preparing the country of these United States to be the theater of its development and triumph, constitute one of the most remarkable passages of modern history. This is a Christia [...]

The Five-Point Covenant

The Five-Point Covenant

In this rebroadcast, Gary DeMar sits down with the late Dr. Gary North for a discussion about the five-point covenant model. In The Godfather books and films, Don Corleone is a lot like today’s politicians. He’s the man in charge. He grants political favors. He makes and enforces laws. He even collects taxes. The Mafia is run like a government. Five Points of Government Vito Corleone b [...]

Electric Cars and Government Intervention

Electric Cars and Government Intervention

Gary discusses electric cars, economics, and the current administration’s love affair with making political laws influenced by climate change. Almost every business in the United States started and prospered without the help of the government. This does not mean that once some businesses started and prospered that they did not try to use the power and authority of civil government to thwart [...]

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

The House of Representatives and Senate are considering more expansive gun control bills considering the latest school shooting in Texas. These school shootings are horrific and evil. The parents of these children are devastated as I would be. I can’t imagine the anguish they must feel. Some Republicans joined past gun control bills and some of them are working with the Democrats to enact even mor [...]

It Goes With You

It Goes With You

Gary concludes his talk on 2 Timothy 3 on today’s podcast. The Christian worldview does not apply only to religious topics, it applies to every area of life and every situation. Truth is manifestly opposed to error and there is much error being promoted and taught today. The Christian worldview is necessary to correct and direct right thinking and living. King David is confronted by Nathan t [...]

The Thief and the Tyrant

The Thief and the Tyrant

A brief survey of the Bible and its principles will show that it has directives for all areas of life. Does this include civil govern­ment? Is God as concerned about the structure and principles of political systems as He is about families? Or has God left the area of political sys­tems for man to develop according to the needs of a particular era or to satisfy the desires of a particular people? [...]

The Sword and the Keys

The Sword and the Keys

As institutions, Church and State are separate but not so separate that either one can deny the law of God as it applies to each of them. “This separation in no way implies a radical antithesis between God and State, between Christianity and State, between morality and State, between Bible and State." [1] The biblical relationship between Church and State must be considered. A jurisdictional [...]

The Real Meaning of the First Amendment

The Real Meaning of the First Amendment

Family, church, and civil governments reflect the self-government of the people, whether good or bad. At the civil level, a nation gets what it votes for. Civil government, no matter how righteously conceived, cannot make people better. Leadership, like water, rises to its own level, the righteousness or unrighteousness of the people. George Washington, in his Farewell Address, gave this advice to [...]

Christ or Chaos?

Christ or Chaos?

The battle today is over lordship. The issue of politics today is the issue of sovereignty. Who is the Lord of all of life to whom man must give his total allegiance, Christ or Caesar? The answer to this question is the difference between liberty and slavery, justice and tyranny. The critical issue of our day is the relationship of Jesus Christ and His Word to our political and legal system in the [...]

What’s Missing from Today’s Courtrooms?

What’s Missing from Today’s Courtrooms?

Amber Guyger was convicted of murder after shooting Botham Jean, an unarmed black man. Guyger thought she was in her own apartment when she returned home, and that Botham Jean had broken into her apartment. She was sentenced to ten years in prison instead of the maximum 28. The brother of the murder victim embraced her and told her that he had forgiven her. In their brief encounter, he presented t [...]

Biblical and Historical Lessons of Resistance

Biblical and Historical Lessons of Resistance

America has entered troubling times. The massive expansion of federal government power with its destructive laws and policies is of grave concern to many. But what can be done to quell the abuse of power by civil authority? Are unjust or immoral actions by the government simply to be accepted and their lawless commands obeyed? How do we know when the government has acted tyrannically? Which action [...]

We're Not Subjects of Rome

We're Not Subjects of Rome

In the New Testament, Israel was controlled by the Romans. Only Roman citizens had political standing (Acts 16:37; 22:25– 29; 25:9–12). Jesus had a political trial because the Jews did not have the authority to put Him to death (John 18:30–31). His accusers brought false civil charges against Him (Luke 23:1–2) to force Pilate’s hand (John 19:12). We’re not subjects of Rome. “Render to Caesar the t [...]

Jefferson's Wall of Separation

Jefferson's Wall of Separation

Many Americans might be surprised to learn that the United States Supreme Court building has a number of depictions of the Ten Commandments and other lawgivers prominently displayed, some of which are carved in stone, adorning entryways and visible in the chamber where the justices sit. Isn’t this a violation of the First Amendment and the “separation of church and state”? Histor [...]

Christians and Dirty Jobs

Christians and Dirty Jobs

Christianity’s failure to be a practical religion in the past 150 years or more has meant the success of a perverted and twisted secularism and an advancing militant Islam that are doing incalculable harm at home and abroad. Humanism and Islam have gained the upper hand by default. The rejection of any type of this-worldly application of the Bible has resulted in the proliferation of a man-centere [...]

Be Fruitful and Optimistic

Be Fruitful and Optimistic

Guest article by Mark Dewey The Lord has blessed my wife and me with the privilege and challenge of raising fourteen children. Our family has been afforded the opportunity to interact with men, women, and children from multiple states and other countries. When people first see “all those children,” they often ask if we are Amish, Mormon, or Roman Catholic. In one sense this is understandable; in a [...]

An Important Church-State Battle in Seattle

An Important Church-State Battle in Seattle

We have all seen the horrible violence in Seattle since 2019. But now there’s a new battle, virtually under the radar. In 1932, the Union Gospel Mission began serving the poor and downtrodden in Seattle. But now this ministry which has been serving millions of meals through the years and providing many other services may have to shut its doors because of a decision by the Washington Supreme Court. [...]

Challenging the Absoluteness of Romans 13

Challenging the Absoluteness of Romans 13

There’s great interest in the subject of Christian resistance against tyrants. It’s not a new consideration. The Reformers had a lot to say about the topic as well as their immediate heirs. John Calvin addressed the topic in his Institutes of the Christian Religion as did Theodore Beza in his The Rights of Magistrates (1574) where he contended that resistance to an established civil government fun [...]

Is the Open Border Compassionate?

Is the Open Border Compassionate?

Note by Gary DeMar: My grandparents immigrated to the United States early in the 20th century. When my father was born in 1918, my grandfather was not a United States citizen. My grandparents on my father and mother’s side followed the law regarding immigration. They had to be screened for possible contagious diseases. There’s a scene in The Godfather Part II (1974) where the fictional young Vito [...]

Should We Take the Law into Our Own Hands?

Should We Take the Law into Our Own Hands?

Some Christians are asking when is it right to fight against the existing civil power structure. Consider the following: The new George Washington University poll conducted by YouGov between June 4 and June 23 [2021] asked 1,753 registered voters if a time will come when “patriotic Americans have to take the law into their own hands.” The poll found that 47% of Republicans agreed that there would [...]

Charles Colson, Reconstructionism, and Biblical Law

Charles Colson, Reconstructionism, and Biblical Law

For years, prominent Christians have been critical of applying Old Testament law to the New Testament era even though Jesus (Mark 7:1–9) and the Apostle did (Rom. 13:8–10; 1 Cor 5:1–2; 9:9; 1 Tim. 1:6–10; 5:18). It’s not always clear how the OT law might apply in the New Testament, but there is no justification to say that NT writers don’t often apply it (2 Tim. 3:16–17). Charles Colson, who serve [...]