Dominion: An Inescapable Concept

Dominion: An Inescapable Concept

Discussions about “dominion” have taken a wild turn. Dominion theology is equated with something called ‘Christian Nationalism.’ Here’s one example: “With a burgeoning interest in the idea of Christian Nationalism, the Christian Church in America has seen a renewed interest in modified versions of theonomy.” If “modified versions of theonomy” are operating, it might be best to get an accurate desc [...]

Satanic Morality

Satanic Morality

Gary discusses a recent question answered by Vivek Ramaswamy about the American government “propping up” Christianity and Christian Nationalism. Professor Stone is correct that there were traditional Christians and deists among the Founders. “Around the time of the American Revolution,” Robert Royal, president of the Faith and Reason Institute, writes that “a significant minority of th [...]

Was Trump Right to say Some people should ‘Rot in Hell’?

Was Trump Right to say Some people should ‘Rot in Hell’?

Have you noticed how selective Democrats are when it comes to the Bible? Here’s the latest from Democrat political strategist and Clinton supporter Paul Begala. Begala told CNN that former President Trump said that his opponents should “rot in hell.” Notice that Trump did not say “burn in hell” or “be damned to hell.” Begala said the “rot in hell” line was “blasphemy.” “It’s like this comment abou [...]

America's Christian Heritage (Part Two)

America's Christian Heritage (Part Two)

Gary concludes his interview with Rick Welch from The Burros of Berea podcast Elias Boudinot (1740-1821) was a lawyer who served three congressional terms representing New Jersey (1789-1795). He was a delegate to the Continental Congress, served as commissary general of prisoners at the request of George Washington, and presided as President of the Continental Congress from 1782 to 1783, making hi [...]

America's Christian Heritage (Part One)

America's Christian Heritage (Part One)

Part One of Two. Gary is interviewed by Rick Welch from The Burros of Berea podcast about his book, The Case for America’s Christian Heritage. There were many founders who were outspoken Christians who are rarely mentioned by historical revisionists. Consider, for example, John Dickinson (1732-1808) who was a lawyer, militia officer during the American Revolution, Continental Congressman fro [...]

Retail and Political Theft

Retail and Political Theft

Gary discusses the announcement of the MLB All-Star coming to Atlanta (again) in 2025 and the ballot discrepancies in Fulton County. God has established a bottom-up system of multiple hierarchies: family, church, and State (civil governments). This means that we must always be obedient where obedience is required by God’s law. The appeals court system of Exodus 18:17–27 is a good guide: we are fre [...]

The Gaetzful 8 and Political Christians

The Gaetzful 8 and Political Christians

Gary discusses the recent ousting of Speaker McCarthy and what political writer Jason Whitlock calls the “Gaetzful 8.” Whitlock compares the 8 to Gideon’s 300 and the idea of the remnant. Gideon is called Jerubbaal, the Baal-Fighter. He is going to war against Baal, in the confidence God had given him the night before. They rose early, with the sun. The rising of the sun is a pic [...]

Good News in the News

Good News in the News

Gary highlights a few recent news articles that are actually encouraging. “Society” possesses no will of its own, but reflects the people’s will. The will of the people is either based on the autonomous will of men or reflects the will of the Triune God of Scripture. E.C. Wines (1806-1879) writes: In political, as well as physical science, there are certain great principles, true or false, from wh [...]

Christian Atheism

Christian Atheism

Gary deals with an argument making the rounds on social media about Biblical Law. He points out that it’s very similar to the “borrowed capital” argument that atheists rely on to make their own case. Scripture does not present the law-covenant as fundamentally opposed to the grace of the New Covenant. For example, consider Hebrews 3-4. According to New Testament theology, why was [...]

The Household and the State

The Household and the State

Listen in as Gary is interviewed about the relationship between individual households and the State. The family is a government ordained by God where husband and wife are in covenant with God and serve as family governors. They have jurisdictional authority to lead, nurture, and direct the family as a training ground for cultural change in terms of kingdom principles. The authority and power given [...]

The Economy in Action: Does Anyone Know Anything?

The Economy in Action: Does Anyone Know Anything?

“Nobody knows anything.”[1] William Goldman, not to be confused with William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, sums up the problem of attempting to be certain about the success of a film—“Nobody knows anything.”[2] Goldman should know. He was a successful novelist and screenwriter with several Academy Awards and big screen blockbusters to his credit.[3] Goldman was not saying that Hollywood ty [...]

The Curse of Unequal Economic and Judicial Balances

The Curse of Unequal Economic and Judicial Balances

The unequal application of the law in terms of economics and politics is real. I listened to a discussion about taxation led by Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana. It was good as far as it went, but one phrase was missing: By what standard? Wealth redistributionists appeal to inequity, that is, some people make more money than other people, and as a result they should be taxed at a higher rate. [...]

A ‘No-Brainer’ Supreme Court Decision

A ‘No-Brainer’ Supreme Court Decision

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a website designer who refused to design a site for a same-sex wedding. She was sued. The case went to the Supreme Court where the 6-3 ruling upset the usual suspects. It’s not enough to tolerate the LGBTQ+ mafia, you must be forced to support it or lose your business if you don’t comply. There are many other examples. Here’s a short list from ten years ago in T [...]

Our Legacy (Part Two)

Our Legacy (Part Two)

The conclusion of a lecture given at a Worldview Conference a few years ago where Gary discusses legacy and responsibility. In the former Soviet Union, Christians were forbidden to “set up benefit societies, cooperatives of industrial societies; to offer material aid to [their] members; to organize children’s and young persons’ groups for prayer and other purposes, or general biblical, literary or [...]

Independence from God Means Dependence on the State

Independence from God Means Dependence on the State

Independence from God is a terrible road to take, but that seems to be the one we’ve taken. Independence from God means dependence on the State. That’s the road we’re on. The book The Case for America’s Christian Heritage shows that there is no honest way to separate religion from America’s political, social, historical, and institutional life. It’s equally true that not all our nation’s fou [...]

Why Government Can Save You

Why Government Can Save You

Gary explains the difference between government and politics. Christianity was shoved to the sidelines when advocates of what has been described as the Enlightenment claimed “that no authority could sit in judgment on human reason, that man’s reason and experience were the measure of all things.” As is typical of shifts away from a Christian worldview, this sterile worldview was not satisfying, so [...]

Working Within the System

Working Within the System

Gary discusses some arguments people are raising online against trying to reform our current system of government. God did not reserve His commandments for just the nation Israel and the church. Scripture makes it clear that all kings in Israel should copy the law in the presence of the Levitical priests so the rulers would be careful to observe every word of the law (Deuteronomy 17:18-19). Even n [...]

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

I’ve noticed some Christians who argue that Christians should not be involved in politics. One person compared it to trying to clean up the porn industry and the mafia. The porn industry is not confiscating my property in ever increasing amounts through taxation, creating money out of thin air that results in the devaluation of my savings and income, and sending young people to fight in immoral wa [...]

Christ or the Constitution?

Christ or the Constitution?

Gary responds to a meme he saw on Facebook about Christians being more concerned with the Constitution than the Sermon on the Mount. At first, Christianity was perceived as a threat solely to the Jewish leadership. In time, however, Christianity became a threat to Rome because of the implications of the absolute lordship of Jesus Christ: “‘These men who have upset the world have come here also;. . [...]

Christianity and the First Amendment

Christianity and the First Amendment

The fact that Christianity is not specifically mentioned does not mean that the First Amendment is hostile to Christianity. A Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791 because many believed the Constitution was not specific enough regarding the rights of the states and the people. The individual states felt that a Bill of Rights “would protect fundamental rights against interference by [...]