More Confusion About God’s Law

More Confusion About God’s Law

I saw the following on a Facebook post indirectly aimed at me. “It frustrates me when people insist that the New Covenant has Torah requirements, i.e., that we are still under the law. Paul pitted law against grace. Grace is not the adapter that connects us to the law; it actually frees us from that slavemaster. We don’t live by an external force like the law; rather, we live by an internal nature [...]

The 55th Anniversary of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb

The 55th Anniversary of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb

In his book The Population Bomb, first published in 1968, the year I graduated from high school, Paul R. Ehrlich made several predictions about the future of our planet based on his understanding of population growth and food supplies. Ehrlich’s projections were not new. Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), a British political economist and mathematician, proposed that population growth would outstr [...]

Two Atheists Walk into a Bar

Two Atheists Walk into a Bar

According to Richard Dawkins, our “selfish genes” don’t have a moral compass. They are like the Terminator. Their only goal is to survive and replicate and pity the poor organism that stands in their way. Michael Ruse and Edward O. Wilson contend that “We need something to spur us against our usual selfish dispositions. Nature, therefore, has made us (via the rules) believe in a disintereste [...]

The Ethical Implications of Darwinism

The Ethical Implications of Darwinism

Dr. Gary North concludes this talk about the importance and historic significance of the Scopes Trial and William Jennings Bryan. Christians do not object to freedom of speech; they believe that Biblical truth can hold its own in a fair field. They concede the right of ministers to pass from belief to agnosticism or atheism, but they contend that they should be honest enough to separate themselves [...]

Disengaged Christians under the Microscope

Disengaged Christians under the Microscope

In terms of Christian theory, privatization means that the grand, global umbrella of faith has shrunk to the size of a plastic rain hat. Total life norms have become part-time values. In terms of Christian practice, watch your average Christian business person or politician. Are there family prayers at home before leaving for work? The private sphere. Are there Bible studies with colleagues at the [...]

Do We Still Need the Law?

Do We Still Need the Law?

Gary responds to a claim on Facebook that the Law has been fulfilled in Jesus (true), so we no longer need it (untrue). The continuing authority of God’s law today is inherent to a biblically based theology. Time does not change or wear out the validity of God’s commands, and a change of geography or locality does not render them ethically irrelevant. With the coming of the New Covenant and the sp [...]

An Action Imperative

An Action Imperative

Gary DeMar talks with Dr. Gary North about the need for Christians to take action. (Part One of Three) We have been given both a dynamic of history and a tool of dominion. We have done our best to ignore them both. We have, especially in the last hundred years, retreated from both in the name of “Christian liberty,” or “separation from the world.” But such an approach is doomed to defeat. [...]

When Will the Whining Stop?

When Will the Whining Stop?

There was no whining allowed when I was growing up. My father served in World War II. He was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. He survived. He served in Korea. He survived but at great cost. After a mortar attack, he lost his right leg above the knee. He almost never complained about his situation, but you know it was a source of regret and what ifs. There was no whining or “woe is me” at our h [...]

Smithsonian Magazine Defines a Woman

Smithsonian Magazine Defines a Woman

Gary discusses several recent new stories surrounding sex, gender, and ideology. Once ethical norms become arbitrary, we can expect the dismantling of long-standing Christian familial relationships like marriage and heterosexuality. Radical feminist Gloria Steinem once described marriage as an institution that destroys relationships. “I don’t think marriage has a good name,” she wrote in 1987. “Le [...]

A ‘No-Brainer’ Supreme Court Decision

A ‘No-Brainer’ Supreme Court Decision

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a website designer who refused to design a site for a same-sex wedding. She was sued. The case went to the Supreme Court where the 6-3 ruling upset the usual suspects. It’s not enough to tolerate the LGBTQ+ mafia, you must be forced to support it or lose your business if you don’t comply. There are many other examples. Here’s a short list from ten years ago in T [...]

Our Legacy (Part One)

Our Legacy (Part One)

In this first part of a lecture given at a Worldview Conference a few years ago, Gary discusses legacy and responsibility. The church is a government ordained by God. It has rulers (overseers/elders: 1 Tim. 3:1–7), members (flock: Acts 20:28), laws (goodness of God’s law: 1 Tim. 1:5–11), sanctions (“removed from your midst”: 1 Cor. 5:2), and a legacy (“the gates of Hades will not overpower it”: Ma [...]

Beware of Advanced Technology in the Hands of Bureaucrats and Digital Watchbirds

Beware of Advanced Technology in the Hands of Bureaucrats and Digital Watchbirds

Technology is a double-edged sword. Like anything it can be used for good or evil. Nuclear material can build weapons or power plants. Lasers can kill or cure. Recently I had some retina tears that were fixed with a laser. Cataracts are also being remedied with lasers. We’re all concerned about chemicals being sprayed on food for pest and weed control. A non-chemical solution is coming. Farmers in [...]

How Now Do We Evaluate Information?

How Now Do We Evaluate Information?

Gary discusses a recent sermon written and “preached” at a worship service in Germany by ChatGPT. The culmination of worldview shifts has changed American belief patterns in dramatic ways. The old categories were shot full of holes by new religious assumptions that could not be rationally criticized since pluralism and relativism are today’s reigning worldviews. A common culture with s [...]

There's Always a New Bible

There's Always a New Bible

Gary discusses recent comments by Yuval Noah Harari about Artificial Intelligence. The claim of neutrality by Christians is judged harshly in the Bible: “I know your deeds, that you are neither hot nor cold; I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” (Rev. 3:15–16). Standing in the middle of a moral position is not neu [...]

Challenging the System

Challenging the System

Gary responds to a few individuals that took issue with his previous podcast about working for change within the current governmental system. Are we to believe that in all the times the Bible has been preached or taught that the subject of politics should never come up? How does a minister preach and teach and not touch on the politics found, for example, in Exodus, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 [...]

Three Examples of Why the Future Matters

Three Examples of Why the Future Matters

The Oak Beams of New College, Oxford The anthropologist, social scientist, and linguist Gregory Bateson (1904-1980) is said to have told a story of how a college planned for future inevitabilities. There are most likely different versions of it floating around. The date of the founding of New College, Oxford, goes back to 1379. Over the years, buildings were added to the grounds to accommodate stu [...]

Two Great Commissions

Two Great Commissions

Both Genesis 1:28 and Matthew 28:18-20 tell God’s followers to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth with generations of faithful covenant-keepers. The Great Commission to the Church does not end with simply witnessing to the nations. Christ’s command is that we disciple the nations—all the nations. The kingdoms of the world are to become the kingdoms of Christ. They are to be disc [...]

Dabbling With Artificial Intelligence

Dabbling With Artificial Intelligence

It seems everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its advantages and disadvantages. My friends Darren Doane and Brian Godawa are using it for great benefit. Brian has used AI to create artistic renderings for his characters in his upcoming book Cruel Logic. Here’s what his detective Cornelius Van Til looks like: Brian has used an AI artist for his characters in his other books. M [...]

Philosophy Can’t Answer the Biggest Questions

Philosophy Can’t Answer the Biggest Questions

The following is an email I sent to an atheist who attempted to justify and account for an atheistic worldview using philosophical arguments. This is standard practice. Unfortunately, one must presuppose the presence and reliability of the mind. How can an evolved brain give rise to an immaterial thought-producing entity?_______________________ Dear John, First year philosophy stuff is right. You [...]

Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Gary discusses two recent news items about individuals pushing back against the prevailing ideology and newspeak. It’s been said that when people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything, no matter how absurd.[1] With the apparent death of rationalism and the questioning of how science and technology are used, the worldview of the irrational was born. “Twentie [...]