The Continuing Failure of White Flag Theology

The Continuing Failure of White Flag Theology

Gary discusses several recent news stories about Christians trying to have “dialogues” with leftists on various topics. Any social movement that is serious about changing the shape of history must have at least two features. First, it must have a doctrine of the possibility of positive social change. If men don’t believe that history can be changed through concerted effort, then they a [...]

Argument by “Truce” Has Been a Disaster

Argument by “Truce” Has Been a Disaster

Some recent news stories caught my attention. The first is about Michael Cassidy, a conservative Christian and former Navy pilot who tore down a Satanic altar in the Iowa State Capitol during Christmas in 2023. There was also a Nativity scene. He was originally charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief. Tearing down the Satanism display was later designated a hate crime. The next news story is [...]

Atheism is a Religion

Atheism is a Religion

Gary comments on several recent news stories about people railing against Christianity. Atheism and socialism are literal dead ends. They are destroyers of people and societies. If there is no God, then Lennon’s death at the hands of Mark David Chapman was the result of the survival of the fittest, the fittest being Chapman. We don’t have to imagine what our world would be like without religion. V [...]

The Real Minimum Wage Is Actually Zero

The Real Minimum Wage Is Actually Zero

California just implemented a law to force many businesses to pay employees $20 per hour. First, like so much of government regulation, this is theft. Only governments (and the mafia) can force people to pay more money for work they don’t do. Second, it’s a job killer for young people trying to get work experience. If you listen to Democrats, most Americans are working at jobs for minimum wage pay [...]

A Theological Hot Potato

A Theological Hot Potato

Gary concludes his response to a recent Wallbuilders show with Mark David Hall on the influence of R.J. Rushdoony. In the worldview known as historicism, the laws of history are derived from history and change with history. Law becomes a function of history. There is no unchanging metaphysical order above history or outside of history that somehow provides structure to history. History and its law [...]

How Much ‘Influence’ Did R.J. Rushdoony Have?

How Much ‘Influence’ Did R.J. Rushdoony Have?

In my three-part podcast (see here and here for the first and second) about the impact of Rousas Rushdoony (1916-2001), I mentioned, contrary to some, that his writings have had a significant impact on much of Christian thought today, directly and indirectly. As a sort of hero of Christian education, Rushdoony’s basic ideas have directly or indirectly affected many conservative Protestants in Nort [...]

Linking Rushdoony and David Barton

Linking Rushdoony and David Barton

Gary continues his response to a recent episode from David Barton featuring historian Mark David Hall. The establishment—and here I include the secular media—cannot grasp just how much impact that fewer than a dozen men with word processors can have. (In the case of Rushdoony, not even a word processor, which did not exist when he wrote his major works. He uses only an ink well, a steel-tip pen wi [...]

Rushdoony and Church and State

Rushdoony and Church and State

Gary begins a series of three podcasts that respond to a recent show from David Barton’s Wallbuilders organization on Christian Nationalism. Can you imagine a young Jewish man coming up to Jesus and saying, “You know, Jesus, if you would just drop some of your outrageous claims and your moral indictments based on the law as it is written, I might just follow you. The rest I could do without. [...]

Disparities in Economics and Abilities

Disparities in Economics and Abilities

Gary discusses the economic and the biological differences between men’s and women’s sports. Christian apologetics begins by establishing an authoritative starting point. Like Archimedes (287?–212 B.C.), who once boasted that given the proper lever and a place to stand, he could “move the earth,” the Christian apologist seeks to base his defense on a secure foundation to move the heart [...]

Getting Healthy with Gary

Getting Healthy with Gary

In this episode, Gary discusses recent health issues, as well as giving a few hints and tips about getting and staying in physical shape. For nearly 2000 years the church has believed in the life-transforming power of the gospel, the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, the sufficiency of Scripture as “an Instruction Book on how to live,” the Sovereignty and Providence of God in time and in hist [...]

You, Your Doctor, and God

You, Your Doctor, and God

Gary discusses recent logic being dropped regarding abortion on the daytime TV show, The View, by resident theologian Whoppi Goldberg. Secularists says human life is expendable if the cause is good enough. Who defines “good enough”? We kill animals for food. Man is only a highly evolved animal. Therefore man can be killed for any number of “socially acceptable reasons”: over-population, high medic [...]

Standing on Natural Law is ‘Sinking Sand’

Standing on Natural Law is ‘Sinking Sand’

To understand the relationship between Church and State we need to go to the source, and that source is not the United States Constitution. Modern-day social theory is based on an evolutionary model. This means that there is no way to account for morality, governmental jurisdictions, or separation of powers since these principles are found in the Bible. Some will argue that they can be accounted f [...]

Apologetics is the Seed of Regeneration

Apologetics is the Seed of Regeneration

Gary continues his interview with artist Dan Riedel about his friendship with Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Without the Christian worldview, Van Til says: Our argument, then, is that those who come apparently ever so near the Christian position but stop short or maintaining the fundamental conceptions of an absolute Christ, an absolute Scripture, and regeneration, reduce experience to an absurdity. Here [...]

Cannibalism and Abortion

Cannibalism and Abortion

What does cannibalism have to do with abortion? More than you might think. Michael Dowd, a minister and author of the book Thank God for Evolution!: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World, writes the following in his recently published article “Thank God for the New Atheists”: Let the story of evolution be told in ways that engender familial love and gratit [...]

Christian Civilization Matters

Christian Civilization Matters

Pastor John MacArthur denounced Christian nationalism insofar as it is defined as an attempt to usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth through political means. “There is no such thing as Christian nationalism,” MacArthur said during a question-and-answer period last month at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles. “The Kingdom of God is not of this world. Jesus said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. [...]

Christians and Christian Nationalists

Christians and Christian Nationalists

Gary expands a bit on a recent article he wrote called “Christians in the Crosshairs,” about the recent exposure of Christian Nationalism. The passage and enforcement of laws keep most unrighteous people from acting out their unrighteousness because they know that painful sanctions are meted out for law breakers. This is not to say that all immorality can be curtailed by passing laws o [...]

Tell People They’re Losers and They’ll Act Like Losers

Tell People They’re Losers and They’ll Act Like Losers

Ray Kroc, founder of the McDonald’s fast food restaurant chain wrote the following in his book Grinding it Out: “I believe in God, family and McDonald’s—and in the office, that order is reversed. If you are running a hundred-yard dash, you aren’t thinking about God while you’re running. Not if you hope to win. Your mind is on the race. My race is McDonald’s.”[1] Kroc’s statement reminds me of the [...]

Redefining Crime to Stop Crime

Redefining Crime to Stop Crime

Gary responds to a recent statement by attorney Ben Crump about redefining crime to help cut down on the targeting of blacks for criminal activity. In 2 Timothy 3:17, Paul says that the Bible equips the Christian “for every good work.” The Bible gives us God’s opinion and direction in every area of life! The Bible is not just a book about worship. It tells a lot about worship, to be sure. [...]

Christians in the Crosshairs

Christians in the Crosshairs

Keeping people dumb and ignorant is the plan, and it’s working. Teach children about sexual fluidity but not logic, history, economics, and a nation can be transformed without ever firing a shot. No internment camps or Gulags are necessary. Cutting young people off from the past in government schools and social media makes them ripe to be propagandized with a new history. Debates aren’t allowed. I [...]

Remaking ‘Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving’ in the Image of Woke

Remaking ‘Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving’ in the Image of Woke

The woke Social Justice Warriors were out in full military regalia after watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving that originally aired in 1973. Franklin Armstrong, the only black child featured in the animated feature is sitting in a lawn chair alone on one side of the table. To the woke crowd, this is racism pure and simple because, as you know, everything is racist. I guess not having a “person of [...]