The Rise of Secularism and the Demise of Europe: Is America Next?

Will America suffer the same fate as Europe and the rise of what Karen Armstrong calls “secular fundamentalism”? We seem to be headed in a similar direction with the secularization of our schools and courts. Christianity in America, like Christianity in Europe, is under attack. We see it every day. Judges are being scrutinized for their religious beliefs, especially on abortion and homosexuality. [...]

Hate Speech - A One-Way Street

Liberal pundit Al Franken suggested to David Letterman that “[Lewis ‘Scooter’] Libby and Karl Rove are going to be executed” because they supposedly outed a CIA agent, a treasonous offense. Franken qualified his statement somewhat, possibly after considering the implications of what he had just said: “Yeah. And I don’t know how I feel about it because I’m basically against the death penalty, but t [...]

Monster Courts

The men and women of “Monster Garage” turn ordinary vehicles into extraordinary monster vehicles. The show’s driving force is Jesse James, who’s great-great-grandfather was the outlaw’s cousin. All who work on the show are very talented. I would guess that many of them had difficulty sitting still in school and keeping their mind on their work. (How many times have yo [...]

Noah Feldman's Divided America

Noah Feldman, author of Divided By God: America’s Church-State Problem—And What we Should Do About It, makes some valid points in his article “God, government and you” that appeared in USA Today on October 17, 2005. He writes, “The Framers believed to a man in the importance of the liberty of conscience, and they barred a national established religion in order to protect that value.” Feldman admit [...]

The Coming Liberal Crack-Up (or is it Already Here?)

Two news stories I read yesterday (October 17, 2005) struck me as indications that the morally relativistic worldview of modern-day liberalism, materialism, and naturalism is headed for a crack up. The first story was a report that appeared on Matt Drudge’s site about Madonna who now believes that modern culture is corrupt. She describes it as “the beast.” “The material world. The physical world. [...]

Equal Rights for ALL!

It is easy to understand why the human rights idea came into popularity in Christendom. It is simply that men living in Christendom enjoyed that “blessed liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free” to such an extent and over so many centuries that they found it easy to take for granted. Liberty, instead of being recognized as the gift of Christ and the reward of Christian justice, was [...]

Beware of Sunday School Teachers!

The following article was written in 1996 in response to an article that former President Jimmy Carter wrote on the topic of “Judge Not” as it relates to homosexuality and abortion. I decided to revive it for two reasons. First, it’s been reported that Carter’s son Jack may run for the Senate in Nevada. He is described as a “social liberal with conservative Southern roots.”[1] That’s exactly what [...]

The Pledge of Allegiance Goes to Trial

Many who are arguing for “under God” to remain in the Pledge of Allegiance are doing so by declaring that the phrase has no particular religious meaning for our nation today. This was the view of Solicitor General Theodore Olson when the Pledge issue first came before the Supreme Court in 2004. “Olson argued that the phrase is viewed as an ‘acknowledgment’ of religion’s role in the lives of Americ [...]

The Censors are at it Again

The official emblem of the city of Las Cruces, New Mexico, is adorned with three crosses. A federal lawsuit alleges the crosses, which are religious symbols, are unconstitutional because they appear on public property. **“**The crosses serve no governmental purpose other than to disenfranchise and discredit non-Christian citizens,” said the lawsuit filed by Paul F. Weinbaum, a member of the recent [...]

Katrina's Potential Silver Lining

The blame game will continue as politicians and political action groups jockey for position and funding for the upcoming elections in 2006 and 2008. Acts of heroism, self-sacrifice, and just plain hard work will be rightly honored. Religious organizations will gain new respect from the people being ministered to in both body and spirit. New Orleans and the Gulf Coast will probably be rebuilt after [...]

Flood Thoughts

Gas panic hit Atlanta on Wednesday. Prices went from $2.65 in the morning to $3.10 by mid-afternoon. Some stations were selling gas for nearly $6.00 per gallon. Some have called this “price gouging.” A rumor, factual or not, had been circulating that gas supplies were limited and new inventory was hampered because of pipeline disruptions. Uncertainty figures into economic decision making. How does [...]

The La Brea Tar Pits and the Price of Oil

I’ve always wanted to see the La Brea Tar Pits. Ever since I was a boy I had heard stories of the famed petroleum pits that hold millions of fossils. When my wife, my youngest son, and I were in California a few weeks ago, we took time to visit the archeological find in the heart of downtown Los Angeles located in the Miracle Mile District.[1] Oil literally seeps to the surface through fissures in [...]

The Right and Wrong Way to Topple a Dictator

Pat Robertson has put his foot in his mouth again by calling for the assassination of the president of Venezuela. A minister of the gospel and the leader of a world-wide Christian ministry should not be calling for the death of the head of state of any nation. A better approach would be to meet with international church leaders to promote a comprehensive biblical worldview around the world. Effect [...]

Privacy Right Unlisted, but Undefined

With the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court, it seems that everyone is reading the Constitution again. This is good. The Left is apoplectic over the thought that with an “arch conservative,” or an “extremist," to use Patrick Leahy’s description, on the court, our rights will be taken away from us. Of course, if Congress would do its job, there wouldn’t be fights over nominees. Co [...]

Prayers Under Attack, Again!

The ACLU has a great racket going on. It sues city and county governments over sectarian (Christian) prayers and the posting of the Ten Commandments and then gets paid for its efforts when judges rule in favor of the ACLU’s arguments. Nearly two years after an anonymous resident sued Barrow County in Georgia to remove a framed copy of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse breezeway, county comm [...]

The Suicide of the Left - Literally!

I can’t help responding to and laughing at the report that Helen Thomas, the so-called “dean of the White House press corps,” says she would not be able to live if Vice President Cheney were to run for the highest office. “The day I say Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I’ll kill myself. All we need is one more liar.”[1] Promises, promises! Of course, Thomas is the one lying. [...]

The Left Needs a Fact Checker

In his 1968 book The Population Bomb, Paul R. Ehrlich made predictions about the future of our planet based on his understanding of population growth and projected food supplies. Ehrlich’s work was not new. Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834), a British political economist and mathematician, proposed that population growth would outstrip any increase in food supplies in his day. Malthus theorized th [...]

"Raising Arizona" and Socialist Dreamers

In the movie Raising Arizona (1987), H.I. (Nicholas Cage), an ex-convict, and Edwina “Ed” (Holly Hunter), an ex-police officer, are a down-and-out married couple who desperately want a child. Unable to have a child of their own, they decide to take one from the Arizonas who just had quintuplets. According to the paper, it’s “more than they can handle.” H.I. reasons that since the Arizonas have so [...]

The Radicalized University

A silent campus does not mean a less radicalized campus. The radicalization takes place in the classroom and the dorms. In the 1960s, campus turmoil was taken to the streets. Today, the radicalization process is taken to our nation’s corporations, universities, courts, and political parties. Our nation is being radicalized from the inside out. America’s colleges and universities do not reflect the [...]

The First Step in College Preparedness

It won’t be long before it’s time to go back to school. The college campus is a dangerous place. Statistics show that Christian students get eaten alive by professors who attack the Christian worldview. The barrage of assaults is unrelenting—everything from atheistic philosophy classes to a religious-based evolutionism that permeates the entire curriculum. We shouldn’t be surprised at the casualty [...]