Reba McEntire says "Don't Judge Homosexuals"

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Why do generally conservative people support liberal causes like homosexuality? Consider Ted Olson, the 42nd United States Solicitor General under George W. Bush, noted conservative, critic of Bill Clinton, and the attorney who delivered Bus [...]

Making and Controlling a Robotic Public

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) As I was making my way through the channels to watch an episode of King of the Hill, I stopped on a channel that was showing the film I, Robot (2004). One of my favorite scenes was about to come on—Dr. Calvin’s exchange with V.I.K.I., the supe [...]

Republicans are Socialists Too

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Lawrence O’Donnell, the stand-in host for loudmouth Ed Schultz of “The Ed Show,” put Rep. John Culberson (R-Tex.) on the spot with a series of questions about Socialism. O’Donnell, symp [...]

Who are the Real Brownshirts?

![“Artim:](“" ““Artim:”) Congressman Brian Baird, a Democrat from Vancouver, Washington, told the Columbian, a newspaper serving Clark County: “What we’re seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics. . . . I mean that very seriously.” On Rachel M [...]

The Private-Zoo Factor

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) There are numerous Christians who believe that a personal, private faith is all the gospel requires. Os Guinness described this as “The Private-Zoo Factor,”[1] a religion that is caged so that it loses its wildness. When true Christ [...]

"I Believe in God, Family and McDonald's. . ."

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) In terms of Christian theory, privatization means that the grand, global umbrella of faith has shrunk to the size of a plastic rain hat. Total life norms have become part-time values. In terms of C [...]

The Divine State in Action

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Obama and the Democrats want “more Americans to contribute today so that all Americans can do better tomorrow.” I’m sorry, but I’m already contributing enough, taking into account federal, state, prop [...]

The Trap of Neutrality

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) According to a radio editorial some years ago, “a man’s religion and the strength of his conviction are his own personal matter” and therefore “religion should not interfere with politics.”[1] Of course, this too is an expressi [...]

Dr. Strangelove is an Obama Czar

![“Article](“" ““Article”) In an interview that was published in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine (July 5, 2009), Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she thought the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion was predicated o [...]

Radicalism Goes Mainstream

![“Artim:](“" ““Artim:”) Why does the Left sympathize with radical Islamic extremists? Over the July 4th weekend a story about how a recent New York City Council resolution that recommend the city’s school system shut down to commemorate two [...]

How Not to Help the Poor

![“Artim:](“" ““Artim:”) Alan Colmes, who co-hosted with Sean Hannity on FOX’s “Hannity and Colmes,” claims that Jesus “believed the rich should give to the poor.” Obama and most of Congress seem to agree. Let’s assume that Colme [...]

Give me Money!

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) The Bible does not minimize the importance of economics. The Garden of Eden makes mention of gold and precious stones: “The gold of that land is good” (Genesis 2:11-12). Jesus used money as a teaching device in many of His parables. John MacArthur, pa [...]

It Can't Happen Here

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Sociologist William Brustein went to Berlin a few years ago to tour the city. As his bus tour passed the bunker where Hitler spent his last days, the guide told how Hitler had seized power and fooled the German people. He assured the to [...]

"Monsters from the Id"

![“Article](“" ““Article”) Michael G. Zey of Montclair State University in New Jersey writes: “People want to believe that there is superior life in the universe, and that these aliens will be able to upgrade our own lives. This is a form of wish fulfillment.”[1] This is especially true since, as [...]

Watch the Skies!

![“Article](“" ““Article”) “Pop-culture fiction, not academic nonfiction, is now the cutting edge of public discourse on spirituality.”[1] For several months I have been working on an extended project that explores the relationship of pop-culture to societal norms and worldview shifts. In addition [...]

Why Young People are Leaving the Church

Ken Ham, who believes in a literal six-day creation that happened around 6,000 years ago, says the church opened a door for the exodus of youth, beginning in the 19th century, when it began teaching that “the age of the Earth is not an issue as long as you trust in Jesus and believe in the resurrection and the Gospel accounts.” Ham concedes that “salvation is not conditioned on what you believe ab [...]

Moral Polytheism

![“Article](“" ““Article”) A number of articles have been published about the demise of the church in America. Newsweek, copying the cover design of the April 12, 1966 of Time magazine’s “Is God Dead?” cover, carried an article on The Decline and Fall of Christian America in its April 13, 2009 iss [...]

Media Matters

![“Article](“" ““Article”) For years, liberals have been telling us that screen scenes depicting gratuitous sex, sadism, nihilism, despair, violence, militant secularism, and blasphemy have little or no effect on the opinions and behavior of viewers. Those who make these claims are some of the sam [...]

Why Paying Attention to the Constitution Matters

![“Article](“" ““Article”) I received the following portion of a longer email from someone who disagreed with me on the interpretation of the Constitution related to the relationship between the Federal government and the states. He opened his email with this statement (my response follows his com [...]

The Terror Legacy of the Left

![“Article](“" ““Article”) In the July 11, 1968, issue of The Village Voice, Marvin Garson, the pamphleteer of the Free Speech Movement, recounted with pride the bombings which had been the calling card of campus radicals from Berkeley and its environs: The series of successful and highly popular [...]