Angelina Jolie’s Mastectomy and the Abortion Debate

Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a double mastectomy because of a genetic marker that made her chances of getting breast cancer very high — 87 percent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer and up to a 54 percent chance of ovarian cancer — was front page news. TV news shows and gossip columnists led with her story. Her mother died from breast cancer. Jolie is not the first prominent person to [...]

If Baby Killer Kermit Gosnell Had Been Dog Killer Michael Vick

The mainstream media have been relatively silent in reporting on abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell who was really involved in Nazi-style executions of live babies: “In Gosnell’s clinic police found severed baby feet of various sizes kept in see-through containers and bodies of babies in a freezer and in the basement. The upper spinal cords of some of the babies had been severed." Sarah Kli [...]

Professor Melissa Harris-Perry calls pre-born baby “This Thing”

**Melissa Harris-Perry** described a pre-born baby as “this thing” that costs money when born, implying that it’s better to kill him or her rather than give birth. Here’s what she said on her MSNBC morning show: “But the reality is that if this [as she holds up a marble-sized object representing the fertilized egg] turns into a person, right, there are economic consequences, right? The cost to rai [...]

Christian Pastors Should Not Participate in Inaugurations

Christians are riled up that Louie Giglio, pastor of the Passion City Church in Roswell, Georgia, was dumped by Obama’s people to give the benediction at the President’s inauguration ceremony. I’m shocked that more Christians aren’t riled up that Louie Giglio agreed to do it in the first place. Don’t get me wrong. I believe Giglio has a great ministry. This year’s Passion event turned [...]

America's Moral Stockholm Syndrome

Gabrielle Ludwig is 6-feet 6-inches tall and weighs 220 pounds. ‘She’ plays basketball for the Lady Saints, the women’s basketball team at Mission College in Santa Clara, California. Gabrielle is the former Robert John Ludwig. Gabrielle is a surgically altered and hormone-induced woman. “As someone living as a woman and taking female hormones since 2007, Ludwig was eligible to play in the NCAA. Tr [...]

Is It Ever Okay to Lie?

A number of critics of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have criticized the Pentagon’s “use of deception and disinformation against enemies, real or imagined, abroad.” The question is, In a time of war, should governments always tell the truth to the enemy? The architects of the D-Day invasion, for example, used deception to mislead the Nazis. Was this wrong? Is wearing camouflage, a form of decep [...]

Is a Return to Natural Law a Good Thing?

When Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas appealed to Natural Law theory in some of his legal opinions and writings, there were those on the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearings in September 1991 that took exception. The most vocal critic was former Senator and now Vice President Joseph Biden. It was that debate more than 20 years ago that helps us to understand how politic [...]

Obama Administration Forces Bible Publisher to Pay for Abortions

The Obama administration is arguing that Tyndale House Publishers, a Christian publisher of Bibles and ministry material, is not religious enough to qualify for an exemption to the contraception mandate — which includes drugs many Christian groups say are abortifacients. The First Amendment does not make a distinction between for-profit and non-profit religious groups: “Congress shall make no law [...]

Consistent Atheism in Action at Major University

Maybe you’ve seen the headline: “Michigan Professor Strips Naked in Class, Shouts ‘There Is No F–king God’” While on a speaking tour in the North East part of the United States and Canada last week, I presented a talk on the ethical implications of atheistic evolution. I pointed out that while atheists are not by definition immoral, they cannot account for morality or immorality given the op [...]

Are Pastors Finally Getting the Message about Politics?

In 2000, John MacArthur wrote a book with the title Why Government Can’t Save You. ((John MacArthur, Why Government Can’t Save You: An Alternative to Political Activism (Nashville, TN: Word Publishing, 2000).)) When this book first appeared, I wrote that I didn’t know any Christians who believed government can or should save us. The subtitle led the reader to believe that getting involved politica [...]

A Call for a New Magna Carta

The Declaration of Independence was written in the long shadow of Magna Carta, a thirteenth-century document that maintained that even the king was bound by law, not only the law of the commonwealth but God’s law. King John reluctantly bound himself to the charter’s provisions by attaching his seal. To ensure that the king would abide by his word, “the leaders of the nobility held the [...]

Whoever has the most babies wins

I’ll never forget reading an article in the December 6, 2004 issue of Time by Michelle Cottle, in which she concluded that the battle over morals is over, but the war continues to rage. She saw the pro-homosexual forces winning in the end. She based this on the way the American public is more accepting today of “lifestyle issues” like homosexuality. Will & Grace, a TV show with a flaming [...]

John MacArthur: “There is No Hope for a Better World”

If you tell someone he can’t do something, in most cases that person will stop before he even tries. Of course, there are some people who take the impossible as a challenge and use the impossible as an incentive to work hard to disprove the critics. Many of the advances in science, technology, and everyday life are the result of people who fought against impossible odds. Life is full of impossible [...]

The Wonderment of the Impossible

In the 1920s, Walt Disney began a new career as a cartoonist. A rarity in those days since the industry had no large market. Once this new entertainment medium became profitable, Disney hired additional artists to draw the thousands of still pictures needed to produce a high quality animated feature. Disney’s early success was with an animated character named Oswald Rabbit. The copyright, ho [...]

It's Not the 'St. Paul Saints' It's the 'Mr. Paul Aints'

Atheists are in the news again. This time they’re infiltrated the wide world of sports. “The St. Paul Saints, a minor league baseball team in the Twin Cities, will become the ‘Mr. Paul Aints’ for one night in August [the 10th] in honor of atheism, the team and the Minnesota Atheists have announced,” Bill Unruh of WND reports. “To enhance the evening even more, every mention of the word ‘Saints’ wi [...]

I Know It's True Because I Saw it on TV

Tom Brokaw stepped down as anchor for NBC News shortly after the previous presidential elections and Dan Rather retired from CBS about a year after him. Through the decades, the mainstream media — print, radio, and television — have pushed the line that facts are neutral, that they speak for themselves.[2] For decades, the had a majority of people believing that newscasters and journalists simply [...]

If You Love Liberty You Might be a Terrorist

A report on terrorism in the United States has been published by the Department of Homeland Security. The authors of the report are Gary LaFree, professor of criminology at the University of Maryland, and Bianca Bersani, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. The goal of the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) program is to sponsor research th [...]

Washington Post Admits Dan Quayle was Right about Murphy Brown and Unmarried Moms

Many of you are probably too young to remember the flap over Vice President Dan Quayle’s comments in 1992 about unwed mothers. Here’s some of what the former vice president said: “Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong. Failing to support children one has fathered is wrong. We must be unequivocal about this. It doesn’t help matters when prime-time TV has Murphy Brown, a character who suppose [...]

Atheists Make Better Thieves, Murderers, and Rapists

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes. Atheists are at it again” (Proverbs 26:4-5). The Backyard Skeptics have unveiled a billboard that claims “Atheists make better lovers.” The atheist billboard tells us why atheists are better lovers. It’s not due to love but because “nobod [...]

Another Liberal Argument Bites the Dust

I was surfing through Facebook looking for some good articles to comment on, and I came across this post with an accompanying sign: “If God didn’t make gays, there wouldn’t be any.” Most of the hundreds of comments I read didn’t see how absolutely illogical this attempt at being logical in support of homosexual behavior actually is. Too many of those who commented saw this as a slam-dunk refutatio [...]