And Now for Some Good News

And Now for Some Good News

Gary mentions five encouraging signs that he has seen recently about the state of the culture. The Christian worldview does not reject this world or the things of this world as evil. All that God created is good (Gen. 1:31). All that we do should be evaluated in terms of God’s Word. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. [...]

The Inescapable Nature of Religion

The Inescapable Nature of Religion

In this continuation of his first lecture, Gary points out that if the biblical God is not recognized in a culture, something else will always take His place. In debates on subjects where there are fundamental disagreements, several basic preliminaries must be established before a meaningful discussion can take place. The first principle is to establish the starting point for the ultimate authorit [...]

What is the Proper Response?

What is the Proper Response?

Gary continues his discussion about how we should respond to the grievance merchants in modern society. The biblical position is that there must always be judicial representation. Adam represented all of mankind before God in the fall. Jesus Christ represented all of mankind as well as His people before God in His death, resurrection, and ascension. There must always be representation. Moses repre [...]

Vigilante Justice and Grievances

Vigilante Justice and Grievances

Gary begins addressing the recent murder of the United Healthcare CEO and how to properly address grievances anyone may have with either an individual or a major social wrong. Deuteronomy 21:1-9 is a very important passage. It deals with a dead body found in a field. The victim has been murdered, but no one knows who committed it. The elders of the city closest to the field come out to participate [...]

Episode 20: Hal Lindsey's Projection in "The Road to Holocaust"

Episode 20: Hal Lindsey's Projection in "The Road to Holocaust"

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 20 Gary discusses one of Hal Lindsey’s lesser-known books called The Road to Holocaust. Projection is “a defense mechanism in which an individual recognizes their unacceptable traits or impulses in someone else to avoid recognizing those traits or impulses in themselves subconsciously. For example, someone who bullies another for being anxious and [...]

Great Christmas Movies (Part Two)

Great Christmas Movies (Part Two)

Gary continues speaking with Rick Welch of The Burros of Berea podcast about Christmas movies. These movies are not necessarily “Christian” in the sense that many modern Christians tend to think about such things. While they may lack a comprehensive Gospel message that leads viewers to the Cross, that misses the point of what makes something Christian or non-Christian. Christians should be able to [...]

How Democrats Turn the Christmas Story Into a Political Nightmare

How Democrats Turn the Christmas Story Into a Political Nightmare

Every Christmas liberals try to make the Christmas story about some needed Leftist government welfare program. Leftists have little regard for the Bible unless it can be used to scold Christians for judging righteously (Matt. 7:1-2; John 7:24) and supporting socialism based on voluntary giving (Acts 2:42-45; 4:32-35). In the same breath they refuse to acknowledge the Bible teaches that unborn babi [...]

This IS Our Home Now

This IS Our Home Now

Christians must re-learn how to think biblically. Gary points the way forward in this talk given in McAllen, Texas a few years ago. Teachers of a false spirituality in the first-century church were “forbidding marriage” and advocating “abstaining from foods, which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth” (1 Tim. 4:3–4). Decrees such as “Do not handle, do [...]

Atheism Is Showing Its Inevitable Consequences in Transgender Case

Atheism Is Showing Its Inevitable Consequences in Transgender Case

The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in the U.S. v. Skrmetti to Loving v. Virginia case regarding minors having access to medical treatments that would physically alter their birth sex. “American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Chase Strangio—a female who says she identifies as male” is arguing “that Tennessee’s law banning Frankensteinian medical experiments on kids violates federal law by di [...]

Thankful for What?

Thankful for What?

A sign at an elementary school caught my attention. It read, “Bless America.” The question that came to mind was, “Who or what are they calling on to bless America?” Even with the unabashed call for God to bless America, there is no specific God in mind. Is it Aristotle’s “Unmoved Mover”? How about Jefferson’s absentee landlord god? What are children told about Thanksgiving in our nation’s governm [...]

Be Equipped for Worldview Wars

Be Equipped for Worldview Wars

When entering a battle, we must be equipped with the most effective weapons, a winning strategy, a commitment to prevail, and the assurance of victory. This is no less true for a spiritual battle where eternal destinies are at stake. The Bible describes the conflict between the Christian worldview and all opposing worldviews by using the metaphors of war (2 Cor. 10:3-6). Some might not like the wa [...]

Is Satan Alive and Well and the “God of This World”?

Is Satan Alive and Well and the “God of This World”?

A popular minister whose sermons are broadcast on radio and television claims the Bible teaches that God has allowed Satan to be in control of this world until Jesus returns. He gave specific passages like Satan being labeled the “prince of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) and argued that when Satan tempted Jesus in the desert and offered him the kingdoms of this world, Jesus didn’t argue or [...]

Gary DeMar's Response to the Election

Gary DeMar's Response to the Election

Gary recorded a bonus podcast yesterday with his thoughts about the election on Tuesday. These are the notes he used for the episode. Listen to the podcast here -————————– Had no idea who was going to win. Told my wife to stop feeding me election result news. Reminded me of 2016. What happened to all the “voters” Polling was way off. Decided to [...]

Billionaires, the Economy, and Abortion

Billionaires, the Economy, and Abortion

Two huge topics that defined the Harris/Walz platform were taxing rich people and the right to abortion. Gary points out how both of these are misrepresented to appeal to uninformed voters. Most Americans are under the false impression that our system of constitutional government is a democracy. To be sure, there are certainly democratic elements present. The First Amendment to the Constitution st [...]

Planned Parenthood and Pagans Use Bible to Support Abortion

Planned Parenthood and Pagans Use Bible to Support Abortion

Do you know that Planned Parenthood used the Bible and religion to convince women they are morally justified to kill their unborn babies. Maybe that’s why some prominent “Christians” are supporting the pro-abortion Democrat Party like one of Billy Graham’s granddaughters. The organization’s so-called “Pastoral Letter” begins with this outlandish claim: “Many people wrongly assume that all religiou [...]

Not to Vote is Still a Vote

Not to Vote is Still a Vote

Many Christians are saying that they won’t vote because neither candidate appeals to them. Not voting is still a vote, and these same Christians will have to live in the world that results from whichever candidate wins. Throughout its history, the church has been in the forefront of establishing political freedom. In addition, there is a long tradition of the establishment of schools and hos [...]

Meet the Real Fascists

Meet the Real Fascists

When you hear Leftists accuse conservatives of something you can bet that they are the ones who are doing it. Their accusations are a cover for their own beliefs and actions. In the parable of the speck and the log in the New Testament, Jesus warned against what is described today as “projection,” a defense mechanism in which an individual recognizes their unacceptable traits or impulses in someon [...]

Going Back to Find the Way Forward

Going Back to Find the Way Forward

Gary interviews author Mike D’Virgilio about his book, Going Back To Find the Way Forward. To truly grasp the promise ahead, we must unravel the threads of our past, uncovering the hidden opportunities that surround us. It may seem paradoxical, but amidst the apparent chaos, there’s a silver lining waiting to be seized. The metaphorical red pill, a ubiquitous symbol, has awakened millions to [...]

It’s Time to Talk Again About God’s Kingdom

It’s Time to Talk Again About God’s Kingdom

[Those who reject special revelation] are like the Irishman who preferred the moon to the sun, because the sun shines in the day-time when there is no need of it, while the moon shines in the night time; so these moralists, shining by the borrowed, reflected light of Christianity, think they have no need of the sun, from whose radiance they get their pale moonlight.[1] I’ve watched a series of sho [...]

How Your Goose is Getting Cooked

How Your Goose is Getting Cooked

Gary concludes his talk about the conflict between the Christian worldview and its competitors. The impact of social Darwinism in the African continent is described in Olufemi Oluniyi’s book Darwin Comes to Africa: Social Darwinism and British Imperialism in Northern Nigeria (2023). Oluniyi writes: It is indisputable that later in the nineteenth century, advocates of imperialism, racism, and eugen [...]