Jesus, Guns, and Self-Defense: What Does the Bible Say?

The following article was written in 2016. The debate continues on how houses of worship should defend themselves. Does the Bible offer any help? Good Christian? Bad Christian? It all depends on who’s doing the evaluating. The reaction to Jerry Falwell Jr.’s comments on encouraging students at Liberty University to be armed in case there is an ISIS attack at the school has led to a great deal of t [...]

Does the 'Primary Mission of the Church' Negate Social Transformation?

The following article continues my response to Ed Dingess of Reformed Reasons who responded to my article “Jesus Has Not Called Us to be Doormats” with “Gary DeMar: A Response to Christian Doormats.” See the first part of my response, “Should the Church only Preach the Gospel?” Ed Dingess continues talking about the “mission of the church” and “the primary mission of the church.” The f [...]

Should the Church ‘Only Preach the Gospel’?

Ed Dingess at Reformed Reasons responded to my article “Jesus Has Not Called Us to be Doormats” with “Gary DeMar: A Response to Christian Doormats.” I’ll extend him the courtesy of linking to his article even though he does not link to mine or even give the title of my article. Strange. It would also have been nice if he had been consistent with the spelling of my name. It’s DeMar, not Demar [...]

Are Christians Being 'Too Political’?

Is it any wonder that Christians are losing their hard-fought freedoms? Christian radio network K-LOVE found itself under fire after it initially refused to run promo spots on its stations for the newly released pro-life film, “Unplanned.” Please tell me what’s not political? Everything is political. That’s the point. The reasons Christians should be involved in politics is [...]

Homosexual Mayor Claims His Same-Sex Marriage Brought Him 'Closer to God'

Politics gets stranger and stranger. Who would have thought that same-sex sexuality would become a political selling point? But it has. Chicago just elected a lesbian mayor. South Bend, Indiana, elected Pete Buttigieg who is married to a man. “My marriage to Chasten,” Buttigieg said in a speech at LGBTQ Victory Fund National Champagne Brunch in Washington, D.C., “has made me a be [...]

Georgia State Representative Doesn't Know Much About Biology or Logic

The Georgia House of Representatives passed a bill that banned abortions after the unborn babies heartbeat is detected. No one has two heartbeats. If there are two heartbeats, then there are two people. This is not enough evidence for Georgia Democrat state Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick. She has introduced a “Testicular Bill of Rights” to protest the Georgia House of Representatives&rsq [...]

Are Christians really "not here to change the culture"?

Someone posted a 30-second video clip by Dr. Arturo Azurdia III from the 2018 Shepherds’ Conference with the title “You Are Not Here to Change the Culture.” (I’m not sure if it’s Todd Friel’s title or Dr. Azurdia’s.) The clip is posted on the “Wretched” Youtube channel. Dr. Azurdia says, Advance the cause of Right Wing politics. Advance the homeschool agenda. Shut down all the Planned Parenthood c [...]

Should we really "unhitch" from the Old Testament?

Andy Stanley is the senior pastor of North Point Community Church and North Point Ministries (NPM). There are six locations throughout the greater Atlanta area. Each week, more than 30,000 people attend services at NPM. He is the son of Charles Stanley, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. The elder Stanley is the founder and president of In Touch Ministries and served two on [...]

Is it unbiblical to protest against unrighteous governments?

Pastor John MacArthur made the following comments about civil unrest in the Middle East: “I just think the upshot of all of this is more instability, more chaos,” the longtime Southern California pastor told The Christian Post in an interview. “I don’t think the future looks good.” He may be right, but he doesn’t really know. He uses Iran as an example of what happened when the government of the S [...]

We Should be More Concerned About Deflated Freedoms than Deflated Footballs

Deflated footballs are in the news. In fact, the story is so popular that all the major networks led with the story even though almost nobody in the United States will be financially affected by the outcome. No one will lose any freedom, be forced to pay a tax, or have a pile of new regulations stacked on them. “On Thursday night, the ‘big three’ of ABC, CBS, and NBC each covered the news that the [...]

Newsweek's Bible-Bashing Article Says Criticizing the Government is a Sin

Newsweek magazine has published its first 2015 issue with the lead article “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin” written by Kurt Eichenwald. The question is, however, who is misunderstanding the Bible? Could it be that Mr. Eichenwald is the one doing the misunderstanding? Certainly a lot of people do misunderstand the Bible. Much of the misunderstanding comes from a simple lack of Bible knowled [...]

How the Eating of Michael Rockefeller Supports Atheism

Three articles caught my attention. In the first one, a former Seventh Day Adventist pastor “pledged to live 2014 god-free in order to test his faith.” He “now says he is contemplating leaving religion for good.” Ryan Bell had “resigned as pastor of the church he had worked at for 19 years. He had become uncomfortable with the way his religion has handled homosexuality and felt that the organizati [...]

Why Abortionists, Islam, and Homosexuals Will Ultimately Lose

Some of the greatest civilizations that the world has ever known are now tourist attractions. Babylon is a dust bowl. There’s not even a hint that its Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, ever existed, so much so that “it has been suggested that the Hanging Gardens are purely legendary.” The grand empires of Greece and Rome are the same. The remnants of the Pa [...]

Planned Parenthood Uses Bible to Support Abortion

The newest low for Planned Parenthood is to use the Bible and religion to convince women that they are morally justified in killing their unborn babies. The organization’s so-called “Pastoral Letter” begins with this outlandish claim: Many people wrongly assume that all religious leaders disapprove of abortion. The truth is that abortion is not even mentioned in the Scriptures. Inherent in this st [...]

Asking and Answering the Wrong Questions in the Hobby Lobby Case

Should business owners be forced to pay for contraceptives or pay a fine if they don’t in the new ever-changing Affordable Care Act? Wrong question. The case before the Supreme Court “will determine whether Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft store chain, and Conestoga Wood Specialties, a cabinet company, can be exempted from providing contraception coverage to female employees through federally [...]

Don’t Send TV Pitchman Kevin Trudeau to Jail

At first I thought the story was a joke. After reading that the death of Chumlee from Pawn Stars was a hoax (last year the hoax was that the “Old Man” had died), I was skeptical when I saw a news story that TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau was going to prison for ten years for fraud. Trudeau was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his “decades-long history of fraud.” U. [...]

Aborted Babies Used to Heat Hospitals in UK

At first I thought it was a tag line for a new horror movie, but as I began to read the article I realized that the story is about what hospitals in Great Britain have been doing with aborted babies. The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found. Ten NHS trusts have admitted burning foe [...]

Iowa Democrats Pray to God so they Can Keep Killing Pre-Born Babies

I thought religion and politics don’t mix. How many times have we been told that the there’s a separation of church and state? Liberals have been pushing city council meetings to do away with prayer to open the meetings. If you know anything about liberal politicians, they are not against religion as long as they get to control it. Liberals have used black churches for decades to support their can [...]

Scientists lie about evolution of bacteria

Evolutionists have never seen anything evolve, as the word is technically understood. Change, yes. Evolve, no. There’s a difference. Developmental changes within a species takes place all the time. My grandfathers were barely 5’ 5” tall. I’m a high inch over six feet. I did not evolve. I’m still a human being. My youngest son is an inch taller than I am, and my older son is a tad shorter. [...]

Hulk actor extols the abortion of his brother or sister

Hollywood types get too much attention. They’re actors. They entertain us (sometimes). Their opinions are no more important than the check-out person at the local supermarket. Unfortunately, their public platform gives them a license to pontificate on subjects that the liberal media use to push a degrading agenda. Actor Mark Ruffalo’s comments on abortion is the latest example. Ruffalo played the [...]