Presidential Candidate Says the Bible Teaches that Life Begins when a Baby takes a Breath

The Bible, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who claims to be married to a man, justifies abortion up to the point of birth because “there’s [sic] so many parts of the Bible that associate the beginning of life with breath.” Is this true? Does the Bible support this view? About as much as it supports one man marrying another man. Let’s look at the biblical facts. In a previous statement, Buttigieg argued that [...]

Hillary Clinton Compares the Trumps to King Ahab and Jezebel

Hillary Clinton is at it again. She claims to be a Christian and often quotes from the Bible. In June of 2018, she condemned “those who selectively use the Bible to justify” their political decisions, something she and her follow-Democrats do all the time. She claimed that the Bible is “the biggest influence” on her thinking: At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible [...]

Is There a Defense for Using Strong Language in an Argument?

Is harsh rhetoric a bad thing? Are there times when it’s OK to let loose with the truth in a way that disturbs some people? I have a saying: “Don’t give anyone a reason to reject your position other than the position itself.” But sometimes reasoned arguments aren’t enough. Often, some people are dismissive of them, like “whatever” or the new “OK Boom [...]

The Consequences of Darwin’s Dangerous Idea

Are some people insane or just becoming more consistent? Every day there is a new story of some whacky group protesting some corporate indiscretion like the use of plastic straws and plastic eating utensils. I can assure you that there are more troubling issues to confront. What’s going on? What’s the root of the problem? Phillip E. Johnson was instrumental in making people aware of th [...]

Should Pastors Address the Subject of Politics?

For decades pastors have been timid about preaching politics from the pulpit. The Old Testament prophets would have been stunned by such timidity. A good many modern-day churches believe that they have some very good biblical reasons for not touching on the subject of politics from the pulpit. Many believe they are prohibited from doing so because it will jeopardize their tax-exempt status. It won [...]

How Far the Democrats Have Fallen (And the Republicans Aren’t Far Behind)

Who said the following? “I am a Christian, I am a Protestant, I am a Baptist … [and] my own personal religious faith . . . has developed out of my own personal experience in life as well…. [T]he tradition of which I’m a part recognizes the importance of personal communication with the deity, along with the lessons that come from Scripture.” ((From Kenneth Woodward, “Finding God,” New [...]

Romans 13 and the Persecution-Seeking Christian

Whenever we ponder Christianity and government, you can almost wager some well-meaning believer will argue that we can’t expect rulers to be just because Paul actually had the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar in mind when he penned Romans 13. Like many of his predecessors in the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Nero was a bit of a beast. He had his own mother killed. The Roman historian Tacitus had this [...]

Pete Buttigieg Argues that Unborn Babies Are Not Human Beings until they Take their First Breath

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, a self-admitted homosexual who claims to be married to a man contrary to what the Bible says, argued that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath. He bases this on the creation of Adam. Buttigieg might want to look at the Genesis account to get a better understanding about sexuality before he makes similar ridiculous comm [...]

Alyssa Milano Battles Over the Bible and Guns

Alyssa Milano said the following about Republican Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer’s tweet that he was “NOT going to use the evil acts of a handful of people to diminish the God-given rights of my fellow Texans. Period.” Can someone cite which passage of the Bible God states it is a God-given right to own a gun? This guy is unbelievable and is clearly owned by the gun lobby. Can someone cite w [...]

Have Christians Become Numb Over the Abortion Debate?

Liberals win because they fight. Liberals win because they don’t quit. Liberals win because they believe in what they’re fighting for. Over the years, I’ve noticed that Christians don’t know how to fight even though the Bible says that we are to put on “the full armor of God.” Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor [...]

One of the First Places to Start to Fix the Nation

The elephant in the room is the public school system. It’s filling our nation with cultural toxicity. Public schools have added same-sex sexuality and transgenderism into the curriculum. Some will say, “but not in our schools.” California is the biggest consumer of textbooks. When textbook manufacturers are told to include these topics in future editions of their textbooks, they [...]

Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Believe a Good Samaritan Faith Includes Unborn Babies

The political party that shuns and ridicules Christians has no problem appealing to the Bible when it suits their warped and twisted big-government purposes. Pelosi said the following in a Tweet: It should be a sign to us that today’s Catholic Gospel reading is the Good Samaritan, where Jesus teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and treat them with mercy. Trump’s ICE raids today tear fami [...]

The Left's Love Affair with Tyrants and Dictators

“Hasta la victoria, siempre.” The current mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, said this to striking workers at Miami International Airport. “The phrase — which translates roughly to ‘Ever on to victory!’ — was a mantra for Guevara, who became one of Fidel Castro’s top lieutenants. Raúl Castro uttered the quote on Cuban television in 2016 when he announced to the world that hi [...]

Madonna Claims Jesus Would Support Abortion

Madonna wants to meet with Pope Francis to discuss abortion. She claims that Jesus would support a “woman’s right to choose,” that abortion does not end a human life. She needs to stick to singing and dancing. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about even if she calls herself Madonna. “Madonna was raised Catholic and although she was later excommunicated from the church, she tol [...]

Reparations Will Only Turn Poor Blacks into Bigger Slaves to the State

I don’t owe anyone anything except what I’ve contracted to pay. I’ve never owned a slave. I’ve never denied a black person a job. Who are these Democrats to demand reparations from me? Trillions of dollars have been paid out to poor people for nearly 60 years. It’s only made many of them poorer and slaves to the State. They live on Uncle Sam’s Plantation. Democrats and Republicans are guilty of de [...]

Are There Verses in the Bible that Support Abortion?

Michael Brown has published a good article on abortion and the Bible: “Are There Really Verses in the Bible That Support Abortion?” It’s worthwhile reading. It’s a relatively short article and covers a lot of ground. He writes the following about a critical text about abortion: The question, then, is simple: Does the Torah consider the unborn baby to be a human life, in whi [...]

‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Author Says It’s ‘Slavery to Force Women to Have Children they Can’t Afford’

Margaret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) that’s in its third TV season on Hulu, is a radical secularist and abortion advocate. This is how Wikipedia describes the plotline of the series: In the near future, fertility rates collapse as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution. With this chaos, the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead estab [...]

Hollywood Has Become the Bullies of Those Least Able to Defend Themselves

Self-righteous Hollywood is at it again. Hollywood decries and even runs AD spots denouncing bullying. The following an article titled “Bullying Prevention Month In Hollywood”: We hope you’ve noticed over the past year that we’ve been focusing on bullying and cyberbullying, a confounding national crisis that turns youths’ lives upside down with unimaginable angst and [...]

Secularism's March Toward Dehumanization. Who Will Be Next?

Evolutionists get more desperate every day. They spend billions of dollars to send space probes to distant places in the universe to find signs of life so they can once and for all declare that God does not exist. If they can show that Earth is not the only place where life could have evolved, then it proves that there is no god. So while one group of atheists is trying to find life out there so t [...]

The Most Bizarre Leftist Arguments for Keeping Abortion Legal (And I Thought I Had Heard Them All)

How many of you remember “Stupid Pet Tricks” on the David Letterman Show? Well, there are now Stupid Democrat Tricks. Here’s the latest from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand who said that laws banning or restricting abortion are against “the Christian faith.” If you are a person of the Christian faith, one of the tenants of our faith is free will. One of the tenants of our dem [...]