Fight, Laugh, Feast Conference

Fight, Laugh, Feast Conference

The second Fight, Laugh, Feast Conference will be held September 9–11 at the Farm Bureau Exposition Center in Lebanon, Tennessee, east of Nashville. Gary DeMar will be discussing the topic of “The Eschatology of Sex.“Also, American Vision will be having a large display of books — new and out of print — for sale. Sex is inherently political. What you do in the privacy of the bedroom nev [...]

Apologists for Communists

Apologists for Communists

As the Cuban crisis unfolds, we are seeing an unprecedented number of protesters. Some of these dissidents could lose their lives for their bravery. A friend of mine from church is from Cuba. Carlos was a political prisoner for 18 months in his home country. His crime? Trying to escape Cuba. Eventually, he did get to escape. I asked him about today’s protests. He said, “62 years later—this i [...]

"Avoid such men as these..."

"Avoid such men as these..."

“Do not give your opponent any reason to reject your position other than the position itself” — Gary DeMar In the waning years of Israel’s Old Covenant system that was in the process of passing away (Heb. 8:13), Christians were being attacked on all sides. Some of the opposition was coming from the Roman government but most of it was brought on by “wolves” who had entered the flock of the New Cove [...]

You’re a White Supremacist If You Don’t Believe in Evolution

You’re a White Supremacist If You Don’t Believe in Evolution

The Political Left is all about redefinition. For example, Critical Race Theory (CRT) is said to be (and is) “an academic theory mostly taught at the grad-student level.” But CRT has evolved into something like Frankenstein’s monster that was pieced together from the dead. The latest example of CRT thinking is the claim that the “Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy.” The author of the [...]

The Time for School Choice Is Past Due

The Time for School Choice Is Past Due

The following article is a good start in identifying the problem and calling for a solution. While school choice is far better than what we have today, most of the schools that parents would choose are still controlled by the government. The best school choice is to choose not to send your children to any government school. Schools run by churches that are empty six days a week, private schools ru [...]

Do All to the Glory of God... but how?

Do All to the Glory of God... but how?

by John Livingston The Apostle Paul said, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). His command is comprehensive. His point was that, even in the very mundane things we do every day, we should be bound by the desire to glorify God. Our redemption in Jesus is total: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. [...]

The Olympic Games and Public Protests

The Olympic Games and Public Protests

Once again, the Olympic Games are the center stage for racial issue protests. It began at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968 when Tommie Smith (gold medal) and John Carlos (bronze medal) made an international public statement about racial injustice in the United States with their bowed heads, “black-socked feet without shoes to bring attention to Black poverty, beads to protest lynchings, and raised [...]

Back in Print! Christian Life and Character

Back in Print! Christian Life and Character

Some years ago, I debated an ACLU attorney around the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays on an NPR station in Atlanta. The exchange was typical until I pulled out a Xerox copy of The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States, first published in 1864, and said to her: “Until you answer this book, the ACLU can’t make a case against America’s Christian founding.” Sh [...]

Fatherlessness Can Be Fatal

Fatherlessness Can Be Fatal

There were more shootings in Chicago over the weekend. The irony of these shootings, in which 52 were shot and 5 died (Chicago Sun-Times Wire, 6/21/21), is the weekend itself….Father’s Day weekend. Some sociologists note that what we’re seeing in large part are quite often the results of fatherlessness in America. Mark J. Perry, a scholar with American Enterprise Institute, put out a chart on Marc [...]

Is “Sports Equity” the New Social Justice Movement?

Is “Sports Equity” the New Social Justice Movement?

It’s time that we read J.P. Hartley’s 1960 novel Facial Justice that “depicts a post-apocalyptic society that has sought to banish privilege and envy, to the extent that people will even have their faces surgically altered in order to appear neither too beautiful nor too ugly.” It was a crazy notion in 1960, but we may be headed this way in sports because of supposed gross inequities that should b [...]

Arguing from the Impossibility of the Contrary

Arguing from the Impossibility of the Contrary

During a “Gay Rights”/Juneteenth Parade in Fort Lauderdale, a man drove his pickup truck into a crowd killing one and injuring another. It was immediately denounced as a “terrorist attack” against the LGBTQ+ community. Here are some of the comments: • 2 hit by truck that was aiming for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s car, a person is dead. “This is a terrorist attack against the LGBT community…del [...]

Evolution as the Monkey's Paw

Evolution as the Monkey's Paw

Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, first published in 1859, was the key that secularists wished for to advance a rival comprehensive worldview based on non-Christian presuppositions. Darwinian evolution, considered the epitome of science, was seen as a way out of a world governed by a Creator who demanded ethical absolutes. But it’s become a Monkey’s Paw. Be careful what [...]

What’s Lacking in Evolutionary Theory

What’s Lacking in Evolutionary Theory

The following is a list of what’s lacking in the evolutionary theory that we have been told is the basis of all science: Evolutionists claim that everything we see (or ever will see) and feel arose from lesser-complex organisms. Single organisms arose spontaneously from a primordial soup of chemicals that randomly came together at the beginning of what we now define as “life.” These basic life for [...]

The Great Reset Has You in Its Sights

The Great Reset Has You in Its Sights

There are at least two types of “equality.” The first refers to equality before the law. The other is to use the law to force economic and social equality. This type of equality attempts to level society to force equal outcomes for everyone’s good. Orwell’s Animal Farm explains it best as there are always those at the top who define equality who become more equal than others. In the en [...]

The Rise of Economic Tyranny

The Rise of Economic Tyranny

Failure to follow God’s economic laws results in disaster for individuals, families, corporations, and nations. Those who make daily economic decisions in running a business and keeping track of household expenses understand this. If a family fails to pay its bills or writes bad checks to postpone bill collection, it suffers the consequences of having creditors call demanding payment. What is true [...]

“We Are Primates... We Are Animals”

“We Are Primates... We Are Animals”

I saw the following on a Facebook post: A chimpanzee’s finger and a human finger. Identical in practically every aspect. We don’t come from primates, we are primates. We are not a race, we are a species. We are animals. We are mammals. We are a product of nature. We belong to it and we are a part of it. — David Attenborough According to Attenborough, we are animals almost identical to chimpanzees. [...]

Marxism in the Military

Marxism in the Military

Can anybody name a square inch spot on the planet anywhere where Marxism has brought anything good? Anywhere? Certainly not in • China, • Russia, • Cambodia, • Vietnam, • Cuba, • Venezuela. And now, Marxism is allegedly making inroads into the U.S. military at present? So says a whistleblower, who just got fired from the military. Critical Race Theory, which is now being taught in many schools and [...]

Prophecy Speculation for the Umpteenth Time

Prophecy Speculation for the Umpteenth Time

If someone burps in the Middle East, the end-time speculators come out of the woodwork and claim that this time it’s the end. People said the end was near more than 100 years ago when Europe went to war, and 51 years ago when Hal Lindsey wrote The Late Great Planet Earth, and 20 years ago when the Sabbath Millennium was said to start. The rapture and the antichrist have once again taken center sta [...]

If You Don't Start Here, You'll Never Get Anywhere

If You Don't Start Here, You'll Never Get Anywhere

The Christian begins with the presupposition that God created the cosmos and man as a special creation different in kind from both inanimate and other animate creations. We are so special that the Bible tells us that we are created in the “image of God” (Gen. 1:27). One of these image attributes is the existence of the mind and the ability to think rationally (Col. 3:10) and to act morally (Eph. [...]

Early Darwinists Knew its Moral Shortcomings

Early Darwinists Knew its Moral Shortcomings

Jeffrey O’Connell and Michael Ruse of Florida State University have written Social Darwinism published by Cambridge University Press in 2021. The book is described as follows: It begins by discussing the meaning of the term [Social Darwinism], moving then to its origins, paying particular attention to whether it is Charles Darwin or Herbert Spencer who is the true father of the idea. It gives an e [...]