Telling Better Stories

Telling Better Stories

Movies are a self-contained world. The writers and producers make the rules and the circumstances for the worlds they create. Most often though, films use the assumed order of the natural world and don’t attempt to re-write reality for the viewer. Films either reinforce the real world or they rebel against it. Either way, they provide a great way to think through worldview issues and their c [...]

Strategic and Feasible

Strategic and Feasible

One of the main problems with modern Christianity is that it is reactive, rather than proactive. Christians aren’t being taught to think and act operationally. A Christian worldview is a great first step, but how does that worldview apply beyond the classroom? What does a Christian worldview look like when it is lived out and applied to daily life? Douglas Wilson has been a worldview warrior [...]

Historical Revisionists are at it Again

Historical Revisionists are at it Again

In recent years, we have seen the phenomenon of historical revisionism being taught in our schools. Usually, this deals with events centuries ago. But what about historical revisionism involving something in our own time? Any American older than a certain age can remember 9/11 well. We can remember exactly where we were when we first heard the news of the attack. But now there are many Americans w [...]

Once-Christian Harvard Goes Full-Atheist

Once-Christian Harvard Goes Full-Atheist

The battle for America is being fought on two fronts: In the courts and the universities. If these two institutions remain in the hands of liberals, reversing anti-Christian trends will take decades longer. The universities feed the law schools, the law schools corrupt the minds of impressionable law students, and the courts maintain the status quo. Our colonial founders understood that the garden [...]

Some of My Favorite Sci-Fi Films

Some of My Favorite Sci-Fi Films

Many science fiction films breed optimism. They lay out what’s possible. Technology is good if used for the right reasons. There is generally a theme of good and evil. Some older sci-fi films dealt with technology gone wrong like in The Fly or Them. Others have a moral bent to them as in The 27th Day based on the novel by John Mantley. Films trying to depict the signs of the times are said to be f [...]

More Reasons You Don’t Want CRT Taught

More Reasons You Don’t Want CRT Taught

Elle Reeve’s “special report” for CNN was a doozy of misinformation. One would think that a person who works at a high level for a world news network would know what she’s talking about. I suspect that many teachers teaching the CRT curriculum are equally ignorant. Reeve’s was asked this question by CNN’s Brianna Keilar: “Do these vocal opponents of critical race theory actually understand fully w [...]

The Time for School Choice Is Past Due

The Time for School Choice Is Past Due

The following article is a good start in identifying the problem and calling for a solution. While school choice is far better than what we have today, most of the schools that parents would choose are still controlled by the government. The best school choice is to choose not to send your children to any government school. Schools run by churches that are empty six days a week, private schools ru [...]