Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Gary points out that making mental connections between things that interest you is a helpful way to learn and remember new things. The brain is a magnificent creation. A typical adult’s brain contains fifteen billion to one hundred billion neurons. If we accept the lower estimate, this means that you and I can remember two-to-the-ten-billionth-power bits of information. How big is this number? It [...]

Get Yourself Educated

Get Yourself Educated

Gary interacts with a recent clip from Charlie Kirk where a questioner asks Kirk about “common law” and America’s founding. When modern-day critics of America’s Christian heritage argue that America was founded by deists on Enlightenment principles and call into evidence Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson and for good measure James Madison, John Adams, and [...]

Public Schools are Churches and Teachers are Preachers

Public Schools are Churches and Teachers are Preachers

Placing the Ten Commandments in government schools has gained the attention of the usual subjects. The state of Louisiana has mandated their display: Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom, the latest move from a GOP-dominated Legislature pushing a conservative agenda under a new governor. The legislation that Republi [...]

Tattoos, Transgenderism, and Slavery

Tattoos, Transgenderism, and Slavery

Gary discusses a short video clip that reveals how people seldom connect what they believe about one thing and how it affects (and contradicts) other things. Slavery is still very much with us in the last years of the 20th century. The most notable example is communism, which has enslaved vast portions of the world. In the United States, large groups of people have approached the national governme [...]

Remembering Archie P. Jones (1942-2024)

Remembering Archie P. Jones (1942-2024)

The following is from a presentation I gave at the memorial service for Archie Preston Jones (1942-2024) that was held at Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs, Georgia, where my wife and I attend and where Archie and his daughter are members. You can read Archie’s obituary here. _________________________ Archie, actually Dr. Archie Jones, and I were in the same line of work. We liked to ex [...]

Getting Healthy with Gary

Getting Healthy with Gary

In this episode, Gary discusses recent health issues, as well as giving a few hints and tips about getting and staying in physical shape. For nearly 2000 years the church has believed in the life-transforming power of the gospel, the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, the sufficiency of Scripture as “an Instruction Book on how to live,” the Sovereignty and Providence of God in time and in hist [...]

How to Teach History (Part 2)

How to Teach History (Part 2)

Gary continues his talk about teaching history and how to make it relevant and interesting. Probably the most famous product placement story is how Reeses Pieces got an advertising boost from a loveable alien. “Stephen Spielberg asked the makers of M&Ms if they would grant him permission to use their product in the 1982 film E.T.: The Extraterrestrial, but was turned down. Spielberg then turne [...]

The Nation’s Pillars are Falling on Us

The Nation’s Pillars are Falling on Us

There’s word that Taylor Swift could affect the 2024 election (Biden is looking to her for help), the courts are out of control (crazy New York judges and juries are examples), and the people who take an oath to uphold the Constitution don’t know what it says, what it means, or how it applies. It’s not only Swift who could impact the election. Trump’s rape accuser says she will “do everything I ca [...]

Harvard and the Demise of ‘Truth’ in Higher Education

Harvard and the Demise of ‘Truth’ in Higher Education

The battle for America is being fought on two fronts: In the courts and the universities. If these two institutions remain in the hands of liberals, reversing anti-Christian trends will take decades longer. The universities feed the law schools, the law schools corrupt the minds of impressionable law students, and the courts maintain the status quo. Our colonial founders understood that the garden [...]

AV Year in Review

AV Year in Review

The year 2023 was an interesting and productive year for me and American Vision. In December of 2022, I noticed a large lump nearly the size of my fist on my left calf. After numerous tests, I found out that it was a high-grade carcinoma. Cancer! After 25 sessions of radiation the tumor was removed in March. Every three months I get an MRI of my calf and a CT scan of my thoracic region because thi [...]

America's Christian Heritage (Part One)

America's Christian Heritage (Part One)

Part One of Two. Gary is interviewed by Rick Welch from The Burros of Berea podcast about his book, The Case for America’s Christian Heritage. There were many founders who were outspoken Christians who are rarely mentioned by historical revisionists. Consider, for example, John Dickinson (1732-1808) who was a lawyer, militia officer during the American Revolution, Continental Congressman fro [...]

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

The Christian’s view of the future determines how he lives, plans, and works in the present for the future. Even during Israel’s captivity under Babylonian rule, the nation’s darkest hour, the people were told to plan and build for the future: “Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens, and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your s [...]

Don't Tread on Us

Don't Tread on Us

Gary discusses a recent dust-up at a school in Colorado regarding the Gadsden Flag. The 52 signers of the Declaration weren’t dropped from the sky in Philadelphia on July 2. The freshly printed document announced that the 13 American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, were now independent states and no longer part of the British Empire. The decision was not made lightly. Thomas Jefferson ex [...]

The Social and Emotional Religion in the Classroom

The Social and Emotional Religion in the Classroom

Gary interviews Rhonda Thomas about the current trend in education: social and emotional learning. The goals of the humanists are clear and forthright. They hide nothing and demand everything. The humanist agenda has been relentless in its efforts to remake man and the world in the image of autonomous man. There is no compromise or lack of vision on their part. The humanist worldview is comprehens [...]

Ray Moore and Exodus Mandate

Ray Moore and Exodus Mandate

Gary interviews Ray Moore with Exodus Mandate about homeschooling, Christian schools, and a debate that Ray did over America’s Christian history. When Israel was taken to the borders of the promised land, twelve spies were called on to survey the land and report their findings to the nation (Num. 13). Before choosing twelve representatives for the task, God promised the land would be theirs: [...]

1976: The Turning Point (Part Two)

1976: The Turning Point (Part Two)

Dr. Gary North concludes his discussion of how the Scopes Trial and the ensuing political developments shaped the 20th century. The liberals’ strategy of subversion could not be defeated by using short-range tactics or through a primarily defensive strategy. It could not be defeated by building thicker walls around the camp, for this produces a ghetto, not an army on the march. A successful [...]

The Non-Violent Educational Revolution

The Non-Violent Educational Revolution

Gary discusses a new book called America’s Cultural Revolution by Christopher Rufo. The oppressive nature of the older Communism was noted by Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937), a committed Marxist with a new approach to bring about cultural and social change. In order to capture democratic nations, a new model would have to be developed. Like the revolutionary Marxists before him, Gramsci consider [...]

The Successful Long March Through the Institutions

The Successful Long March Through the Institutions

There was a radical worldview shift in the 1960s. What was its foundational source? Those pushing for an overthrow of the establishment learned a great deal when their radical and often violent actions failed to accomplish their stated goals to bring down the system and turned most of the population against them and their tactics. In time, the radicals understood it would be necessary to capture t [...]

Enough With ‘Jesus Junk’ Theology

Enough With ‘Jesus Junk’ Theology

Some years ago, I attended a Christian Booksellers Association (CBA) Convention that was held at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia. I was there to meet with the publicist who handled my book End Times Fiction: A Biblical Consideration of the Left Behind Theology that was published by Thomas Nelson. (Now published by American Vision as Left Behind: Separating Fact from Fiction). Remind [...]

Our Legacy (Part One)

Our Legacy (Part One)

In this first part of a lecture given at a Worldview Conference a few years ago, Gary discusses legacy and responsibility. The church is a government ordained by God. It has rulers (overseers/elders: 1 Tim. 3:1–7), members (flock: Acts 20:28), laws (goodness of God’s law: 1 Tim. 1:5–11), sanctions (“removed from your midst”: 1 Cor. 5:2), and a legacy (“the gates of Hades will not overpower it”: Ma [...]