Breaking the Back of Intolerance Among the Young

Comparing homosexuality with race and gender has become a culture-wide strategy of the homosexual lobby. Not even children are spared these tactics. Consider how homosexual propaganda is set forth in the world of comic books and the way the press handles the topic. In the March 1992 issue of Marvel’s Alpha Flight comic book series, Northstar, a former (fictional) Canadian Olympic athlete, decides [...]

From Birth of a Nation to the Denigration of Christianity

Most of what comes out of Hollywood these days is rubbish, although occasionally one does find a few gems (e.g., Chariots of Fire, Hoosiers, Driving Miss Daisy, Babe, October Sky, A Walk to Remember). Many movies that could be enjoyed by children and adults are often spoiled by raw language (My Cousin Vinny), taking God’s name in vain (Cinderella Man and The Aviator), inappropriate language (Searc [...]

Cynthia McKinney: The Champion of Victimhood

Cynthia McKinney, a Democrat, represents the majority black 4th District in Georgia. She was voted out of office in 2000 when Denise Majette opposed her in the Democrat primary. Republicans crossed over to give Majette the win. They were tired of being represented by a fool. When Majette ran for the Senate in 2004, McKinney saw this as an opportunity to get her old seat back, the same seat her fat [...]

Opening the Door in the Name of Tolerance: Part 2

In yesterday’s article, I pointed out that the history of Harvard’s slide into theological liberalism and moral libertinism was gradual but methodological. Those holding the minority and opposing worldview were willing to bide their time as conservatives set the stage for their own self-destruction. Conservatives believed that “playing nice” and inviting the opposition to the party in terms of “di [...]

Opening the Door in the Name of Tolerance: Part 1

How did Christians lose formerly Christian institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton to the humanists? The humanists never fired a shot. The take over came by way of a generous spirit of acceptance of less orthodox views in the name of tolerance. At his founding, Harvard required students to base their studies on the foundation of a comprehensive biblical worldview with Jesus Christ as the fo [...]

The Wonderment of the Impossible

In the 1920s, Walt Disney began a new career as a cartoonist. A rarity in those days since the industry had no large market. Once this new entertainment medium became profitable, Disney hired additional artists to draw the thousands of still pictures needed to produce a high quality animated feature. Disney’s early success was with an animated character named Oswald Rabbit. The copyright, however, [...]

Gems of Ignorance

Some of the emails I received last week are real gems. The homosexual network has gone into overdrive to slam any public figure that does not approve of homosexuality. I’m one of their main targets. Newsweek magazine called to interview me. I can’t wait to see how my words will be twisted. My wife tells me to quit granting interviews. Some interviews I do turn down. Somebody has to tell the truth [...]

The Magical Worldview of Islam

Living in the twenty-first century, we often take what we know and use for granted. The light bulb was developed in 1879, and today lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) are used for everything from guiding bombs to performing delicate eye surgery. The first airplane flew in 1903, and we landed men on the moon in 1969. The first computer filled an 1800 square foot room a [...]

The First Church of Christian Gnosticism

Not long ago, I received an email from a woman who asked me if I could direct her to some information that refutes Gnosticism. She said that she has “friend who claims to be on an extraordinarily intense spiritual ‘pilgrimage’ of ‘really pressing in to know God intimately’—but this guy has in effect divorced himself from the material world and from all relationships (including his wife and 10 chil [...]

Walter Cronkite wants to Speak and be Trusted Again

“We ought to be increasing our taxes. We who have it ought to be paying a lot more, but should insist on efficiency in expenditure.”—Walter Cronkite The 89-year-old Walter Cronkite regrets having retired as the anchorman of CBS News. He wants to be America’s “most trusted man” again. Cronkite is a socialist. Of course, you knew that, but let’s let “Uncle Walter” tell you himself. The September-Oct [...]

"I know it's true because I saw it on TV"

Many people believe that facts are neutral, that they speak for themselves.[2] These same people are under the impression that newscasters and journalists simply “report the news” devoid of biases, preconceived assumptions, or political agendas. This is hardly the case as James Davison Hunter points out in his book Culture Wars: In the very act of selecting the stories to cover, the books to publi [...]

Taking God's Name in Vain

Pat Robertson has gone on record claiming that God punished Ariel Sharon with a massive stroke for “dividing God’s land.” How does Robertson know this? He doesn’t. Attaching God’s name to a claim does not make it so. Robertson violated the third commandment (Ex. 20:7) by using God’s name “in vain” to give authority to an unsubstantiated assertion. Pat Boone, yes, that Pat Boone, gets it right when [...]

Taking Lessons from Joe Camel

Legendary actress Laurette Taylor (1884–1946) described acting as “the physical representation of a mental picture and the projection of an emotional concept.” As I mentioned in my article “Brokeback Morality,” the movie Brokeback Mountain is a Hollywood propaganda film designed to desensitize the American people so more will accept homosexuality as normative. The actors and setting of the story w [...]

Can Pagans Perform Miracles?

We saw in yesterday’s article that modern-day illusionists are trying to demonstrate that Jesus could have been a very good magician and not a worker of miracles sent by God. Of course, the miracles Jesus performed hardly qualify as parlor or stage magic. But what about “miracles” performed by those outside the Christian worldview? Are they really miracles or just tricks performed by well-practice [...]

Miracles or Magic?

The miracles of the Bible are under attack from an unusual discipline. Usually biblical miracles are called into question by liberal theologians and atheistic materialists. Now, the entertainment field is getting into the act. Illusionists Barry Jones and Stuart McLeod will attempt to see if eight New Testament miracles can be duplicated by non-miraculous means. British television will air the Chr [...]

The Persecution of the Christian Churches

Worldviews are comprehensive. No cultural stone is left unthrown in the battle against competing ideologies. Secularists who write their screeds against Christians who engage in politics have history on their side, and it’s not a very good history. Under Nazism, churches were “confined as far as possible to the performance of narrowly religious functions, and even within this narrow sphere were su [...]

Are Christmas Trees Pagan?

One group of Christians is trying to keep the name “Christmas tree” while a small minority of Christians is saying good riddance to the very idea of Christmas trees because they are of pagan origin. Who’s right? Some time ago, my wife was asked by a national ministry to create a quilted backdrop of a large sweeping rainbow for its presentation booth that was used at various conventions around the [...]

The Slow Asphyxiation of Europe

Paris is burning. The disenfranchised Muslim communities are storming the Bastille of French Socialism. The principles of the French Revolution are coming home to roost. North African Muslims were lured by Europe’s promise of economic Paradise. What they got was warehousing in French ghettos where unemployment is around 30 percent. The enlightened French believed that language, food, and culture c [...]

The Rise of Secularism and the Demise of Europe: Is America Next?

Will America suffer the same fate as Europe and the rise of what Karen Armstrong calls “secular fundamentalism”? We seem to be headed in a similar direction with the secularization of our schools and courts. Christianity in America, like Christianity in Europe, is under attack. We see it every day. Judges are being scrutinized for their religious beliefs, especially on abortion and homosexuality. [...]

Hate Speech - A One-Way Street

Liberal pundit Al Franken suggested to David Letterman that “[Lewis ‘Scooter’] Libby and Karl Rove are going to be executed” because they supposedly outed a CIA agent, a treasonous offense. Franken qualified his statement somewhat, possibly after considering the implications of what he had just said: “Yeah. And I don’t know how I feel about it because I’m basically against the death penalty, but t [...]