A "Howse" Built on Prophetic Sand

You’re thinking that I misspelled “house.” I didn’t. The reference is to Brannon Howse who heads up Worldview Weekend. A better designation would be “World-Ending Weekend” since so many of his speakers and article topics push an end-of-the-world eschatology. Howse warns his young audiences of the dangers facing society with one batch of speakers and then with another batch of speakers tells the sa [...]

Cutting the Cable from Your Skyhook Religion

Christians disagree on a lot of issues. One of the areas of big disagreement is whether we should just be about “preaching the gospel.” Getting people saved is the Christian’s priority. All this stuff about cultural, social, and political Christianity is a distraction of the gospel. In fact, so the argument goes, the more we address social issues, the less the unsaved will be attracted to the Bibl [...]

The Battle for America

A high school test in New York blatantly lauds Islam while slamming Christianity. A seminary in California plans to train Imams and Rabbis along with Christian Pastors. In his book Slavery, Terrorism and Islam Peter Hammond notes that the level of governmental control increases in direct proportion to the Islamic population percentage. The scary part is that the reality of this can be seen through [...]

I Remember Mama (1948)

Worldview Observation: The family, not the State, is the basic government of society. “The nuclear family is the central building block of Western civilization.” ((“A New Kind of Spouse in the House,” U. S. News & World Report (August 21, 1989), 14.)) A few weeks ago I was in Los Angeles working on a film project with Darren Doane, director of Collision (2009). Mostly I was observing. At the e [...]

Ann Coulter Speaking at HOMOCON?

Controversial conservative speaker and author, Ann Coulter, is set to speak at GOProud’s, HOMOCON 2010. This engagement resulted in her removal from the upcoming World Net Daily conference, “Taking America Back”. It is unfortunate that Coulter is willing to be a vehicle of legitimacy for a group that certainly goes against the foundation of conservatism. [...]

True Flower Power

After a few years of peace, love and protesting, the Woodstock generation dropped out of sight. Forty years later we see them once more in the public eye, now in positions of leadership, power and influence, effecting change of the worst kind. For forty years, the enemies of Christ’s kingdom were laboring for the furtherance of their cause, rising through the ranks to the top of their respec [...]

Should Rape be Illegal?

According the the Proposition 8 decision, religion can no longer be considered when determining whether a sexual practice is morally and legally wrong. But this creates a few problems. When you take away religious considerations, there are quite a few evils left open for debate. For instance, apart from religious morality, how can you argue that rape is morally or legally wrong? If you maintain an [...]

Homosexual Marriage Isn't as Good as Heterosexual Marriage

Marriage is an establishment of God, a creation ordinance, set forth in Genesis and reiterated by Jesus in Matthew 19. If the Bible isn’t true, and isn’t the standard we should live by, then marriage shouldn’t exist at all. Attempting to rationalize and sanction homosexual marriage is ludicrous and inconsistent with an atheistic worldview. [...]

The Redefinition of Marriage: An Exercise in Moral and Cultural Suicide

In 1993, Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan (D- N.Y.) published “Defining Deviancy Down.” Moynihan started from Emile Durkheim’s proposition that there is a limit to the amount of deviant behavior any community can “‘afford to recognize’ and that, accordingly, we have been re-defining deviancy so as to exempt much conduct previously stigmatized, and also quietly raising the ‘normal’ level in categories where [...]

Powerless Christians in a World at War

Christians are in the midst of a battle, but many, are rendered powerless and ineffective, sitting on the sidelines when they should be in the fray. What causes this defeat that has taken so many Christians out of the game? Is there something we can do to turn back the tide? [...]

Proposition 8: A Morally Bankrupt Decision From an Economically Bankrupt State

Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman, was overruled by District Judge Vaughn Walker. The 138 page decision goes to considerable lengths to justify something that not only is immoral, but irrational. Scripturally and historically, when a society becomes economically bankrupt, a moral bankruptcy has already taken place. [...]

Let's Pray for God to "Enlarge Our Borders."

The publishing phenomenon of 2000 was Bruce Wilkinson’s The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life (Multnomah). The premise of the book is based on 1 Chronicles 4:9–10: Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother named him Jabez saying, “Because I bore him with pain.” Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my bord [...]

This May Be the Healthcare Solution You're Looking For

With government healthcare looming on the horizon, it is time to seek out alternative solutions. Samaritan Ministries International offers a health insurance alternative that improves the system while providing Christians an opportunity to bear each others burdens. As a member of Samaritan, you can know that your money isn’t funding evils such as abortion or embryonic stem cell research. Get [...]

Our Churches Are Dying

The statistics are staggering, 80% to 85% of young people leave the Church, never to return. As evolution, humanism and atheism continue to infiltrate our schools, theaters, magazines and television, our young people are faced with hard questions. If we send our children out into the world, unequipped to answer the hard questions and lacking a solid foundation in God’s Word, we should not be [...]

Movie Magic Crippled Conservatives

In 1960, two movies, not made for money, sought to negatively influence the public opinion of Christianity. These movies, “Inherit the Wind” and “Elmer Gantry,” going hand-in-hand with the counter cultural movements of the 60s, led the conservative movement to go ‘underground’. This ultimately gave rise to a conservative movement’s comeback in the late 197 [...]

Bishop Sheen's Morally Conservative America

Dr. Gary North, personal eyewitness to the development of the conservative movement throughout 1950-2010, an expert economist, highlights the behind-the-scenes events of the conservative movement from an insiders’ perspective. The publication of the The Freeman and National Review established the conservative movement throughout the last half of the 20th century, but the key conservative fig [...]

How to Make Yourself Indispensible: Advice for Young People

1. Read at least 10 pages every day of a non-fiction book in various fields: science, history, literature, music, art, science fiction, theology, economics, etc. Increase it by one page per day until you get it up to 20 pages per day. R. J. Rushdoony read at least one book a day—“underlined, with a personal index in the back cover—six days a week for 25 years. He then followed suit with another 25 [...]

Celebrity Obsession: A Modern Idolatry

Many Americans, unfortunately, maybe even most Americans, know more about Mel Gibson’s meltdown or Lindsay Lohan’s trial, than they do about the 2500 page healthcare bill or Elena Kagan’s judicial philosophy. The drama of the personal affairs of the rich and famous act as a screen to cover up so much more that is going on in our nation and our world. We should be much more inform [...]

Taxing and Regulating Us to Death

Isabel Paterson writes in her book The God of the Machine, “Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends.” ((Isabel Paterson, “The Humanitarian with the Guillotine” in The God of the Machine (1943), 235.)) Thomas Sow [...]

Back to the Past? No Thanks!

In spite of some nostalgic features of the past, there is so much more that we would never want to return to. In today’s show, Gary looks at specific areas that are much improved today over even just a hundred years ago. God has placed us in the present, and has given us the tools we need in order to make changes in our society for the better. [...]