More Anti-Culture-War Comments from John MacArthur

In Pastor John MacArthur’s anti-Culture Wars video, he said the following: “I don’t think it matters if you go to hell as a policeman or a prostitute. What matters is that you are going to hell!” Preaching the gospel so people won’t go to hell is the priority. The question is, what should the redeemed do in this life and does the world have meaning for Christians this side [...]

Should Christians Accept that an Anti-Christian ‘Secularized Society’ is Inevitable?

In an earlier article (“Christian Lawyer and Church Elder Says Christians Must ‘Surrender to Unbelievers at Every Level’”) I dealt with comments made by Carlos Chung who argued that “As soldiers of Christ, we are to surrender to unbelievers at every level.” Chung’s article appears on “The Master’s Seminary Blog.” If this is what seminarians are being taught, we are in big trouble. While not addres [...]

John MacArthur and the Culture Wars: Part 3

In Paul Dallas’ novel The Lost Planet, a story about how two teenagers avert a war between their home planets, the main characters learn a crucial military lesson. The scene takes place just before the teenager from Earth boards a spaceship and travels to the distant planet Poseida: As he spoke, the general seemed to become preoccupied with thoughts of the military situation, and he absently deplo [...]

John MacArthur, Culture Wars, and Spiritual Conflict

This second installment is a response to a short video clip that Pastor John MacArthur did on Culture Wars. As I mentioned in the first installment, culture is an inescapable concept. See the video below for a more comprehensive response. There is no way to ignore it or escape it. You are either changing the culture or being changed by it. God’s creation and His sovereign rule over it are all abou [...]

John MacArthur: “I Couldn’t Care Less About the Culture War”

The following is from a two-minute video clip “Should Christians be Focused on ‘Taking Back the Culture’?” by Pastor John MacArthur (see my video response below): I really couldn’t care less about the culture war. I wouldn’t give ten seconds to worrying. What are you talking about? Two temporal opposing moral philosophies? What is culture? Henry Van Til described culture as “religion externalized. [...]

How Evangelicalism Lost Its Way And Helped Lose a Nation

Jesus said, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25). “Just preach the gospel.” How many times have you heard pastors and critics of social and political action scold Christians concerned about the moral direction the church is taking for mixing the gospel with politics? The gospel is more than a life insurance [...]

Are Some Pastors Segregating the Church from the World?

There are some Christians who take themselves out of the battle over worldviews by using the Bible for cover. They believe the Bible teaches that Christians should stay above the fray of cultural involvement. I’ve dealt with many of the arguments for this position in my book Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths. ((Gary DeMar, Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths: How Misreading the Bible Neutralizes Christians (P [...]

Are Christians really "not here to change the culture"?

Someone posted a 30-second video clip by Dr. Arturo Azurdia III from the 2018 Shepherds’ Conference with the title “You Are Not Here to Change the Culture.” (I’m not sure if it’s Todd Friel’s title or Dr. Azurdia’s.) The clip is posted on the “Wretched” Youtube channel. Dr. Azurdia says, Advance the cause of Right Wing politics. Advance the homeschool agenda. Shut down all the Planned Parenthood c [...]

Life, Liberty, and Property

God’s sovereignty includes ownership of all His creation. Melchizedek, in blessing Abram, said, “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth (Gen. 14:19; cf. v. 22). The Bible continues the relationship between sovereignty and ownership by declaring to Israel that all the Earth is His (Ex. 19:5). God demands obedience from His people because they live in the midst [...]

Liberals Push for Laws Against Hate Speech … as They Define It

Whoever controls the language controls the debate. Whoever controls the debate controls the laws. Whoever controls the laws controls the civil government. And then the people. To move along new social, cultural, and political trends, it is of the utmost importance to define and redefine words for the purpose of empowerment. Liberals have a long history of picking the right words to make pig slop s [...]

Newspaper Editor Fired for Criticizing Queen James Bible

The homosexual fascists are at it again. Christians who speak out against same-sex sexuality in the name of the Bible are the target. Here’s the latest: Bob Eschliman has worked as the editor of the Newton Daily News since 2012, and has served as the publisher of the Clarinda Herald-Journal. But he found himself out of a job this past week when he spoke his mind about the Queen James Bible on his [...]

“But It’s Not Happening in My Child’s School . . .”

Several years ago I was in a meeting with a group of prominent leaders in the fields of education and media. The discussion came around to public schools. I pointed out how public schools will only get worse and those who are trying to fix the problems will only be frustrated. I went on to point out that public schools are really government schools. The curriculum is designed to promote all things [...]

Jars of Clay's Haseltine Sounds Off on “Gay Marriage” . . . Very Off

On the “Official Blog of Benjamin L. Corey,” Corey, who describes himself as a former Fundamentalist, claims that Dan Haseltine of the musical group Jars of Clay was only asking questions about “Gay” marriage and should not have been attacked. I’m aware of Jars of Clay but have never heard any of the group’s songs. I understand that the group has a large following and what anybody in the group say [...]

Stop Twisting the Bible … to Make it Fit Same-Sex Marriage

I love a challenge. I’m competitive by nature. I hate to lose. Having made an admission of my competitive nature, it’s more important to get the facts straight than to manipulate the facts so you can be right. So when I saw the headline that there is no message against same-sex marriage in the Bible, I felt a challenge coming on. Has somebody come up with an argument I’ve never encountered? [...]

Three Reasons for a Drop in Religion and One of Them is Not the Internet

There’s a new study out that is giving the impression to some people that the loss of religion is the result of the Internet. The UK Daily Mail article does not make a causal relationship, but some Christian sites give the impression that it does. Allen Downey, a computer scientist at the Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts, “is careful to note that his research has revealed a correlation [...]

Hulk actor extols the abortion of his brother or sister

Hollywood types get too much attention. They’re actors. They entertain us (sometimes). Their opinions are no more important than the check-out person at the local supermarket. Unfortunately, their public platform gives them a license to pontificate on subjects that the liberal media use to push a degrading agenda. Actor Mark Ruffalo’s comments on abortion is the latest example. Ruffalo played the [...]

Magicians Penn & Teller are atheistic frauds

The other night I saw Penn & Teller do their magic show. It was lots of fun. In addition to their stage ‘magic,’ they are also known for exposing quacks, frauds, and claims of the supernatural. In addition, they are big believers in doing the moral thing. That’s what Penn says since Teller doesn’t say much of anything. They are libertarians and atheists. According to an article in [...]

Christian Pastors Should Not Participate in Inaugurations

Christians are riled up that Louie Giglio, pastor of the Passion City Church in Roswell, Georgia, was dumped by Obama’s people to give the benediction at the President’s inauguration ceremony. I’m shocked that more Christians aren’t riled up that Louie Giglio agreed to do it in the first place. Don’t get me wrong. I believe Giglio has a great ministry. This year’s Passion event turned [...]

Have We Reached the Cultural, Moral, and Political Tipping Point of No Return?

In the 1980s, I wrote a three-volume book series titled God and Government. It has sold nearly 250,000 copies. A better title would have been God and Governments (plural) since the series attempted to show that in biblical and historical terms there are three governments — family, church, and civil. Underpinning these three institutional governments is the necessary requirement of self-government [...]

Even Bartertown Had Laws

In post-apocalyptic Australia, “Mad” Max Rockatansky, played by Mel Gibson in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985), finds himself stranded in the desert after he is attacked by a father-and-son robbery team who patrol the skies in a pieced together airplane scavenging for anything of value that they can sell or trade. They spot Max’s caravan filled with bits and pieces of accumulated treasure in a wo [...]