Why Our Constitution Fails in Other Countries

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being raked over the coals for her comments about the use of the U.S. Constitution in a post-Mubarak Egypt. She said the following in an interview on Egyptian television: Q: Would your honor’s advice be to get a part or other countries’ constitutions as a model, or should we develop our own draft? A: You should certainly be aided by all the constitution-writing that has gone [...]

Are Lobbying, Rallying Voters, Organizing Protests, and Harnessing the Evangelical Movement UnChristian?

There is a reason we call the revelation given to us from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 the “Bible.” The Greek word biblos (βίβλος) — from which we get the English word Bible — means “book.” The Bible is one book even though it has 66 (39 + 27) individual parts. No single verse can be properly explained and understood without considering it in the light of the whole Bible. No verse can or should stan [...]

Why Liberalism Will Die by its Own Hand

On the eve of 39th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade pro-abortion decision, the Obama administration has mandated that “many church-affiliated institutions will have to cover free birth control for employees.” This does not mean that Christians will have to get abortions. Keep this in mind as you read the rest of this article. Not only is Obama the food stamp president, the unemployment presiden [...]

The Stealing of America

While channel surfing, I came across The House I Live In (1945), a ten-minute short film starring Frank Sinatra. Made to oppose anti-Semitism and racial prejudice at the end of World War II, it received an Honorary Academy Award and a special Golden Globe award in 1946. It reminded me of where I grew up. While Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my hometown, is not as ethnically diverse as a city like New Y [...]

‘What’s a Nice Christian Girl like You doing in Hollywood?’

By Grace Balint I taught Grace when she was a senior in high school. I’ve known her for a very long time. I asked her to write this article to give you some idea what it’s like for a Christian to work in Hollywood and not lose your faith. – Gary DeMar “Hey, guys, thanks for coming out. Sides are here by the door, and we’ll be taking you in one by one in about five minutes. [...]

Church Bullied by Liberal Group to Shut Up or Else

Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AC) “is calling on the Internal Revenue Service to look into allegations that Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tenn., is violating restrictions for posting a link to a pro-family organization on its website.” What restrictions? The First Amendment does not prohibit churches from speaking out on any issue. The amendment is so clear that the pe [...]

Atheist Takes City to Court Over Seal with Cross

Rob Sherman is an atheist. Any time he sees a reference to religion, mostly the Christian religion, he springs into action. This time his action is directed against the city of Zion, Ill., for using a banned version of the city seal that displays the design Zion’s evangelical founder selected more than a century ago, a banner with the words “God Reigns” surrounded by images of a dove, a cross, a s [...]

A Conservative’s Very Bad Idea

The article “Conservatism that Assures the Unthinkable: the Reelection of Barack Obama,” by Chuck Rogér, that appeared on the American Thinker website caught my attention: “As America flirts with permanent economic decline, certain GOP presidential contenders talk of gay marriage, Charles Darwin, and religiosity. Are we losing our minds? “While the current progressive regime is rife wi [...]

Leftist Dominionists Hate Competition

Dominionism is still in the news. Jack Cafferty brought it up on his rarely watched TV show. Then there are the current links to Katherine Yurica’s 2004 article “The Despoiling of America: How George W. Bush Became the Head of the New American Dominionist Church/State.” Quoting from J. J. Ligon Duncan’s 1994 article “Moses’ Law for Modern Government, that cites Kenneth L. Gentry’s book God’s [...]

Liberal Dominionists Go On the Attack

It seems that there are more nutball Leftists than there are grains of sand at Myrtle Beach. One of the kookiest is Michelle Goldberg. Here’s her latest “journalistic” screed: “Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry aren’t just devout — both have deep ties to a fringe fundamentalist movement known as Dominionism, which says Christians should rule the world.” Here’s a little known secret: It’s liberal Dom [...]

Gun and Baseball Bat Control in Great Britain

Great Britain has strict gun control laws. Advocates of gun control believe that these laws cut down on violence and crime. Such laws only empower lawbreakers. Gun homicides were low in the United Kingdom even before gun control laws went into effect. This does not mean that there hasn’t been any gun violence since these laws went into effect in 1977. “Over the course of a few days in the summer o [...]

Is Norway's Murderer Insane?

Anders Behring Breivik, the radical responsible for the recent murders in Norway, will be tried for his crimes. His lawyer is constructing an insanity defense, but is Breivik insane? In this edition of Vantage Point, Gary compares Breivik’s actions and the atrocities of the French Revolution, showing that left wing revolutionaries are very similar. [...]

Have We Become Desensitized to Evil?

The first reports that came out about Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer, described him as a “right-wing, Christian fundamentalist.” Here’s how CNN reported the story on July 23, 2011: A picture is emerging, gleaned from official sources and social media, of a right-wing Christian fundamentalist who may have had an issue with Norway’s multi-cultural society. CNN never told u [...]

The Unknown Christian History of Mount Rushmore

Many Americans are unaware of the Christian history of the Mount Rushmore carvings. At its inception, the massive monument was to include an explicitly Christian inscription to ensure future generations would understand the reason for its existence. Watch this episode of Vantage Point to find out more of this fascinating history! [...]

Religious Exemptions in the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Won't Last

New York’s recent decision to legalize same-sex marriage marks a big triumph for the homosexual community. The decision passed, partly due to two Republican senators who had previously been undecided voting yes and partly due to stronger religious exemptions than previous versions of the law. Gary talks about the pitfalls of this “two-kingdom” mindset, in this edition of Vantage [...]

“The Great Statute‑Book of the Kingdom”

When I was a student at Reformed Theological Seminary (1974-1979), I was taught that certain cultural applications flowed from a consistent application of Calvinism. Calvinism is synonymous with a comprehensive biblical world-and-life view. It’s not just about TULIP (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints). Simply put, we were tol [...]

Christians in Politics

We get a mixed message from many pastors, John MacArthur is a prominent example, in the area of politics. In his book Why Government Can’t Save You, MacArthur seems to say on one page that it’s okay to get involved politically but then on other pages he seems to say we shouldn’t waste our time. Should Christians be politically active? Find out right now, on this edition of Vantag [...]

Declaring Independence from God: A Very Bad Idea

After the defeat of Hitler’s Third Reich, war crime tribunals were set up in Nuremberg, Germany. The purpose, of course, was to judge those who had participated in the grossest of atrocities, the planned extermination of the Jewish race. John Warwick Montgomery explains the problem the tribunal faced: When the Charter of the Tribunal, which had been drawn up by the victors, was used by the prosecu [...]

A Modest Proposal: Christians Should Support Abortion

Abortion could be the tool that brings Christians back into the majority. Several more years of liberals limiting their progeny and the “right” people aborting at the rate they are now and we will outnumber them. It seems logical but *should* Christians support abortion? Find out right now, on this edition of Vantage Point. [...]

Children's Books as Worldview Wedges

Most children’s literature is innocuous. There’s no stated social, moral, or political worldview found in Pat the Bunny or Toes, Ears, and Nose!, but there is always an underlying worldview that gets more specific with age. This is why parents and grandparents need to be careful. Books are more than their covers and what other people say about them. For example, And Tango Makes Thre ((Cristina Car [...]