Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Making Connections to Learn and Remember

Gary points out that making mental connections between things that interest you is a helpful way to learn and remember new things. The brain is a magnificent creation. A typical adult’s brain contains fifteen billion to one hundred billion neurons. If we accept the lower estimate, this means that you and I can remember two-to-the-ten-billionth-power bits of information. How big is this number? It [...]

Christians, Politics, and the Upcoming Election

Christians, Politics, and the Upcoming Election

This November’s election will be the most impacting election our nation has faced because it deals with two opposing political philosophies. Being informed on the platforms of each political party is important to make intelligent decisions that will have long-term consequences for us, our children, and grandchildren. Should Christians be involved in politics? Should Christians vote? These and othe [...]

Dissent is Good and Necessary

Dissent is Good and Necessary

Leftists love to suppress dissent while decrying banning books. They devote a week to banned books while they regularly ban books. It’s a clever deception. Hillary Clinton is finally telling the truth. “Hillary Clinton Declares ‘We Lose Total Control’ If We Don’t ‘Moderate and Monitor’ Social Media Content More.” Leftists have been in the business of shutting down dissent for a very long time. So- [...]

Get Yourself Educated

Get Yourself Educated

Gary interacts with a recent clip from Charlie Kirk where a questioner asks Kirk about “common law” and America’s founding. When modern-day critics of America’s Christian heritage argue that America was founded by deists on Enlightenment principles and call into evidence Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson and for good measure James Madison, John Adams, and [...]

How Your Goose is Getting Cooked

How Your Goose is Getting Cooked

Gary concludes his talk about the conflict between the Christian worldview and its competitors. The impact of social Darwinism in the African continent is described in Olufemi Oluniyi’s book Darwin Comes to Africa: Social Darwinism and British Imperialism in Northern Nigeria (2023). Oluniyi writes: It is indisputable that later in the nineteenth century, advocates of imperialism, racism, and eugen [...]

The Peking Duck Syndrome

The Peking Duck Syndrome

In this classic talk given at a Christian home-educators conference, Gary explains why a Christian worldview is so critical and important. Worldviews are seen as vehicles for cultural transformation. Many in the entertainment field believe, for example, that they are the nation’s conscience and the only guiding light for change. Francis Ford Coppola, best known for the critically acclaimed Godfath [...]

Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Gary concludes his interview with Brett Prieto about worldviews and morality. Author Matt Ridley attempts to account for morality among evolved human animals as “a spontaneous thing produced by social interaction among people seeking to find ways to get along.” How does he know this since it’s hard to trust an evolved brain that arose from lower life forms, something t [...]

Man is “In the Dock,” Not God

Man is “In the Dock,” Not God

The “Liberal Democrat” political party in the United Kingdom is demanding that a Christian politician, in defense of his beliefs, must prove in court the divinity of Jesus Christ. C.S. Lewis wrote a series of essays that were compiled and published in the book God in the Dock. To be “in the dock” means to be on trial. In the case proving the divinity of Jesus and the existence of God, the creature [...]

Borrowed Moral Capital

Borrowed Moral Capital

This is part one of an interview by Brett Prieto about Gary’s book, Why It Might Be OK to Eat Your Neighbor. Archimedes (287?-212 BC) once boasted that given the proper lever and a place to stand, he could “move the earth.” His problem was that he and his fulcrum needed something to stand on for the lever to do its work. Archimedes couldn’t stand on the Earth to move the Earth. [...]

Spotting the Civilization Destroyers

Spotting the Civilization Destroyers

Help us turn $10K into $20K! We’re very near our goal. Please help us reach the $10,000 mark by September 30 by donating today. Pro-killing unborn children, supporting genital mutilation of children via transgenderism, and defending an array of gender definitions and the courts to enforce them have become common practices in our day. Same-sex marriage and abortion must be defended at all costs. We [...]

MAGA vs the DC Uniparty

MAGA vs the DC Uniparty

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Gary discusses MAGA, Trump, and the Washington DC political machine. Politics is one biblical sphere of God’s delegated temporal governments; family and church governments are two others. Politics (civil government) has a major impact on our lives. It’s the Christian’s duty to be involved, if only to keep the State from imposing its will over us and oppressing the chur [...]

The Pulpit and Politics

The Pulpit and Politics

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Dr. Jim Garlow has a great way of answering resistance to politics among Christians: “I’m not political, I’m Biblical, but you don’t recognize it. I’m governmental, and Biblical because God is. “Everybody understands that the Bible speaks to the personal issues of life, nobody argues that; everybody understands that the Bible speaks to the family issues of life, nobody [...]

My Experience with Fake News and ‘Red Meat Journalism’

My Experience with Fake News and ‘Red Meat Journalism’

Help us turn $10K into $20K! The secular press wants to interview me. I should say “wanted to interview” me. I said no. Here’s the first email I received: I’m a journalist at ProPublica, and I’m starting to research stories about the influence of faith on the electorate this year. I’d be very grateful to chat with Mr. DeMar, given his expertise, about some of his thoughts for what we might expect [...]

Solutions and Tradeoffs

Solutions and Tradeoffs

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Gary discusses the economic concept of tradeoffs. Thomas Sowell wrote about this years ago and it’s something that liberals do not understand. Because man is created in God’s image, he is an innately religious being: every aspect of his life will reflect his relationship to God. Man’s culture, therefore, is necessarily religious and covenantal, as Hen [...]

The Great Disappointment

The Great Disappointment

Many Christians gave up on politics after Ronald Reagan’s election. Maybe they thought he would bring in the millennium or something close to it. And when George H. W. Bush got elected, Bill Clinton got elected twice, and George W. Bush turned out to be a huge disappointment, hopelessness set in. All that work, and for what? Christians experiencing political remorse are suffering from a faul [...]

The Last Man on Earth

The Last Man on Earth

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Gary discusses the film, The Omega Man, and modern climate armageddonists claiming that the “end is near” due to the use of fossil fuels. The materialists are still trying to prove that God does not exist. If they could only find another highly evolved civilization among the multitude of unexplored galaxies, then such a discovery would prove that no god is [...]

Applicational Laws in the New Covenant

Applicational Laws in the New Covenant

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Some people on Facebook responded to my previous article “New Covenant Theology and God’s Law” that posted September 3, 2024. Here’s one example: We have Gods law written on our hearts. We do not need ministry of death and condemnation brought by tablets of stone. Where there is law, sin multiplies. We know what is good and what is wrong. We feel it within. All of us. [...]

A Political Death Cult

A Political Death Cult

Help us turn $10K into $20K! Gary discusses pro-abortion nonsense being spoken by Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear. The topic of abortion has become an absolute dividing line in today’s political wars. The Democratic Party believes a woman should have the legal right to kill her unborn baby anytime up to conception on the grounds of “mental health.” A new Virginia law includes the following that wou [...]

Big Name Retailers Have Decided to Kill Future Business

Big Name Retailers Have Decided to Kill Future Business

IMPORTANT NOTE: A longtime supporter of American Vision has just informed us that all donations will be matched, up to $10,000! Help us reach this goal and turn $10K into $20K. Please consider partnering with us and send your best donation to maximize this matching grant. Economist Robert J. Samuelson gets it right: “By not having children, people are voting against the future—their countries’ and [...]

Greeks, Pagans, and the Olympics

Greeks, Pagans, and the Olympics

Gary responds to a few recent news topics, especially people saying Christians shouldn’t be involved in the Olympics because it was started by pagans. Paul’s Athenian encounter on Mars Hill (Acts 17) is quite modern. All the elements of skepticism, ignorance, and arrogance are present today among those who worship the same ancient idols dressed up with new religious slogans. Just like in Pau [...]