I'm Glad They Were Schizophrenic

I'm Glad They Were Schizophrenic

Gary discusses the death of Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson and the legacy he left behind. Getting the interpretation of prophecy right will help in dealing with those who are not familiar with the topic and see danger in some of the talk about an inevitable nuclear holocaust. When a prominent prophecy writer associated with the Christian Right asks, “Is War with Iran Inevitable?,” people get [...]

The Hidden Secret of Charles Lindbergh

The Hidden Secret of Charles Lindbergh

The Supreme Court’s majority opinion in the overthrow of the Defense of Marriage Act made a mess of marriage. It opened a Pandora’s Box of future litigation and perversion that we are seeing every day in the United States. Polygamists see that they’re next in line for judicial satisfaction. Who would have thought that transgenderism and sexual perversion would be taught to elementary school childr [...]

Challenging the System

Challenging the System

Gary responds to a few individuals that took issue with his previous podcast about working for change within the current governmental system. Are we to believe that in all the times the Bible has been preached or taught that the subject of politics should never come up? How does a minister preach and teach and not touch on the politics found, for example, in Exodus, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 [...]

Three Examples of Why the Future Matters

Three Examples of Why the Future Matters

The Oak Beams of New College, Oxford The anthropologist, social scientist, and linguist Gregory Bateson (1904-1980) is said to have told a story of how a college planned for future inevitabilities. There are most likely different versions of it floating around. The date of the founding of New College, Oxford, goes back to 1379. Over the years, buildings were added to the grounds to accommodate stu [...]

Working Within the System

Working Within the System

Gary discusses some arguments people are raising online against trying to reform our current system of government. God did not reserve His commandments for just the nation Israel and the church. Scripture makes it clear that all kings in Israel should copy the law in the presence of the Levitical priests so the rulers would be careful to observe every word of the law (Deuteronomy 17:18-19). Even n [...]

College Professors Want to Steal Your Child’s Mind and Turn Them Against You

College Professors Want to Steal Your Child’s Mind and Turn Them Against You

In two- or three-months, millions of high school graduates will head off to college where the goal will be to retrain them to get their minds right. What will they encounter? Is there an agenda? You bet there is. Consider what happened at the law school at the City University of New York: CUNY Law School’s dean came under fire … when video emerged of her clapping at a graduate’s incendiary May 12 [...]

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

I’ve noticed some Christians who argue that Christians should not be involved in politics. One person compared it to trying to clean up the porn industry and the mafia. The porn industry is not confiscating my property in ever increasing amounts through taxation, creating money out of thin air that results in the devaluation of my savings and income, and sending young people to fight in immoral wa [...]

Christianity and the First Amendment

Christianity and the First Amendment

The fact that Christianity is not specifically mentioned does not mean that the First Amendment is hostile to Christianity. A Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791 because many believed the Constitution was not specific enough regarding the rights of the states and the people. The individual states felt that a Bill of Rights “would protect fundamental rights against interference by [...]

Two Great Commissions

Two Great Commissions

Both Genesis 1:28 and Matthew 28:18-20 tell God’s followers to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth with generations of faithful covenant-keepers. The Great Commission to the Church does not end with simply witnessing to the nations. Christ’s command is that we disciple the nations—all the nations. The kingdoms of the world are to become the kingdoms of Christ. They are to be disc [...]

The Bramble of Church and State

The Bramble of Church and State

Gary discusses Judges 8-9 as well as the biblical understanding of the separation of church and state. The steady decline of a nation and the absence of hope for the future can be traced to the spiritual condition of God’s people—the rejection of the Messiahship of the Lord Jesus Christ for the messiahship of the State. The book of Judges depicts a nation’s spiritual decline and the consequent eff [...]

Dabbling With Artificial Intelligence

Dabbling With Artificial Intelligence

It seems everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its advantages and disadvantages. My friends Darren Doane and Brian Godawa are using it for great benefit. Brian has used AI to create artistic renderings for his characters in his upcoming book Cruel Logic. Here’s what his detective Cornelius Van Til looks like: Brian has used an AI artist for his characters in his other books. M [...]

Biblical Masculinity and John the Baptist

Biblical Masculinity and John the Baptist

Gary interviews author and artist Doug Giles about his most recent book about John the Baptist. John the Baptist is a pivotal figure in biblical revelation, not only due to his placement between the Testaments in our English Bibles, but also because of the important role he plays in heralding the coming of the Lamb of God (John 1:29–30). And like all heralds, John well understood that his task was [...]

Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Gary discusses two recent news items about individuals pushing back against the prevailing ideology and newspeak. It’s been said that when people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything, no matter how absurd.[1] With the apparent death of rationalism and the questioning of how science and technology are used, the worldview of the irrational was born. “Twentie [...]

The Manson Cult of Modern-Day Leftist Wokeism

The Manson Cult of Modern-Day Leftist Wokeism

Have you wondered how young people could be so ignorant in following the latest claptrap coming from so-called experts? We find bizarre, irrational, and downright stupid claims come from college classrooms. Educated people believe that there are more than two sexes, and that men who identify as women should be permitted to compete against biological women in sports. University campuses are the pro [...]

Galaxy Quest and Borrowed Capital

Galaxy Quest and Borrowed Capital

Gary talks about the film, Galaxy Quest, and the idea of borrowed capital. If religious skeptics have forsaken biblical presuppositions, why is it that they can think rationally, work in terms of the scientific method, and require some semblance of morality? The answer is simple. Unbelievers are philosophically schizophrenic. They don’t often live consistently with the governing principles of thei [...]

The Self-Refuting Worldview of Atheism

The Self-Refuting Worldview of Atheism

Gary responds to a lady that claimed the Bible was a book of fairy tales and that American Vision is a hate group. Some people want to know how we can defend the Bible as the Word of God or Christianity as a worldview. Dr. Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) used to put it this way: Our apologetic is that unless Christianity is true, you can’t prove anything at all. To put it in a sophisticated way, the [...]

The Church's Self-Imposed Exile

The Church's Self-Imposed Exile

When we study the history of prophetic speculation, we soon realize that we’ve heard all of this before.For nearly 2000 years uninformed but assured Christians have predicted that “they were the generation that would see the end times … and the return of Christ.” In each and every case the prophetic prognosticators have been wrong. Seemingly not learning from this dismal t [...]

The Three Greatest Communication Inventions

The Three Greatest Communication Inventions

We take book publishing for granted. Today, anyone can be a published author. In fact, you don’t have to print a book to make it available to people. Electronic “printing” by way of eBooks and PDFs (Portable Document Format) can send information around the world without the need of ink and paper. Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1398-1468) Publishing was not always this easy. Gutenberg’s “introduction of me [...]

Don't Let Anyone Deceive You

Don't Let Anyone Deceive You

Jesus warned the Church at Ephesus that He would come and remove their lampstand “unless you repent” (Rev. 2:5). He issued a similar warning to the church at Pergamum: “Repent therefore; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them [i.e., the Nicolaitans] with the sword of My mouth (2:16; see 19:15). Sardis is forewarned using similar judgment language: “If therefore you wi [...]

There's Work to be Done

There's Work to be Done

Gary DeMar and Gary North highlight the deep need for a comprehensive biblical worldview. Claims are often made that no government is the best government. That is, no civil government is the ultimate goal in pursuit of a just society. Some form of civil (or uncivil) government is inevitable. Gary North makes an excellent point: The anarcho-capitalist rejects all forms of civil government. He can p [...]