What Matthew 24 Really Means

People often make the mistake of not getting all the facts on the table before they make a case about the facts. Example: Bible prophecy is often misinterpreted when Christians assume Bible passages must fit into their presupposed eschatology. “Pay no mind to what the Bible says—I’ve already made up my mind what the Bible means….” Gary DeMar urges viewers to take Biblical [...]

Interpreting Signs of the End Times

Interest in Bible prophecy is picking up again among Christian eschatology enthusiasts. The integrity of the Bible is at stake when Christians make assumptions about the end times making the claim the Bible supports them. When students, unbelievers, and the Church at large are watching to see whether Christians will rightly discern the truth, Christians should carefully represent Scripture — accur [...]

Harold Camping Will go Mad on May 11, 2011

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20100105.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) “In many cases sheer fanaticism has been the result of exclusively dwelling on prophecy, and probably more men have gone mad on that subject than on any other religious question.”[1] —Charles H. Spurgeon Harold Camping is at it again. He is predicting that an eschatological “end” wi [...]

Harold Camping's 2011 Apocalyptic Predictions

There are many Christian dispensational scholars that predict the time of “the end” of the world. One person you may have not heard of is Harold Camping. If you’ve been watching Bible prophecy discussions closely since the early 1990s you may remember his name. Gary DeMar reviews reports from Camping that the end of the world is in 2011 (just like Camping said it was going to be [...]

The History of Preterism and Futurism: Poisoning the Well

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091229.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) The following is a response to a critic of preterism named Darrell Myatt. While I’ve answered many of the objections he raises here and here, I wanted to discuss his opening statement about the origin of preterism. Futurists, mostly dispensational premillennialists, claim that their [...]

Christians Have Their Own Mayan Calendar Problems

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091223.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) I’m working on a new prophecy book. The tentative title is The Christian Prophetic Calendar under the Microscope. I know; it’s not a very good title. That’s why I’m sponsoring a contest. Submit your title suggestion, and if I use it, I’ll give you credit in the book when it’s publis [...]

What is Preterism? Part 2

The prophecies in the Word of God make sense and speak for themselves. Gary reviews Old and New Testament prophecies that show how the destruction of Jerusalem was the focus of their message. Most of Revelation does not relate future events, but instead the events of the first century in the Roman Empire. [...]

What is Preterism? Part 1

Most Christians don’t learn the competing view-points of Christian eschatology. Do you know what preterism is? How about partial-preterism? Gary answers Christian scholar Daryl Myers’ preterism misinterpretations. It is good to know your terms, types, and answer a man accurately. [...]

Critically Studying Biblical Eschatology

People’s eschatology effects the way they live out their lives. Pre-millennialists and post-millennialists acknowledge this. The relationship between eschatology and culture is inseparable in each generation and nation. Gary critically evaluates his critics that suggest “getting along” is more important than correctly interpreting Bible prophecy. If Biblical eschatology can be un [...]

Israel in End Times Bible Prophecy

Gary describes the different views of interpretation in Bible prophecy in relation to the nation of Israel. Some Christians believe Israel is set apart from the Church; others think the Church is added to the “children of God” and the outgrowth of “God’s people” since the time of the apostles. Learn how to make sense of all the views and see what is consistent with th [...]

Dealing with Straw Man Eschatology

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091208.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) In the Preterist view, God has canceled every covenant with Israel. There is no future or significance for the Jewish people or Israel as a nation. There is no fulfillment of the Davidic covenant. There is no reign of Messiah from a throne in Jerusalem. All of God’s promises to Isra [...]

Preterism Found in the Book of Acts

What dispensationalists think preterists believe usually is not true. There are several misconceptions about preterism that are commonly spread by dispensational scholars. Gary tackles the subject to give you a better understanding of how preterism is supported by Bible prophecy. [...]

Preterism in the Witness Box

Gary counters more dispensationalism with Bible-based facts. The New Testament lays out a “soon” judgement of Israel, and how it was fulfilled was through the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Dr. Heidler interprets Preterism as replacement theology, but as Gary explains, there’s not a replacement at all. [...]

Prophecy Past vs. Prophecy Future

Gary uses scholarly biblical hermeneutics to make an honest interpretation of Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy supports more fulfillment of Revelation than not. The fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 must be explained by dispensational scholars to validate futurist apocalyptic prophecy. [...]

Reading Into Bible Prophecy

Gary debates the dispensational views of Bible prophecy. Dispensational scholars have said the burden of proof is on the preterists, but as Gary demonstrates, it’s quite the other way around. [...]

Avoiding Doomsday Hype and Hysteria

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091117.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) The doomsday film 2012 had a mega-weekend at the box office. It took in $225 million over a period of five days, a combination of $65 million domestically and $160 million internationally Wednesday through Sunday (Nov. 11–16, 2009). In anticipation of the hype and hysteria of the Ma [...]

Debunking "Last Days Fever" at Charisma

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20091005.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) “Charisma magazine provides news, analysis, prophetic commentary and teachings for charismatic and Pentecostal Christians.” Lee Grady, who came out of the Maranatha movement of the 1980s, is its editor. Since I don’t follow what goes on among charismatics, I can’t comment on all the [...]

Seeing Beyond the Fences

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090921.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Every generation has had its prophecy analysts who claimed that current events are tied to an inevitable cataclysm. The History Channel is running “Apocalypse: The Puzzle of Revelation,” “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse,” and “Nostradamus and 2012” based on the Mayan doomsday prophecy [...]

Making Bad Prophecy Predictions Vanish

![“ArtIm:](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artim-20090804-chuck-smith-bible-prophecy-prophecy-books-unfulfilled-prophecy.jpg" ““ArtIm:”) Ehrich Weiss (1874–1926), best known as the master magician Harry Houdini, lived in Appleton, Wisconsin, as a young boy where his father served as rabbi of the Zion Reform Jewish Congregation. Over the years, Houdini ast [...]