"The World Is Getting Better" Says Triangulation—Earthquakes and the End Revisited

If you like to form your eschatology from the newspaper and are persuaded that the world is getting worse, you may want to consider what technology expert Byron Reese had to say in this recent video interview on Triangulation about the breakthroughs on the verge of being made in medicine, energy, etc. Byron has spoken at our conferences and he is Chief Innovation Officer at Demand Media. My Decemb [...]

Will the World End in Your Lifetime?

Dr. Jim Denison, in his article “Will the World End in Your Lifetime?” published on the Christian Post web site, concludes with these words: “The last recorded words of Jesus are, ‘Yes, I am coming soon’ (Revelation 22:20). Early believers lived every day in expectation of the imminent return of our Lord. Secular cultures discount such beliefs as outdated superstition, but each of us is one day cl [...]

Timing and Audience Relevance and Interpreting the Bible

Yesterday I received a review copy of Eric J. Bargerhuff’s The Most Misused Verses in the Bible: Surprising Ways God’s Word is Misunderstood (2012) published by Bethany House. The author writes that common biblical phrases like “an eye for an eye” and “do not judge, or you will be judged” — “derived from the bestselling book of all time, the Bible — have often been misunderstood and mi [...]

How Differences in the Gospel Accounts Support the Bible’s Integrity

An article written by someone named Lynda O, who describes herself as “Christian, Calvinist, Premillennial, Dispensational, and a Biblical Creationist,” is not a preterist. She does not believe that the Olivet Discourse describes events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem that took place in A.D. 70. One of her arguments is there are significant differences in the gospel accoun [...]

The Charge of Replacement Theology is a Cover for Fuzzy Theology

Joseph Farah of WND (WorldNetDaily) has written the following in an article titled “To those Israel-rejecting Christians. . .”: “[A]n evil doctrine known as Replacement Theology, every bit as ugly as Liberation Theology, has taken root in the church. I’m sorry to say it, but you’ve got to discard or allegorize much of the Bible to adopt either one of these views and still call yourself a Chr [...]

Does the Bible Teach an Israel-Church Distinction?

Gaining a proper understanding of the Greek word ekklēsia, most often translated “church” in the New Testament, ((The Greek word ekklēsia is used 115 times in the New Testament, and in most translations it is translated as “church.” Exceptions are often found in Acts 7:38, 19:32, 39, 41, and Hebrews 2:12.)) is the key in answering the charge that non-dispensationalists teach that the church replac [...]

Chuck Smith Says the End is Near – AGAIN!

Chuck Smith is predicting that the end is near – again! At a three-day conference, with 8000 in attendance and the usual suspects misinforming thousands about Bible prophecy, Smith, the founder of Calvary Chapel, delivered “a strong message of hope in a fallen world,” the Christian Post reported. And what is the message of hope? “We’re on the verge of, it looks like, a war in the Middle East [...]

Is Damascus About to be Destroyed in a Nuclear Holocaust?

A number of websites are pushing the belief that Isaiah 17 is being fulfilled in the events of the Middle East. Their claim is that the events prophesied in Isaiah 17 about Damascus were never fulfilled in history. Here’s an example: Damascus in Isaiah 17 is going to be destroyed in 1 day. This is about to occur in our lifetime in just a matter of months. It’s in the news and everywhere you [...]

Dispensationalist says Pendulum Has Swung against Dispensationalism

The following is from Michael Vlach’s article “My Thoughts on the Dispensational Study Group at ETS.” (ETS is the Evangelical Theological Society that meets yearly.) “The panel discussion was interesting. [Bruce Compton, of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary] believes there is a pendulum swing against Dispensationalism today, but he is hopeful the pendulum will swing back toward Dispensati [...]

Young Earth Creationism and Gap Theology

Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is all about interpreting the Bible literally. They take the days of creation literally as well as the genealogies. YECs are very critical of Old Earth Creationists (OEC) for not taking the Bible literally on these and other creation issues. For years I have tried to get YEC organizations that push for literalism on creation issues to insist on the same hermeneutical [...]

When Prophecy Books Go Bad

“The single best-selling nonfiction book of the 1970s was not The Joy of Sex or even The Joy of Cooking; it was Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth.” ((Bruce J. Schulman, The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics (New York: The Free Press, 2001), 93.)) It was declared by the New York Times to be the “no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade.” ((Quoted in Nan [...]

Interpretive Gymnastics

I’ve been reading through the book The Big Three: Major events that Changed History Forever written by Dr. Henry Morris III, the son of Henry Morris who co-authored The Genesis Flood with John C. Whitcomb in 1961. In The Big Three, Morris has a chapter with the title “Interpretive Gymnastics.” A good title. He writes: “No one has the right to change the words of God to suit his idea of what [...]

Did the Old Testament Predict 9-11?

Jonathan Cahn, a messianic rabbi from the Jerusalem Center-Beth Israel Congregation in Wayne, N.J., writes that there is a prophetic connection between Isaiah 9:10 and the events of 9–11. He’s not the first person to make such a claim. Did you know that a dollar bill can be folded to show the World Trade Center going up in smoke? The character set of Wingdings can be manipulated to show a plane cr [...]

Exposing the Real Last Days Scoffers

To scoff or not to scoff. Is that the question? It’s not. The question is: What were the scoffers scoffing at? Futurists insist that Peter is critical of those who were scoffing that the physical coming of Jesus had not occurred as promised (2 Peter 3–18). The simple fact is that the New Testament writers, Peter included (1 Peter 4:7), taught that Jesus would return shortly (Rev. 1:1), before the [...]

Oklahoma Earthquake: Sign of the End or God Getting Our Attention?

“The house I was in shook with such violence that the upper stories immediately fell. Everything was thrown out of its place. I expected nothing less than to be soon crushed to death, as the walls continued rocking. Large stones fell on every side from the cracks.” A description of the Oklahoma earthquake that hit last weekend? Not at all. The above eye‑witness account is a description of the Lisb [...]

Isn't End Times Madness "Cult Like," too?

Robert Jeffress, pastor of the 13,000-member First Baptist Church of Dallas, described Mormonism as “cult like.” His comments created a storm in the media because of his endorsement of Rick Perry at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., and the fact that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Actually, Romney is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This is an important designation [...]

Defending Dispensationalism at All Costs

Dave Hunt continues to ask questions about a preterist interpretation of Scripture. They’re true by definition because they support dispensationalism. Mr. Hunt knows that he no longer has to defend his position because there is a willing audience that will believe any listing of them because they are dispensationalists and their belief system is dependent on the system. To breech any part of it me [...]

Is Jesus Going to Reign on Earth?

There are lots of things that people believe the Bible teaches that just aren’t there. I have developed a Bible test that makes this point. Here’s one of them: Did Noah’s ark land on Mt. Ararat? The answer is no. The ark came to rest on the mountains (plural) of Ararat (Gen. 8:4). There are other “that’s not in the Bible” beliefs, and many have to do with Bible prophecy. Ask a prophecy student to [...]

Jesus Already Stood on the Mount of Olives

The following question was asked of Dave Hunt on his Berean Call website: Question: You have criticized preterism and amillennial teaching as being unbiblical, but teachers such as R. C. Sproul present what clearly are reasoned conclusions for their positions. What do you say? Since 1988 I have been responding to the prophetic views of Dave Hunt. For example, Peter J. Leithart and I wrote The Redu [...]

False Prophecy Teachers are in the News Again

A ChristianPost.com article reports that two large and influential Baptist churches have special sermons planned for September 11th, the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States. “One sermon promises to discuss America’s ‘inevitable collapse’ while the other is to be delivered by Dr. Tim LaHaye, known for his popular end-times book series [Left Behind]. . . . First Baptist Ch [...]