John Piper Dice que el Coronavirus es una Señal de los Últimos Tiempos

Mientras que el escritor de la carta a los Hebreos dice que deberíamos “tener entrenados los sentidos” (5:14), los Bereanos buscaron en las Escrituras diariamente para asegurarse de que Pablo estaba diciendo la verdad (Hech 17:11), y Juan dice “sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo” (1 Jn 4:1), parece que hoy los cristianos están siendo fác [...]

Christians Around the World are Rejecting Last Days Madness

I’ve witnessed a seismic shift in prophetic thinking over the past 40 years. It’s happening every day in every part of the world. On April 10, 2020, I did a two-hour interview with Georges Ruapene co-founder of Faith & Grace ministries based in Australia. That interview has led to other interviews. I’ve traveled to Guatemala and spoke to a hundred pastors on the topic. This n [...]

My New Book is Now Available: 'The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation'

My New Book is Now Available: 'The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation'

On January 21, 2020, I traveled to Dinosaur Adventure Land in Conecuh County, Alabama, where I debated the topic of the Rapture with Kent Hovind. Kent took the Post Trib/Pre-Wrath position while I took the position that there was no rapture since there is no future seven-year period in which the Antichrist makes and breaks a covenant with Israel. I based my arguments on Daniel 9:24–27, a sequence [...]

The Rapture and Daniel's 70 Weeks

The Rapture and Daniel's 70 Weeks

The following interview was held at the Atlanta G3 Conference with my good friends David Shannon, Toby Sumpter, and Gabe Rench from Cross Politic Studios. It’s always great to get together with them. The 30-minute interview was about my new book The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation. A small crowd assembled around the booth as we discussed the book and related topics. The Rapture and the Fig Tre [...]

'Last Days Madness' is Back in Print. Also Get a FREE Copy of My Special Debate Presentation

Last Days Madness is back in print with some material added. I only added new content where it didn’t mess with the index. I also tightened up some arguments and fixed a few typos, otherwise, it’s the same book. There is, however, a new dramatic cover. Eschatology has had a devastating effect on society. Predictions about the end have a long history, but it was in the 1970s that there [...]

Christian Writer Asks, “Will Trump Enable Third Temple Construction?”

When will this last days madness end? Christians have been preoccupied with making unbiblical claims about Bible prophecy for centuries. I thought it would all be over after the so-called rapture did not occur in 1988. Here we are more than 30 years later, and the prophetic claims keep coming based on the same arguments that have repeatedly been weighed and found wanting in terms of what the Bible [...]

Proof That Facts and Sound Arguments Aren't Always Persuasive

Facts do not come with interpretation tags, telling us how to view them. . . . Both sides haggle over the facts. Both sides search for new facts to add to their arsenals. Both sides raise accusations, yet it’s a rare day indeed when both sides acknowledge that their differences stem from something much more basic than facts. Their differences are rooted in opposing worldviews, which in turn are pe [...]

Bible Prophecy in the White House

Mike Pompeo told an audience in Cairo that “he had come to the region as ‘as an evangelical Christian.” That’s OK. Glad to hear it. But then there’s this: In his speech at the American University in Cairo, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.” Again, good for him. Here’s the disturbing part: [...]

How Ray Comfort Should Not Answer a Skeptic: Part 1

Ray Comfort has put himself on the front lines defending the Christian faith by confronting the spirit of the age and those who promote it, especially atheists. One of the recurring arguments used by atheists against the reliability of the Bible is the claim that it falsely predicted the return of Jesus within a generation. A skeptic named Jonathan asked the following question on his blog: “Could [...]

How Ray Comfort Should Not Answer a Skeptic: Part 2

A skeptic named Jonathan asked the following question on Ray Comfort’s blog: “Could anyone of you believers tell me when the end times will happen, besides soon? It seems to me that the end times have been preached by man ever since the time they created their fictional deities.” Ray’s answer is similar to an article he wrote for Christian Worldview Network. Skeptics have pointed out the prophecy [...]

How Ray Comfort Should Not Answer a Skeptic: Part 3

Bible prophecy is an empirical discipline. It can be tested. Did a prophet’s prediction come to pass as stated? The Bible takes such predictions seriously. A false prediction is a reflection of a prophet’s authority and can have grave consequences: But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that [...]

Why Creation and Prophecy Can't be Separated

When I wrote my article “Why Young People are Leaving the Church” I knew it would generate some response. I was taken to task by a few Young Earth Creationists (YEC) because I did not point out the dangers of Old Earth Creationist (OEC) arguments and how they create serious theological problems such as disease and death before the fall. Some OECs have attempted to answer this objection exegeticall [...]

Eschatology and Biblical Apologetics: A Fundamental Link

One of the ways I’m trying to add new content to American Vision is through video. Learning a new skill takes time. Adobe has come out with a new program – Adobe Rush. It’s a scaled down version of Adobe Premiere. In addition to a three-part article I’ve written, I’ve produced three ten-minute videos. The videos appear at the end of each article. Please share the arti [...]

Is Rebuilding the Temple the Next Event on the Prophetic Timeline?

An Israeli political party official wants to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. He doesn’t want to wait for years. He wants to begin now. Of course, there’s a practical problem because the Muslim Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Then there’s the theological problem. Rebuilding the temple excites modern-day prophecy “experts” who claim the temple must be r [...]

Has the Gospel Been Preached in ‘All the World’?

This is my third and final critique of Ron Rhodes’ book Jesus and the End Times. You can read my first two articles here and here. In brief commentary on Jesus and the Olivet Discourse, he states, “In the Olivet Discourse. Jesus prophesied that ‘the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it’” (Matthew 24:14). (45) Like so much o [...]

What Does the Bible Mean When It Says Jesus Is Coming ‘Soon’ and that the 'Time is Near’?

In a previous article, I commented on Ron Rhodes new book Jesus and the End Times. You can read it here. As I mentioned, I’ve dealt with most of the topics he covers in my books Last Days Madness, Wars and Rumors of Wars, and Is Jesus Coming Soon? In this article, I would like to delve into the always controversial time words “soon” and “near.” I believe that these words refer to Jesus’ coming in [...]

Repetitive Prophecy Books Keep Getting It Wrong

Ron Rhodes has written many popular prophecy books. While there’s always something new in each book, most of his books repeat the same themes and errors. His latest book is Jesus and the End Times. Like his previous books, this one follows the outdated and discredited dispensational model. The next prophetic event is supposed to be the “rapture of the church” to be followed by the Great Tribulatio [...]

“Grinding Out” More Bad Prophecy Books

The same day I received David Jeremiah’s The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse and Ron Rhodes’ Jesus and the End Times, I also received Ray Kroc’s autobiography Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s. End-time prophecy books never cease. Publishers keep grinding them out. They are the same worn out prophetic speculations that have been published in similar books for cent [...]

Prophecy pundits say Trump's troop withdrawal leads to Armageddon

I’ve been listening to an interview that Brannon Howse had with pastor and author Andy Woods about his book The Middle East Meltdown. He, like so many prophecy writers today, believes Ezekiel 38 and 39 are about modern-day Russia and nations surrounding Israel in a war that will lead to the deaths of billions of people. For Howse and Woods, war is prophetically inevitable. Peace is impossible. Thi [...]

Is Jesus Coming Soon? A response to a critic

I received an email from an AV supporter that was sent to him by his sister-in-law. Since her criticisms are very stereotypical, they provide a good opportunity to address the most common misunderstandings. I will quote her throughout, followed by my responses. She begins: I read that book you gave me this morning. . . . He bases the whole book on the verse in Matthew that says ‘this generation wi [...]