One Wrong Step Messes Up Your Eschatology

One Wrong Step Messes Up Your Eschatology

The first time I read through the NT, beginning with Matthew’s gospel in 1973, I came across passages like Matthew 10:23, 16:27-28, and 24:34 that did not fit the popular end-time views of the day. At the time, in the early 1970s, Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth (TLGPE) was a massive best seller. “Despite some dated content, 28 million copies had sold by 1990.” In an off-handed way (so a [...]

The End of What Age?

The End of What Age?

Gary discusses Dr. Michael Brown’s recent article, “What Does the Bible Say About the End of the Age?” “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:3) The disciples’ question above involves three interrelated, contemporary events: (1) the time of the temple’s destruction; (2) the sign that will signal Jesus’ [...]

Kicking Against the Prophetic Pricks

Kicking Against the Prophetic Pricks

In an interview I did a few days ago, I mentioned that it’s difficult for people to change their views when confronted with contrary evidence, especially when there are many credible and influential people who teach a popular position. This is especially true of Bible prophecy. Since I first wrote on the topic of eschatology in the 1980s, Bible prophecy has become a hot subject again similar to th [...]

Inflation and Revelation 6

Inflation and Revelation 6

Gary discusses an economic statement made by a seminary professor surrounding economics and Revelation 6. Prophetic speculation is popular. Who doesn’t want to know what’s going to happen in the future, especially if it’s bad and there’s a way to escape it? The rapture is the escape hatch for a troubling future. That’s why the rapture has been described by some as the Great Escape. Charles Wesley [...]

My Online Exchange with More Last Days Madness

My Online Exchange with More Last Days Madness

The following is a brief exchange I had with two people in the comment section who were responding to Dr. Michael Brown’s article “What does the Bible say about the end of the age?” on the Christian Post site (watch for an upcoming podcast for my comments on Dr. Brown’s article). I don’t answer every point these commenters make. If you want more specific answers, see my books Is Jesus Coming Soon? [...]

'This Generation' = Only the Generation of Jesus’ Day

'This Generation' = Only the Generation of Jesus’ Day

What you’ve read up to this point (here and here) is enough to refute Hicks’ claims that “this generation” refers to “trans-historical people” that “includes (past generations) tied to Cain, through to the contemporaries of Jesus, and will extend down until the return of Christ.” There are a few more issues that need to be discussed. Early in his 26-page article he refers to me and other preterist [...]

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Gary answers a listener question about Daniel 12 and the resurrection of the dead. The events of Daniel occur at the very beginning of a new covenantal and historical situation. The Restoration Covenant places the priestly covenant people in a wider context, the context of a world empire. This is the beginning of the “latter days.” This new covenant and new priestly service come, as always, throug [...]

'This Generation' as a Single Generation in Jesus’ Day

'This Generation' as a Single Generation in Jesus’ Day

Ian Hicks has a novel interpretation of the meaning of “this generation.” While he believes the phrase applies to the generation of Jesus’ day, he also claims it refers to “trans-historical people [that] includes (past generations) tied to Cain, through to the contemporaries of Jesus, and will extend down until the return of Christ. My view of genea,” Hicks argues, “is not limited to a singular gr [...]

Is "This Generation" Past or Future?

Is "This Generation" Past or Future?

The following is the beginning of a multipart response to an article by Ian Hicks who argues against a preterist interpretation of the meaning of “this generation.” Keep in mind that numerous scholars who do not identify as preterists argue that Jesus’ use of “this generation” refers to the generation of His contemporaries. See Chapter 10 in my book Wars and Rumors of Wars. It’s a high bar to clea [...]

The Difference Between Eschatology and Bible Prophecy

The Difference Between Eschatology and Bible Prophecy

Gary talks about his experience with a seminary class and discussing various views on biblical prophetic interpretation. All Christians believe in fulfilled prophecy. This makes them preterists to some degree. A preterist interpretation of prophecy puts its fulfillment in the past. What separated unbelieving Jews from believing Jews in the first century was the issue of fulfilled prophecy. Was Jes [...]

Responding to Critics

Responding to Critics

Gary responds to two individuals critical of his own eschatological view. There is redemptive continuity between the testaments. Jesus didn’t come to start something new. We know from the book of Acts that thousands of Jews came to Jesus as their Messiah. The gospel was to be preached throughout the cities of Israel before the destruction of Jerusalem (Matt. 10:23) and the oikoumenē, the known wo [...]

No Fear of the Future

No Fear of the Future

Gary answers several questions from a listener who is fearful and anxious about the world based on what local pastors are preaching and teaching about the “end times.” At first reading, the New Testament seems to teach that the temple would be destroyed (Matt. 23:38; 24:2), Jerusalem would come under siege (Matt. 22:7), and the Old Covenant order would come to an end before the last di [...]

Prophecy ‘Experts’ Who Cried “Wolf!”

Prophecy ‘Experts’ Who Cried “Wolf!”

History is filled with prophecy speculators who claimed that some form of the end was on the horizon. “When Mark Twain was in London, a rumor of his death or imminent death reached the editor of the New York Journal, who sent its London correspondent the following cablegrams: ‘IF MARK TWAIN [IS] DYING IN POVERTY IN LONDON SEND 500 WORDS’ and ‘IF MARK TWAIN HAS DIED IN POVERTY SEND 1000 WORDS. [...]

Eschatology in Mexico

Eschatology in Mexico

Gary recently returned from a Pastor’s Conference in Mexico, where he spoke to a hundred pastors or so about eschatology. On today’s podcast, Gary discusses his travel to and from Mexico, his experiences while he was there, and his takeaways from teaching through a translator. Is Jesus Coming Soon? Daily on Christian radio and television and the the endless stream of prophecy books we [...]

The Impact AV is Having

The Impact AV is Having

Over the years, American Vision has had an impact on Christians from all over the world. It’s humbling to learn that your life’s work has meaning for other people. It’s especially gratifying and encouraging to learn that fellow Christians have gained a greater purpose because of the work of American Vision. The following is an email American Vision received. I’ve asked Neil if it would be OK to pu [...]

What Jehovah’s Witnesses and Last Days Advocates Have in Common

What Jehovah’s Witnesses and Last Days Advocates Have in Common

My friend Robert Cruickshank sent me a copy of a letter he received from a Jehovah’s Witness. It sounded so much like what we hear from Christians pushing the claim that we are living in the last days. I’m writing because as you know we are living in what the [Bible] refers to as the last days of this system of things, which begs this question; what’s next? Please a moment of your time to read wha [...]

The Man of Lawlessness

The Man of Lawlessness

Gary answers a listener question about 2 Thessalonians 2 and the man of lawlessness. Many believe that 2 Thessalonians 2 describes the end times leading up to the rapture of the church, the revealing of antichrist, and the second coming. Tim LaHaye, a representative of this perspective, writes: “Second Thessalonians 2:1–12 contains the rapture, Tribulation, and Glorious Appearing all in one chapte [...]

Witnesses and Disciples

Witnesses and Disciples

Gary answers a listener question about the difference between sending the disciples out to the “lost sheep of Israel” in Matthew 10 and the “Great Commission” in Matthew 28. There is a continuity of the people of God—called the ekklēsia in the Greek translation of the Old and New Testament—as well as Old Testament images that were first applied to Israel but in the New Tes [...]

Are There Contradictions in the Bible?

Are There Contradictions in the Bible?

Gary discusses a few “contradictions” commonly pointed out by critics. The Bible is literature. God speaks to us in words and themes that can be understood. Not all literature can be interpreted in the same way. Some will claim that the Bible must be interpreted literally. But what does that mean? There are always caveats. Does a dragon really mean a dragon? Should you really pluck out [...]

Cleansing the Entire Temple

Cleansing the Entire Temple

Gary walks through the book of Matthew pointing out the important passages that relate to preaching the Gospel and the impending judgment awaiting the temple standing in the first century. Does the Bible, especially the New Testament, predict that the temple will be rebuilt? It does not. Why are Jews wanting to rebuild the temple? For the same reason that the temple was maintained prior to its des [...]