Episode 28: Putting Prophecy Into Perspective (Part One)

Episode 28: Putting Prophecy Into Perspective (Part One)

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 28 In this talk given a few years back at a conference in Nashville, Gary introduces the topic of Bible prophecy and why it is important. At first reading, the New Testament seems to teach that the temple would be destroyed (Matt. 23:38; 24:2), Jerusalem would come under siege (Matt. 22:7), and the Old Covenant order would come to an end before the last [...]

Why I Write About Bible Prophecy

Why I Write About Bible Prophecy

I’ve debated with myself over whether I should respond to Thomas Ice’s awful article about me and my book End Times Fiction, since republished as Left Behind: Separating Fact From Fiction, that Brannon Howse published on his Worldview Weekend site. In his first response to my original argument, Brannon argued that he does not teach on the rapture, and his site and conferences do not spend much tim [...]

The Martyrdom of Antipas

The Martyrdom of Antipas

Gary answers a listener question about the supposed historical fact that Antipas (mentioned in Revelation 2:13) was martyred in the mid-90s AD under Domitian. Francis Gumerlock, author of numerous English translations of ancient Latin commentaries, offers his conclusion based on the commentaries he surveyed: So in all of the Revelation commentaries that are extant from 200–700, not one of them sta [...]

Episode 27: Magog is Moscow and Gog is China

Episode 27: Magog is Moscow and Gog is China

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 27 Gary discusses new “research” that has now determined and revealed China’s role in Bible prophecy. Ezekiel was given a revelation that described his world. Consider the following description of the trading that was taking place among the various nations in Ezekiel’s day and note how these same nations are mentioned in Ezekiel 38. Spe [...]

Episode 26: Modern-Day Gaza is Not a Prophetic Fulfillment

Episode 26: Modern-Day Gaza is Not a Prophetic Fulfillment

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 26 No matter what happens in the Middle East—good, bad, or indifferent—it is claimed to be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The Bible shows that the events described in Matthew 24 were fulfilled in the first century and fell upon the generation of Jews who “did not recognize the time of [their] visitation” (Luke 19:44) and crucified “the Lord of glory” ( [...]

Jesuits, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Preterism

Jesuits, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Preterism

One of the arguments used against a preterist interpretation of Revelation is that it was developed by Spanish Jesuit Luis De Alcazar (1554-1613) who wrote a commentary titled Vestigio Arcani Sensus in Apocaplysi or Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse and was published a year after his death. “In this work dedicated to the Catholic Church, he made a new attempt to interpret the Apo [...]

Does “Postmillennialism” Require Preterism?

Does “Postmillennialism” Require Preterism?

Someone on Facebook asking the following question: “Can one be … Postmillennial while rejecting partial preterism?” For a robust postmillennialism (a moniker I do not like), a person needs to be a preterist, even if it’s an inconsistent preterism. Revelation 20 should not be used in defense of what is labeled “postmillennialism” since there’s little in the chapter that describes what postmillennia [...]

How Theological Differences Should be Handled

How Theological Differences Should be Handled

Gary responds to a recent article by Ken Gentry that called Gary out for his views on eschatology. The Nicene Creed and its anonymous cousin, the Apostles’ Creed, have been standards of orthodoxy for around 1700 years. A charge made by some Christians who ask questions about the creeds is that the creeds use “man’s language,” thus invalidating their authority. This is a harsh and mistaken claim si [...]

Episode 25: What About Progressive Dispensationalism?

Episode 25: What About Progressive Dispensationalism?

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 25 Gary answers a listener question about progressive dispensationalism. For centuries, theologians declared that the Papacy was the biblical antichrist, the man of lawlessness, and the beast all rolled into one. I have several books in my library that take this view. For example, Richard Hurd’s chapter “Prophecies Concerning Antichrist” in his book An I [...]

Episode 24: Do Your Prophetic Homework

Episode 24: Do Your Prophetic Homework

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 24 Gary responds to several critics on Facebook that disagree with his interpretation of Bible prophecy. The temple, sacrifices, city, nation, land, and feasts found their fulfillment in the New Covenant “in reference to the Spirit”: Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to [...]

Does ‘Gary DeMarr’ Know “Squat” about Bible Prophecy?

Does ‘Gary DeMarr’ Know “Squat” about Bible Prophecy?

Mike Johnson’s comment is in response to my book Ten Popular Myths Exposed and Answered, a book he has not read. Typical. In response to me putting up my “squat,” here is his proof that “DeMarr doesn’t know squat.” Ok … the temple DOES need to be built. It will be rebuilt (Rev 11: 1 & 2) Otherwise the AC would not be able to commit the AOD. Both Paul & Christ reference the AOD as a sign of [...]

Episode 23: The Nephilim, the Antichrist, and the End Times

Episode 23: The Nephilim, the Antichrist, and the End Times

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 23 Gary discusses Genesis 6 and the whole “sons of God” controversy and how it gets tied in with Bible prophecy. Jesus said His coming “will be just like the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37). The people were doing normal things—“eating and drinking” and “marrying and giving in marriage.” Jesus told His audience that life would be going on as us [...]

Three Faulty ‘Four-Verses Paradigms'

Three Faulty ‘Four-Verses Paradigms'

When studying anything written or spoken, it’s important to pay attention to what’s stated and what is not stated. It seems so simple until you find people spouting off about something with great authority who fail at the basic level of “what does it say” and “what doesn’t it say.” We can’t move to what does something in a biblical text mean and how it applies until we cover the basics. [...]

Victim's Rights and Prophecy Wars

Victim's Rights and Prophecy Wars

Gary discusses two new books now available from American Vision, Gary’s North’s Victim’s Rights and Gary DeMar’s newest book Prophecy Wars. The position defended by Christian Reconstruction affirms the continuing validity of Old Testament civil laws, including especially the law’s negative sanctions, in the New Testament era. Because of this, Christian Reconstruction [...]

Episode 22: The Day and the Hour

Episode 22: The Day and the Hour

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 22 Gary discusses a popular interpretation of Matthew 24 that assumes a split in time in what Jesus is explaining to His disciples. It’s significant that if there is no gap in time after Matthew 24:36 where events are yet to be fulfilled, the verses that follow track chronologically and are part of the previous signs of the discourse. This means that res [...]

Episode 21: What Your Pastor May Not Know About Bible Prophecy

Episode 21: What Your Pastor May Not Know About Bible Prophecy

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 21 It can be surprising the lack of understanding most pastors have about Bible prophecy. What we are seeing today is the end of a humanistic worldview that cannot sustain itself. God has placed before us a wonderful opportunity. Will we meet the challenge? Charles H. Spurgeon, the great nineteenth-century Baptist preacher, made these comments in his co [...]

It’s Always the End of Someone’s World

It’s Always the End of Someone’s World

It’s 2025 and we’re still here! While going through my library for a research project I’ve been working on, I came across Nicholas Guyatt’s 2007 book Have a Nice Doomsday: Why Millions of Americans are Looking Forward to the End of the World. This past weekend, I was given a book that claims it’s all coming to fruition in September of this year. The author is a premillennialist, so his view is opt [...]

Dispensationalism’s Road to Holocaust

Dispensationalism’s Road to Holocaust

Projection is “a defense mechanism in which an individual recognizes their unacceptable traits or impulses in someone else to avoid recognizing those traits or impulses in themselves subconsciously. For example, someone who bullies another for being anxious and insecure may be doing so to avoid acknowledging they exhibit those same tendencies.”[1] Long before modern psychology gave a name to this [...]

Episode 20: Hal Lindsey's Projection in "The Road to Holocaust"

Episode 20: Hal Lindsey's Projection in "The Road to Holocaust"

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 20 Gary discusses one of Hal Lindsey’s lesser-known books called The Road to Holocaust. Projection is “a defense mechanism in which an individual recognizes their unacceptable traits or impulses in someone else to avoid recognizing those traits or impulses in themselves subconsciously. For example, someone who bullies another for being anxious and [...]

Dealing with “Jesus Is Coming Soon” Memes

Dealing with “Jesus Is Coming Soon” Memes

Memes declaring that “Jesus is Coming Soon” are all over the internet. Facebook is filled with them. There are numerous Rapture pages. It’s amazing to see how a false doctrine from the 19th century has infected the church under the guise of interpreting the Bible literally. Its spread has been exponential. Here’s what those who claim to interpret the Bible literally mean by literal: “When the plai [...]