Israel and the Land Promises

Israel and the Land Promises

Gary interviews author Brian Godawa about his new book, Israel in Bible Prophecy: The New Testament Fulfillment of the Promise to Abraham. If Israel and Judah’s distress was so great that there was “none like it,” then how could a future tribulation be greater? In order to get around this interpretive problem, futurists claim that “Jacob’s distress” is a yet future great tribulation. But the conte [...]

Tony Campolo and Red Letter Christianity

Tony Campolo and Red Letter Christianity

Christianity Today reported, “Tony Campolo, a progressive Christian leader who courted controversy challenging evangelicals to see caring for the poor as an integral part of proclaiming the gospel, died on Tuesday. He was 89.” All Christians should be advocates for “the least of these,” although I would not choose the word “caring.” It strikes me as a bit paternalistic. Without a proper understand [...]

You Can't Do It From the Sidelines

You Can't Do It From the Sidelines

Gary comments on a recent sermon by John Piper about the 2024 Election and Trump being “evil.” There are numerous books of the Bible that are filled with politics—from Joshua, Judges, and 1 and 2 Samuel to 1 and 2 Kings and the Old Testament Prophets. King David is confronted by Nathan the Prophet (2 Sam. 12), Solomon is shown violating nearly every biblical admonition regarding kings, [...]

Episode 15: Biblical Context Under the Microscope

Episode 15: Biblical Context Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 15 Gary discusses biblical context and its importance to interpreting all Bible passages, but especially prophetic ones. When we study Matthew 24 in its biblical context and allow other passages to shape our understanding, we will have no other choice than to embrace a preterist interpretation. Preterism teaches that most prophetic passages in the New T [...]

How the Overpopulation Bomb Bombed

How the Overpopulation Bomb Bombed

In his book 1968 The Population Bomb, Paul R. Ehrlich made numerous predictions about the future of our planet based on his understanding of population growth and projected food supplies. Ehrlich’s work was not new. Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), a British political economist and mathematician, proposed that population growth would outstrip any increase in food supplies in his day. Malthus the [...]

How to Interpret the Bible (Part Two)

How to Interpret the Bible (Part Two)

Gary continues his hermeneutics lesson with discussions about time statements and the book of Revelation. Proper interpretation of the Bible depends on the type of literature that’s being studied and the way words and phrases are used in different contexts throughout Scripture in their literary setting. “The term literal comes from the Latin litera meaning letter. To interpret the Bible literally [...]

Be Equipped for Worldview Wars

Be Equipped for Worldview Wars

When entering a battle, we must be equipped with the most effective weapons, a winning strategy, a commitment to prevail, and the assurance of victory. This is no less true for a spiritual battle where eternal destinies are at stake. The Bible describes the conflict between the Christian worldview and all opposing worldviews by using the metaphors of war (2 Cor. 10:3-6). Some might not like the wa [...]

How to Interpret the Bible (Part One)

How to Interpret the Bible (Part One)

Gary is interviewed about biblical hermeneutics (the art and science of interpretation). He gives a quick lesson about how regular Christians can and should do it for themselves. Many people grow up thinking the Bible says one thing when it actually says something else. For example, when asked who cut off Samson’s hair, a high percentage of people will say “Delilah!” By reading Judges 16:19, we qu [...]

Is Satan Alive and Well and the “God of This World”?

Is Satan Alive and Well and the “God of This World”?

A popular minister whose sermons are broadcast on radio and television claims the Bible teaches that God has allowed Satan to be in control of this world until Jesus returns. He gave specific passages like Satan being labeled the “prince of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) and argued that when Satan tempted Jesus in the desert and offered him the kingdoms of this world, Jesus didn’t argue or [...]

Ted Lasso, Curiosity, and Underestimating the Bible and the World

Ted Lasso, Curiosity, and Underestimating the Bible and the World

The Ted Lasso comedy-drama series premiered in August of 2020. The Ted Lasso character, an American college football coach, is recruited to coach a fictional English Premier League soccer team despite having no experience coaching soccer. And that’s the point. The team’s owner, Rebecca Welton, gained ownership of the team in a divorce from her unfaithful ex-husband, Rupert. She hired the ine [...]

Episode 13: Israel as the Fig Tree Under the Microscope

Episode 13: Israel as the Fig Tree Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 13 Gary discusses a popular interpretation by modern prophecy writers and pastors about Israel being the “fig tree” spoken of by Jesus in the NT. If Israel is the fig tree in Matthew 24:32, then Israel is the fig tree in 21:18–20 where Jesus says, “‘No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you.’ And at once the fig tree withered.” The fi [...]

Planned Parenthood and Pagans Use Bible to Support Abortion

Planned Parenthood and Pagans Use Bible to Support Abortion

Do you know that Planned Parenthood used the Bible and religion to convince women they are morally justified to kill their unborn babies. Maybe that’s why some prominent “Christians” are supporting the pro-abortion Democrat Party like one of Billy Graham’s granddaughters. The organization’s so-called “Pastoral Letter” begins with this outlandish claim: “Many people wrongly assume that all religiou [...]

Episode 12: Discussing Bible Prophecy With My 11-Year-Old Granddaughter

Episode 12: Discussing Bible Prophecy With My 11-Year-Old Granddaughter

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 12 Gary does a short Bible study with his granddaughter, who had a few questions about Mark 13 and Jesus’ coming. In terms of audience relevance related to a study of the Olivet Discourse, students of Scripture need to begin with Matthew 21:1 where we read that Jesus and some of His disciples had come “to the Mount of Olives.” By the time we get t [...]

Make Halloween Great Again

Make Halloween Great Again

It seemed appropriate to re-run this article, which points to the podcast on a Christian response to Halloween. Why do Halloween, the Day of the Dead, and Diwali all fall around the same time of year? Is this because paganism is so consistent and ubiquitous around the world, or is the answer much simpler? Christians seldom think in historical terms and assume that since Halloween has pagan origins [...]

Mass Election Hysteria

Mass Election Hysteria

Gary discusses a few of the nonsensical claims being trotted out by leftists about the election. The Enlightenment philosophers of the eighteenth century rejected special revelation (the Bible) as the ultimate standard of authority and declared reason to be supreme. Reason was elevated to god-like status. She was “carried shoulder-high into the cathedral by men dressed in Roman costumes.” The chur [...]

The Former Shock Jock as Liberal Political Tool

The Former Shock Jock as Liberal Political Tool

Gary discusses a few recent news items about the political hot-potato of abortion, or more accurately, the murder of pre-born children. The debate over abortion is not just about the evidence. It can’t be since the evidence is the same for pro- and anti- abortionists. The same is true in the creation-evolution debate. Biologists, anthropologists, chemists, and philosophers from both positional sid [...]

Episode 10: Prophetic Schizophrenia Under the Microscope

Episode 10: Prophetic Schizophrenia Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 10 Many modern preachers and authors are schizophrenic. They don’t seem to understand that their messages are contradictory and often cause their hearers to become paralyzed with indecision. Thousands of tracts, magazine articles, sermons and radio messages tell the people, “Jesus is coming soon!” “These are the last days of this dispensation” and [...]

Un-Separating the People of God

Un-Separating the People of God

Picking up with Gary’s interview with the Resistance Chicks from a few months back, this third part deals with Dispensationalism and how it influences both eschatology and politics. It is evident from Scripture that with the coming of Christ (particularly after His formal, public manifestation at His baptism) the Kingdom has drawn near. There is a repeated emphasis on the proximity of the ki [...]

Columbus Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

Columbus Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Thanksgiving, Racism, Genocide, and Socialism

There was hardly a peep out of Monday being Columbus Day. The malcontents are happy enough to get the day off with pay. A new revelation (which is an old claim) is that “Spanish researchers have claimed that DNA and other analyses indicate that Christopher Columbus likely came from a Jewish family in Spain.” This should give some of the same people more reasons to hate him. The usual dissenters co [...]

Episode 9: Dividing Matthew 24 Under the Microscope

Episode 9: Dividing Matthew 24 Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 9 Gary puts the popular claim of dividing Matthew 24 into past and future events under the exegetical microscope to see if it stands up under scrutiny. Matthew 24:33 tells us what audience Jesus had in view: “so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.” It’s obvious, and without any need for debate, that the [...]