Criminals Laugh at Second Amendment Restrictions

Criminals Laugh at Second Amendment Restrictions

The House of Representatives passed an expansive gun control bill that would criminalize firearm sales, gifts, or loans between unlicensed private persons. Some Republicans joined the unconstitutional bill. Criminals are laughing. Do members of Congress believe that such a law is going to stop criminals from selling, loaning, or “gifting” firearms? There are people right now who kill other people [...]

Can Secularism Justify and Account for Anything?

Can Secularism Justify and Account for Anything?

Christian apologetics begins by establishing an authoritative starting point. Like Archimedes (287?–212 B.C.), who once boasted that given the proper lever and a place to stand, he could “move the earth,” the Christian apologist seeks to base his defense on a secure foundation to move the hearts and minds of sinners to embrace the eternal hope found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But u [...]

Pushing the Absurdity of Irrationality

Pushing the Absurdity of Irrationality

We are experiencing an ongoing war of worldviews. Advocates of a this-world (secular) worldview have set their sights on the destruction of all competing worldviews that transcend the finite world of knowledge and power. Anti-Christian worldviews derive their authority and power exclusively from this temporal time and place controlled by ideological power brokers. R. C. Sproul states the following [...]

Are Computers and Airplanes a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

Are Computers and Airplanes a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

A popular end-time prediction is that Daniel 12 is referring to events in our day, more than 2600 years from the time the prophecy was given to Daniel. For example, Hal Lindsey claims the following: “When Daniel emerged from the vision, the angel instructed him, ‘But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase [...]

Challenging the Assumptions in an Argument

Challenging the Assumptions in an Argument

If you are going to argue with someone, you must get down to the operating assumptions of what’s being argued. We first heard that homosexuals were born that way, just like heterosexuals are born with desires for those of the opposite sex. Now we are told that people can “identify” as any number of genders. Does this mean that identification determines validity? Some people claim that [...]