Stolen Capital and

Stolen Capital and

Christianity built the modern world. From science to music to art and architecture, the Christian worldview has influenced and informed all the “modern” technology and way of life that we (too often) take for granted. Dr. Greg Bahnsen was known for his phrase “stolen capital.” By this he meant that anti-Christian worldviews take what they like and enjoy from the Christian w [...]

The Latest Cancel Culture Controversy in California

The Latest Cancel Culture Controversy in California

The Babylon Bee has done it again. After the California governor’s blowout victory in the recall election, the Christian satirical site had a meme noting the large-scale exodus underway in California, with the headline, “Gavin Newsom Named U-Haul Salesperson Of The Year.” But there’s a largely-overlooked religious controversy in California right now that is no laughing matter. We have seen in rece [...]

Strategic and Feasible

Strategic and Feasible

One of the main problems with modern Christianity is that it is reactive, rather than proactive. Christians aren’t being taught to think and act operationally. A Christian worldview is a great first step, but how does that worldview apply beyond the classroom? What does a Christian worldview look like when it is lived out and applied to daily life? Douglas Wilson has been a worldview warrior [...]

Reading the Bible as Literature

Reading the Bible as Literature

How should the Bible be interpreted? Most conservative Christians will immediately respond with the answer “literally.” But what does it mean to interpret literally? How should a book written thousands of years ago by multiple authors in different settings and cultures be understood by modern readers? Paul Lee Tan is helpful when he writes: “Literal interpretation of the Bible si [...]

The Mark and Number of the Beast

The Mark and Number of the Beast

Technology has always played a part in the dispensational explanation of the “mark of the beast” and “buying and selling” discussed in Revelation 13. Sensational teachers rely on fear and current events to sell books and fill conferences with participants ready to hear the latest “end times” theory. But what does the Bible actually say? Should Scripture be inter [...]

Internet Exegesis and Bible Prophecy

Internet Exegesis and Bible Prophecy

Gary was recently interviewed by Pastor Richard Henry about current events and eschatology. Gary addresses biblical hermeneutics and the current phenomenon of “internet exegesis,” which seeks to apply modern events to Bible prophecy. Internet exegesis is simply a computerized version of “newspaper exegesis.” Last Days Madness In this authoritative book, Gary DeMar clears th [...]

The Self-Malediction of "In Gay We Trust"

The Self-Malediction of "In Gay We Trust"

Listen to the Gary DeMar Blogcast episode of this article You may have seen Megan Raponoe at the 2021 Met Gala celebrating “In America: A Lexicon Of Fashion" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art dressed in a red, white, and blue star-spangled suit. I take that back. You most likely did not see her. Just so you know, she was carrying a clutch purse that said: “In Gay We Trust” on the side. [...]

Scaring Liberals with "Hate Groups"

Scaring Liberals with "Hate Groups"

Gary responds to an email that he received from a critic. Claiming to be a “person of the church,” the individual expresses his dissatisfaction that organizations like American Vision are “allowed to exist.” Apparently freedom of speech only extends to particular “church persons” by his definition. The email is strangely similar to the sign someone posted on our [...]

Hate Notes on Our Dumpster

Hate Notes on Our Dumpster

Someone posted a sign (image above) on the American Vision dumpster declaring that Gary created a “hate group.” The sign was complete with QR codes for anyone wanting further reading during their trip to the trash bin. American Vision has been targeted and slandered by critics for years. This is to be expected when your message is antithetical to the Leftist agenda. Posting signs on du [...]

Apologetics and Strategy

Apologetics and Strategy

The following is taken from “Apologetics and Strategy,” an article written by Dr. Gary North and the late David Chilton that appeared in the third volume of Christianity and Civilization: The Tactics of Christian Resistance nearly 40 years ago (1983). If Christians had listened then, we would be in a much better position today. Too many Christians believed that the election of Ronald Reagan in 198 [...]

Atheist ‘Chaplain’ Claims He Can be Good Without God

Atheist ‘Chaplain’ Claims He Can be Good Without God

Atheists claim they can be good without any belief in God. How do atheists account for good in a world of pure matter? Morality is not physical. Who’s to say that killing someone is morally wrong since atheists teach that animals — and evolutionists claim that humans are animals — evolved through actions like rape and violence? Keep in mind that “in the mid-1800s, Darwin showed that human beings w [...]

The 'Logic' of Unbelief and Where it Leads

The 'Logic' of Unbelief and Where it Leads

In the film, I, Robot (2004),[1] starring Will Smith as Detective Del Spooner, a supercomputer named VIKI[2] has designs on creating a robot-run world with humans under constant control. The computer-creature wants to control the creator based on a new set of laws and logic that will override the original human-designed “Three Laws” of protection.[3] It’s an old story with culture-destroying conse [...]

Counting the Cost of Christian Resistance in an Age of Biblical Illiteracy

Counting the Cost of Christian Resistance in an Age of Biblical Illiteracy

The Bible is a practical book. It deals with the real world. It’s not a book of magic or wishful thinking. It’s a rubber-meets-the-road reality check. This is why Jesus told His disciples to count the cost before embarking on a task: “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it? [...]

What the Church Gave Up to be 'Relevant'

What the Church Gave Up to be 'Relevant'

John Webster (1610–1682), writing in 1654, stated, “But if man gave his assent unto, or believed the things of Christ … because they appear probable … to his reason, then would his faith be … upon the rotten basis of human authority.” When the full-orbed biblical worldview is given up for some claim to neutrality and unaided reason, the center collapses and the edifice falls i [...]

What Most Premils Don’t Know About Israel

What Most Premils Don’t Know About Israel

What identifies a premillennialist — classical and dispensational — is that the Jews that survive the Great Tribulation will reign with Jesus from Jerusalem during the thousand years of Revelation 20. This is the definition, and yet, Revelation 20 does not say anything about the Jews reigning on earth with Jesus from Jerusalem in what is described as a millennial paradise. Once again, we have a do [...]

Calvinism, Premill, Postmill, and Israel

Calvinism, Premill, Postmill, and Israel

In 2007, John MacArthur delivered “Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Premillennialist” at the March 2007 Shepherd’s Conference at Grace Community Church. The premise of MacArthur’s talk was based on the everlasting covenant with Israel. MacArthur, who believes in “sovereign election” as it relates to individual salvation, is surprised that many of his sovereign grace colleagues who are amil [...]

The Nagging Persistence of Failed Eschatologies

The Nagging Persistence of Failed Eschatologies

As happens at least once a week, I get involved in a discussion concerning eschatology. What’s happening in Afghanistan and the push for a global reset is bringing out the prophecy pundits. The following comment caught my attention: Do you also blame the Roman empire on the present-day rush towards globalism, a global digital currency, and a global government? how does Nero factor into what [...]

What Makes the Taliban Tick?

What Makes the Taliban Tick?

It is horrible to see the collapse of Afghanistan and thousands trying to flee the country before the Islamists take complete control there. What motivates the Taliban who once again are violently asserting power in that country? What makes the Taliban tick? There’s no mystery here. In some ways, it’s the same impulse at work in our world for the last 1400 years, ever since the hordes of Mohammed, [...]

Throwing Elephants for Fun and Profit

Throwing Elephants for Fun and Profit

What does it mean to “throw the elephant”? A person responds to an argument by dumping loads of seemingly relevant information on it, calls the dump a “refutation,” and declares himself to be the winner, all the while hoping his opponent won’t notice how faulty much of the information is. The internet has made throwing the elephant a favorite tactic of anti-Christian bigots. It used to be that a r [...]

Some of My Favorite Sci-Fi Films

Some of My Favorite Sci-Fi Films

Many science fiction films breed optimism. They lay out what’s possible. Technology is good if used for the right reasons. There is generally a theme of good and evil. Some older sci-fi films dealt with technology gone wrong like in The Fly or Them. Others have a moral bent to them as in The 27th Day based on the novel by John Mantley. Films trying to depict the signs of the times are said to be f [...]