America's Christian Heritage: Fact or Fiction?

America's Christian Heritage: Fact or Fiction?

On July 4th of this year, Hobby Lobby ran newspaper ads that included the Bible verse “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord” and was titled “One Nation Under God” and included numerous references of America’s religious and Christian influence. Hobby Lobby has been placing similar ads on US holidays since 1995. As usual, atheists went ballistic, especially the Freedom From Religion Foundatio [...]

The Reversal of Creation and a Covenantal Refining

The Reversal of Creation and a Covenantal Refining

The only way to grasp the significance of Peter’s de-creation language in 2 Peter 3 is to study similar language found in the Old Testament since that’s Peter’s reference point. In Micah 1:1, a prophetic word was revealed: “to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.” Micah’s prophecy isn’t about a time in the dista [...]

Answering the Objections of the Scoffers

Answering the Objections of the Scoffers

(Note: This is a continuation of a previous article. For Part One, click here to read “The Magical Bible Verse That’s Used to Nullify 100 Others”) We need to understand the immediate context of 2 Peter 3. The entire argument over when the events Peter describes take place comes down to defining the last days, the identity of the scoffers, the expectation of Peter’s audience, the consistent definit [...]

The Magical Bible Verse that’s Used to Nullify 100 Others

The Magical Bible Verse that’s Used to Nullify 100 Others

The following is from Jerry Jenkins, the co-author of the Left Behind prophecy series: God has a different economy of time than we do. He wrote in the Bible 2,000 years ago that the end was soon or imminent, and that we should watch and wait. We’ve been doing that all these years. The Bible also says that to God, 1,000 years is as a day and a day is as 1,000 years [2 Peter 3:8]. [...]

Arguing from the Impossibility of the Contrary

Arguing from the Impossibility of the Contrary

During a “Gay Rights”/Juneteenth Parade in Fort Lauderdale, a man drove his pickup truck into a crowd killing one and injuring another. It was immediately denounced as a “terrorist attack” against the LGBTQ+ community. Here are some of the comments: • 2 hit by truck that was aiming for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s car, a person is dead. “This is a terrorist attack against the LGBT community…del [...]

What’s Lacking in Evolutionary Theory

What’s Lacking in Evolutionary Theory

The following is a list of what’s lacking in the evolutionary theory that we have been told is the basis of all science: Evolutionists claim that everything we see (or ever will see) and feel arose from lesser-complex organisms. Single organisms arose spontaneously from a primordial soup of chemicals that randomly came together at the beginning of what we now define as “life.” These basic life for [...]

The Rise of “Sheilaism”

The Rise of “Sheilaism”

On October 15, 2006, the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia participated in a one-hour televised debate with American Civil Liberties Union president Nadine Strossen.[1] Scalia defended a number of his opinions and stated that neither homosexual rights nor abortion can be found in the Constitution. “On controversial issues on stuff like homosexual rights, abortion, we debate with each other [...]

When Did All the Other Stuff Happen?

When Did All the Other Stuff Happen?

In three previous articles, I dealt with “Confronting Eschatological Gnosticism, “Should the Bible Always be Interpreted Literally?,” and “The Bible Method: Scripture Interprets Scripture.” In this article, I will briefly deal with what many believe is end-of-the-world language even though the Old Testament uses such language with local events. Paul writes to the Corinthians: “Now these things hap [...]

The Bible Method: Scripture Interprets Scripture

The Bible Method: Scripture Interprets Scripture

In two previous articles, I dealt with “Confronting Eschatological Gnosticism” and “Should the Bible Always be Interpreted Literally?” In this article, I want to discuss the biblical method of interpretation that applies to everything not only prophecy. Sound biblical interpretation begins with a comparative study of texts based on what Milton Terry describes in his highly regarded Biblical Hermen [...]

Should Bible Prophecy Always be Interpreted Literally?

Should Bible Prophecy Always be Interpreted Literally?

In a previous article, I dealt with “Confronting Eschatological Gnosticism” when very specific time words in Scripture are redefined but only when it comes to the topic of Bible prophecy. For example, when the Bible says that Jesus was “near Jerusalem,” dispensationalists have no problem understanding “near” to be close in proximity: “Now while [the people] were listening to these things, Jesus we [...]

Confronting Eschatological Gnosticism

Confronting Eschatological Gnosticism

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to have a great discussion with my sister-in-law on the topic of Bible prophecy. It was very encouraging. Because of it, I thought I would resurrect something I wrote some years ago on the topic since there are a lot of Christians in churches where they are getting less than accurate teaching on eschatology. Some pastors don’t realize that other views approa [...]

Who are the Real Last Days Scoffers?

Who are the Real Last Days Scoffers?

Who were the mockers Peter was describing in 2 Peter 3:3–4? Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues as it was from the beginning of creation.” Many prophecy writers conclude that these verses describe a distant eschatolo [...]

“We Are Primates... We Are Animals”

“We Are Primates... We Are Animals”

I saw the following on a Facebook post: A chimpanzee’s finger and a human finger. Identical in practically every aspect. We don’t come from primates, we are primates. We are not a race, we are a species. We are animals. We are mammals. We are a product of nature. We belong to it and we are a part of it. — David Attenborough According to Attenborough, we are animals almost identical to chimpanzees. [...]

Answering the Eschatological Fool

Answering the Eschatological Fool

Some of the responses to my article “Atheists are Duped by Bad Eschatology” are interesting. Not a single atheist offered a rebuttal. I suppose an atheist would say that it’s all poppycock since there is no God. It doesn’t matter what Jesus said or didn’t say. The prophetic Jesus—right or wrong—is a myth. At that point, the debate becomes epistemological: How do you know what you claim to know whi [...]

Atheists are Duped by Bad Eschatology

Atheists are Duped by Bad Eschatology

A fellow who calls himself Morgue and looks like Jeremy Irons in the 2002 remake of The Time Machine starring Guy Pearce has declared that Jesus was a liar because His prediction about His return did not happen as He predicted. Here’s the link to the video. Morgue, as in the place of the dead, and not Mork as in Mork and Mindy, claims that if Jesus lied about this one thing, then how can Jesus be [...]

The Church is Not a "New Thing"

The Church is Not a "New Thing"

There is no Church-Israel distinction in the Bible because the Greek word ekklēsia is not an invention of the New Testament writers. Ekklēsia is a common word that is used to describe an assembly or congregation. It is used this way in the Greek translation of the Old Testament—the Septuagint (LXX)—and the Greek New Testament. This common word is used by Jesus in Matthew’s gospel (the most Jewish [...]

Does the Church "Replace" Israel?

Does the Church "Replace" Israel?

When dispensationalists can’t answer critiques of their position, they resort to poisoning the well by claiming that non-dispensationalists reject the Jews by adopting a theological system called Replacement Theology. I see it happen in almost any discussion with a misinformed dispensationalist who repeats what he or she has heard from some well-known dispensationalist author. For the dispensation [...]

Prophecy Speculation for the Umpteenth Time

Prophecy Speculation for the Umpteenth Time

If someone burps in the Middle East, the end-time speculators come out of the woodwork and claim that this time it’s the end. People said the end was near more than 100 years ago when Europe went to war, and 51 years ago when Hal Lindsey wrote The Late Great Planet Earth, and 20 years ago when the Sabbath Millennium was said to start. The rapture and the antichrist have once again taken center sta [...]

If You Don't Start Here, You'll Never Get Anywhere

If You Don't Start Here, You'll Never Get Anywhere

The Christian begins with the presupposition that God created the cosmos and man as a special creation different in kind from both inanimate and other animate creations. We are so special that the Bible tells us that we are created in the “image of God” (Gen. 1:27). One of these image attributes is the existence of the mind and the ability to think rationally (Col. 3:10) and to act morally (Eph. [...]

Early Darwinists Knew its Moral Shortcomings

Early Darwinists Knew its Moral Shortcomings

Jeffrey O’Connell and Michael Ruse of Florida State University have written Social Darwinism published by Cambridge University Press in 2021. The book is described as follows: It begins by discussing the meaning of the term [Social Darwinism], moving then to its origins, paying particular attention to whether it is Charles Darwin or Herbert Spencer who is the true father of the idea. It gives an e [...]