Looking for Consistency

Looking for Consistency

Gary summarizes the two recent interviews with Kim Burgess and what we can look forward to in ongoing discussions with him. The Bible is literature. God speaks to us in words and themes that can be understood. Not all literature can be interpreted in the same way. The Bible is one book even though it consists of 66 books written over thousands of years by different authors and yet there is a conne [...]

Still Asking the Question: By What Standard?

Still Asking the Question: By What Standard?

As we get deeper into the reasons for our collapsing culture where evil has become good and good evil, the question remains, “How shall we then live and by what standard?” Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! (Isa. 5:20). That “woe” is very important. In God’s eyes, moral acti [...]

Dissection or Vivisection?

Dissection or Vivisection?

Gary continues his interview with Kim Burgess about the complete story of the Bible. Ancient and medieval literature abounds in numerical symbolism, large parallel structures, intricate chiastic devices, astral allusions, sweeping metaphors, typological parallels, and symbolism in general. Modern literature, whether fiction or non-fiction, is almost always written in a straight line. You don&rsquo [...]

One Diamond with Many Facets

One Diamond with Many Facets

Gary and Kim Burgess discuss eschatology and how all the pieces of the Bible fit together as a comprehensive whole. In the Western world for several centuries, men have assumed that the proper way to express truth is by means of abstract, philosophical language. Wherever we find imagery, parable, symbolism, or typology, we ought to translate such language into proper abstractions. This, however, i [...]

The Dominion Mandate v. Romantic Revolutionaries

The Dominion Mandate v. Romantic Revolutionaries

This is Part Two. The first part can be read here. Discussions about “dominion” have taken a wild turn. Dominion theology is equated to something called ‘Christian Nationalism.’ Here’s one example: “With a burgeoning interest in the idea of Christian Nationalism, the Christian Church in America has seen a renewed interest in modified versions of theonomy.” If “modified versions of theonomy” are op [...]

Does the Church Win by Losing?

Does the Church Win by Losing?

Professor Richard Gaffin said: “The church wins by losing.” In a similar vein, John MacArthur said, “We lose down here.” What is the result of such thinking? What would have become of our world if the early Christians had acted on the theme of losing? Some recent history might help: About 3,000 of the approximately 18,000 Protestant pastors in Germany in the 1930s openly supported Adolf Hitler, an [...]

Having Questions About the Bible

Having Questions About the Bible

Gary and Robert Cruickshank discuss how questions they had about what they were reading in the Bible led them to where they are today. Preaching about the soon coming of Christ has long been used by Christian prophecy teachers as a way of pleading with the lost to commit themselves to Jesus Christ. Such a motivating device can backfire on even the most well–intentioned evangelist. What happens if [...]

Are Christmas Trees Pagan?

Are Christmas Trees Pagan?

Critics of Christmas need not reply. Every Christmas there is the inevitable talk about a “war on Christmas.” Not all opposition comes from secularists, atheists, and Muslims. Some Christians believe the Bible does not set aside the birth of Jesus as a special calendar day to honor His birth because such a celebration violates the “regulative principle of worship.” Others believe Christmas has a p [...]

Putting It All into Perspective

Putting It All into Perspective

In this second half of his interview with Dr. Michael Horton, Gary discusses what it means to be a Christian nation. The Bible is the standard of truth. The Bible presents a specific view of the world, of man, of God, and of authority. Anything that is not consistent with the biblical worldview is not true. The Bible is also the Christian’s ethical standard. It teaches us to distinguish between ri [...]

How Is Your Bible Constructed?

How Is Your Bible Constructed?

While I was a student at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, I was also the Assistant Manager of the bookstore. The bookstore afforded me the opportunity to learn about books, not only the authors and their content but their construction. Books from Great Britain had the best bindings. Hardback books published by the Banner of Truth Trust were beautifully designed. Older works f [...]

Students From Denmark Ask Me LGBTQ+ Questions

Students From Denmark Ask Me LGBTQ+ Questions

I received the following from three high school girls who go to school in Denmark about a school project they were working on. “The answers will be used in the presentation and nothing else, we will not be using it for social media or anything else…. We got your number from ‘the American vision’ and then under ‘contact us’ your mail was there and then we just wrote to you.” [...]

A Prelude to the Rapture?

A Prelude to the Rapture?

Gary responds to two recent postings about current events and the “rapture of the church.” In our day, prophetic speculators are misleading millions of people with their supposed certainties about the next series of events they believe are signs that Jesus is about to return to “rapture” His church. For example, in 1988 John F. Walvoord wrote that “in these present closing years of the [...]

Was a 1946 Bible Translation Wrong About Homosexuality?

Was a 1946 Bible Translation Wrong About Homosexuality?

You do not need to know Greek to understand what the Bible says about sexual relationships, including same-sex sexuality. When someone appeals to the Bible to make a case for a theological or moral position, it’s necessary to begin where the Bible begins. Starting with the New Testament and something that took place in 1946 is not the best starting point. An old argument is getting some press via [...]

Christianity in the Public Square

Christianity in the Public Square

In this rebroadcast from early 2021, Gary discusses an interchange he had with “Chaplain Mike” on Facebook. Being “spiritual” does not mean “made up of spirit.” “Spirit” is not a ghost-like substance that inhabits the truly “spiritual Christian.” The adjective, as in “spiritual man” and “spiritual body,” does not mean ethereal, incorporeal, immaterial, otherworldly, or even unworldly as depicted i [...]

Microchips and Dr. Phil

Microchips and Dr. Phil

Gary discusses a recent appearance by Ray Comfort on the Dr. Phil Show. Throughout the book of Revelation marks given on the hand and head are symbolic. Commentators do not usually claim that when God gives a mark to set apart His people that the mark is visible to the eye. For example, in Revelation 3:12 we read: “He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not [...]

Book Publishing and Roman Roads

Book Publishing and Roman Roads

Just as early Christians benefitted from the roads created by the Roman Empire, so we benefit from electronic and networking advances today. Eschatological ideas have consequences, and many Christians are beginning to understand how those ideas have shaped the cultural landscape. A world always on the precipice of some great and inevitable apocalyptic event is not in need of redemption but only of [...]

Has Preterism Been "Refuted"?

Has Preterism Been "Refuted"?

I saw the article “Preterism Examined and Refuted” by Charles H. Campbell on the AlwaysBeReady website. I picked a few of his examinations and refutations and quickly put together a short response. There were many more, but I didn’t see anything new that I and many others have not already dealt with in great detail over many centuries. For example, see my book Wars and Rumors of Wars, an expositio [...]

Is the Dried-Up Euphrates a Prophetic Sign?

Is the Dried-Up Euphrates a Prophetic Sign?

The latest in last days madness comes from, naturally, the Middle East. It concerns the drying up of the Euphrates River. Supposedly the dry Euphrates is an end-time sign that the end is near. When Russia invaded Ukraine, that was said to be an ancillary fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39. Linking Russia with the Hebrew word rosh in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1 goes back a long way. Rosh is not a prophetic mar [...]

From Pittsburgh to Atlanta

From Pittsburgh to Atlanta

Gary discusses the providential history of his life after high school and college. The War of the Worlds depicts a clash between very alien societies—one planetary world hell-bent on destroying another. The fictionalized Martian attack was relentless. Cobra-like periscopes emitted pulverizing beams of energy that ravaged the countryside. The sleek and deceptively beautiful Martian flying machines [...]

Newspaper Exegesis is Still a Problem

Newspaper Exegesis is Still a Problem

Some readers get upset any time I point out how modern-day prophecy writers misrepresent the Bible. My critics don’t seem to mind that Hal Lindsey has been wrong over the years in an area of study that has made his reputation and so much of Christendom has embraced as “gospel.” I’ve pointed out a number of these “miscalculations” in previous articles and books. It was amazing to see how people def [...]