Obeying God and Not Men

Obeying God and Not Men

Gary discusses several principles from his book God and Government to a class of homeschoolers. A brief survey of the Bible and its principles will show that it has directives for all areas of life. Does this, however, include civil government? Is God as concerned about the structure and principles of political systems as He is about families? Or, has God left the area of political systems for man [...]

What are the Two Ages in Matthew?

What are the Two Ages in Matthew?

Gary answers a listener question about the difference between how the word “age” is understood in Matthew 13 and Matthew 24. Typically, the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13 is often understood as describing the full course of redemptive history leading to the end of our world. It seems, however, that everything in Matthew’s Gospel — from fleeing the wrath that was “abou [...]

Speech is not Free

Speech is not Free

Speech is not free in the sense of being without cost; it’s free (at least theoretically) in the sense of being without restraint. What you don’t know can kill you, and in the case of ignorance about our nation’s founding document, it can turn you into a slave to the State. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution because the states were not satisfied with the claim that the Constitution w [...]

Thinking Outside the Categories

Thinking Outside the Categories

Gary answers a listener question about resources that best represent and present the dispensational premillennial position. In order to understand a thing aright, it is always helpful to seek to understand its purpose according to its designer and builder. Eschatology is a theological discipline that is concerned with discovering the divinely revealed, long range purpose of the world and of histor [...]

Are Only Laws Repeated in the NT Applicable?

Are Only Laws Repeated in the NT Applicable?

(This is Part Two. Part One is here.) For many dispensationalists and now some preterists, law in the Old Testament is “Jewish law.” In Dallas Theological Seminary’s scholarly journal, Bibliotheca Sacra, S. Lewis Johnson, a former professor at the seminary, argued that the Ten Commandments should not be a part of the Christian’s ethical life. He wrote the following: Donald Grey Barnhouse, a giant [...]

Applying the Law Lawfully

Applying the Law Lawfully

Gary continues his discussion of the 10 Commandments and whether they are applicable to Christians today. Since God’s law is a transcript of His personal character, it cannot change, any more than God can change. Jesus makes this point in Matthew 5:17-19: “Do not think that I came to abolish the law or the prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill (or, put into force). For tr [...]

Are Christians Exempt from Keeping the Ten Commandments?

Are Christians Exempt from Keeping the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are under attack, and not only by religious skeptics like Ted Turner who at the National Press Association in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1988, said the following: “We’re living with outmoded rules. The rules we’re living under [are] the Ten Commandments, and I bet nobody here even pays much attention to ’em, because they are too old. When Moses went up on the mountain, there were no [...]

Does Grace Nullify the Law?

Does Grace Nullify the Law?

Gary responds to several authors and speakers about this topic and their (mistaken) understanding of the relationship between grace and law. The continuing authority of God’s law today is inherent to a biblically based theology. Time does not change or wear out the validity of God’s commands, and a change of geography or locality does not render them ethically irrelevant. With the coming of the Ne [...]

Robots Prove Something-From-Nothing Evolution is Not Science

Robots Prove Something-From-Nothing Evolution is Not Science

Robots are everywhere. We’re not at the I, Robot stage of development, but robots are here to stay. Automobile manufacturing today is a far cry from Henry Ford’s assembly line of production that revolutionized the industry and made cars more affordable. Their production facilities (below) are like a scene from the 2002 film Minority Report: Boston Dynamics has released two videos that show robots [...]

"World" and the Legacy Standard Bible

"World" and the Legacy Standard Bible

Gary responds to a listener from Australia that asks about how certain Greek words are translated in the new Legacy Standard Bible. An indispensable rule in Bible interpretation is understanding a text in terms of its original setting and audience, always asking the question, “How would those who first picked up copies of the gospels and epistles have understood what they were reading?” Louis Berk [...]

Will the United States Succumb to “Secular Fundamentalism”?

Will the United States Succumb to “Secular Fundamentalism”?

Will America suffer the same fate as Europe and the rise of what Karen Armstrong calls “secular fundamentalism”? We seem to be headed in a similar direction with the secularization of our schools, courts, media, and politics. Christianity in America, like Christianity in Europe, is under attack. We see it every day. Judges are being scrutinized for their religious beliefs, especially on abortion, [...]

Paul's Man of Lawlessness

Paul's Man of Lawlessness

Gary responds to a listener question regarding the “man of lawlessness” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2. In his description of the man of lawlessness, Paul makes it clear that he had a contemporary figure in mind. First, he tells the Thessalonians that “the mystery of lawlessness is already at work” (2 Thess. 2:7). Second, the Thessalonians knew what was presently restraining the man of [...]

Sports is Life

Sports is Life

The stunning and terrifying events of the Bills/Bengals game on Monday provides a perfect worldview opportunity to discuss. While fans, announcers, and players stood watching the field as Damar Hamlin collapsed and was given CPR, one response was universal and it revealed the reality of humanity and its frailty. A GoFundMe page for Damar’s Chasing M’s Foundation has been flooded with d [...]

Another Left Behind Movie?

Another Left Behind Movie?

Gary discusses a new movie being released from the Left Behind series of books, directed by and starring actor Kevin Sorbo. The antichrist of today’s speculative theology combines the characteristics of Daniel’s “prince who is to come” and other features from the book of Daniel (9:26; 7:7–8, 19–26; 8:23–25); elements from Matthew and Daniel’s “abomination of desolation” (Matt. 24:15; Dan. 9:27); P [...]

More Comments About "Morons" and "Idiots"

More Comments About "Morons" and "Idiots"

In a response to my article “Of ‘Morons’ and ‘Idiots’” Lance Conley claimed that I believe that the word kosmos in passages like Matthew 4:8, 14; 13:35; 16:26 refer solely to the Roman Empire. This is absurd. Lance Conley’s work cannot be trusted. I have never said kosmos only refers to the Roman Empire. Not once in ten books dealing with Bible prophecy and countless articles have I ever mad [...]

What is the Proper Response to Tyranny?

What is the Proper Response to Tyranny?

Gary responds to a recent radio program by Todd Friel about God’s law and its application to society. When we explore what the Bible teaches about the character of God, the salvation accomplished by Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit in making us holy in heart and conduct, or the nature of God’s covenantal dealings with men, we see why the believer should take a positive attitude toward the [...]

Of "Morons" and "Idiots"

Of "Morons" and "Idiots"

Facebook is not the place to find the best information and/or rebuttals to biblical content. The same can be true of the Internet in general. Here’s one I found interesting. When someone like the following person engages in personal attacks, be on your guard. You are about to be thrown a pile of theological manure passed off as food for thought. The following is so bad that I believe it’s necessar [...]

A Whirlwind of a Year

A Whirlwind of a Year

It’s been a productive year at American Vision and Gary looks back at what was accomplished and ahead to upcoming projects in 2023. Please consider a year-end donation to help advance the message and ministry in the coming year. Gary recaps what’s been done, what’s being worked on, and what’s to come. As a donation-based ministry, American Vision uses your funds as efficien [...]

Thank You for Your Support!

Thank You for Your Support!

Dear American Vision Family, American Vision has had a great year, thanks to all of you! When I returned to American Vision about three years ago, we were in dire straits. Our inventory was sold off at discount prices to stay solvent. Things looked bleak. Praise God, we’ve had a marvelous turnaround. While there are some books still out of print, we continue to produce new material. Last year we f [...]

When Bible Tools Influence Bible Interpretation

When Bible Tools Influence Bible Interpretation

Gary discusses a recent article by Daniel Hummel about how concordances made Dispensationalism—and a “scientific” approach to Bible reading—possible. We should not be surprised if men do not view God’s world rightly. Romans 1:20 tells us that “since the creation of the world [God’s] invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, bei [...]