Is Preterism an Impossibility?

Is Preterism an Impossibility?

Gary responds to several comments from Pastor John MacArthur and Dr. Michael Brown who are pushing back against the preterist interpretation of Bible prophecy. Much of the debate over preterism comes down to when a document was written. This is especially true for the book of Revelation. If a document was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem, which occurred in A.D. 70, then any statement [...]

Our Legacy (Part Two)

Our Legacy (Part Two)

The conclusion of a lecture given at a Worldview Conference a few years ago where Gary discusses legacy and responsibility. In the former Soviet Union, Christians were forbidden to “set up benefit societies, cooperatives of industrial societies; to offer material aid to [their] members; to organize children’s and young persons’ groups for prayer and other purposes, or general biblical, literary or [...]

Independence from God Means Dependence on the State

Independence from God Means Dependence on the State

Independence from God is a terrible road to take, but that seems to be the one we’ve taken. Independence from God means dependence on the State. That’s the road we’re on. The book The Case for America’s Christian Heritage shows that there is no honest way to separate religion from America’s political, social, historical, and institutional life. It’s equally true that not all our nation’s fou [...]

Taking It to the Next Generation

Taking It to the Next Generation

Gary discusses his trip to Mexico last week where he gave five talks about eschatology and Bible interpretation. The Apostle Paul compares the supposed progress of the ungodly in Timothy’s day, the “last days” of the Old Covenant of Judaism (Heb. 1:1–2; 1 Cor. 10:11), to the overthrow of Jannes and Jambres in Moses’ day (Ex. 7:11): “But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be [...]

Beware of Advanced Technology in the Hands of Bureaucrats and Digital Watchbirds

Beware of Advanced Technology in the Hands of Bureaucrats and Digital Watchbirds

Technology is a double-edged sword. Like anything it can be used for good or evil. Nuclear material can build weapons or power plants. Lasers can kill or cure. Recently I had some retina tears that were fixed with a laser. Cataracts are also being remedied with lasers. We’re all concerned about chemicals being sprayed on food for pest and weed control. A non-chemical solution is coming. Farmers in [...]

Heretics and False Teachers

Heretics and False Teachers

In this concluding part of his interview with Pastor Richard Henry, Gary further discusses the recent heresy controversy. As the New Testament makes clear, apostasy was rampant almost from the church’s inception. The apostasy about which John wrote was operating in his day. Paul had to counter a “different gospel” that was “contrary” to what he had preached (Gal. 1:6–9). He had to battle “false br [...]

Being Honest with the Text

Being Honest with the Text

Gary continues his interview with Pastor Richard Henry. In this second part, he summarizes some of the controversy he was involved in a few months ago. In the immediate context of the book of Daniel, and throughout the book itself, death and resurrection is a major theme. We think of death as physical death and of resurrection as the physical revival and transfiguration of men and women at the end [...]

Christians Should be Building

Christians Should be Building

Gary critiques the modern (and past) response of the church and Christians to cultural decay and immorality. Politics was as messy in biblical times as it is today. Biblical heroes like Gideon, Jephthah, Samuel, Barak, and Samson had their moral failings, and yet they are in the biblical “Hall of Faith”: And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon [idolater], Barak [coward [...]

How Now Do We Evaluate Information?

How Now Do We Evaluate Information?

Gary discusses a recent sermon written and “preached” at a worship service in Germany by ChatGPT. The culmination of worldview shifts has changed American belief patterns in dramatic ways. The old categories were shot full of holes by new religious assumptions that could not be rationally criticized since pluralism and relativism are today’s reigning worldviews. A common culture with s [...]

The Composite Antichrist Theory Put to the Biblical Test

The Composite Antichrist Theory Put to the Biblical Test

The Christian Post recently published an article with this title: “Jack Hibbs Shares Signs of the End Times, Coming of the Antichrist.” He claims the “stage is being set … for the antichrist.” He said, “I know this sounds crazy.” If it’s biblical, it’s not crazy. It comes down to definitions; it’s unbiblical. Hibbs also mentions that the Bible warns about “false prophets” (1 John 4:1) and “false t [...]

There's Always a New Bible

There's Always a New Bible

Gary discusses recent comments by Yuval Noah Harari about Artificial Intelligence. The claim of neutrality by Christians is judged harshly in the Bible: “I know your deeds, that you are neither hot nor cold; I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” (Rev. 3:15–16). Standing in the middle of a moral position is not neu [...]

What Derailed the Jesus Revolution?

What Derailed the Jesus Revolution?

Why did the Jesus’ Revolution that garnered a Time magazine cover in 1971 fizzle over time? What were to be the next steps that would result in a real worldwide Jesus “revolution” where Christians would learn to apply the Bible to every area of life? There was no worldview follow-up because there was said there was no time or need for a long-term strategy because “the rapture” of Christians who ju [...]

About to Be or Not About to Be?

About to Be or Not About to Be?

Gary discusses a recent statement from a well-known faith-healer on the issue of preterism. Matthew 24:33 tells us what audience Jesus had in view: “so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.” It’s obvious, and without any need for debate, that the first “you” refers to those who asked the questions that led to Jesus’ extended remarks (Matt. 24:2-4). [...]

Where Real Science Arose

Where Real Science Arose

The world and the way it functions cannot be accounted for in the atheistic world. Atheists are bound by laws of the uniformity of nature. There is no escape from this reality. Scientists know that an experiment performed today under specific conditions will function in the same way tomorrow under the same conditions because that’s the way the world was made to work. It didn’t evolve to work the w [...]

Challenging the System

Challenging the System

Gary responds to a few individuals that took issue with his previous podcast about working for change within the current governmental system. Are we to believe that in all the times the Bible has been preached or taught that the subject of politics should never come up? How does a minister preach and teach and not touch on the politics found, for example, in Exodus, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 [...]

Hearing is Believing

Hearing is Believing

Gary discusses the biblical lessons on hearing and seeing. The Greek word typos refers to an image impressed onto something else, for instance, wax. It is the word used in Scripture for the imprint of God’s heavenly pattern on the earth, and thus it is absolutely fundamental to a Biblical worldview. In Acts 7:44 Stephen says, “Our fathers had the Tabernacle of testimony in the wilderne [...]

Two Covenantal Administrations

Two Covenantal Administrations

In this penultimate episode of what he planned to present, Kim shows how the Old Covenant and the New Covenant are related and separate, i.e., their continuity and their discontinuity. Both covenants are pictured in the symbol and the reality of the temple: the holy place and the Holy of Holies. The way into the Holy of Holies was opened and made manifest by Christ’s work and ministry. Clic [...]

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

I’ve noticed some Christians who argue that Christians should not be involved in politics. One person compared it to trying to clean up the porn industry and the mafia. The porn industry is not confiscating my property in ever increasing amounts through taxation, creating money out of thin air that results in the devaluation of my savings and income, and sending young people to fight in immoral wa [...]

Christ or the Constitution?

Christ or the Constitution?

Gary responds to a meme he saw on Facebook about Christians being more concerned with the Constitution than the Sermon on the Mount. At first, Christianity was perceived as a threat solely to the Jewish leadership. In time, however, Christianity became a threat to Rome because of the implications of the absolute lordship of Jesus Christ: “‘These men who have upset the world have come here also;. . [...]

Revelation and the "Testimony for the Churches"

Revelation and the "Testimony for the Churches"

In The Devil’s Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) included the following definition for the book of Revelation: “REVELATION, n. A famous book in which St. John the Divine concealed all that he knew. The revealing is done by the commentators, who know nothing.” G. K. Chesterton added to the exposure of revelatory confusion: “Though St. John the Evangelist saw many strange monsters in his vision [...]