Former Baptist Pastor and President Say Bible Is Wrong About Homosexuality

Former Baptist Pastor and President Say Bible Is Wrong About Homosexuality

Oliver Thomas, a retired Baptist minister, wrote that “American churches must reject literalism and admit we got it wrong on gay people.” It appeared in USA Today where he is a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors. He wrote something similar in 2006 article asking the following question: “What if Christian leaders are wrong about homosexuality?” His later article was similar but with an add [...]

Borrowed Capital Makes the World Go ’Round

Borrowed Capital Makes the World Go ’Round

With some variations, those who hold to a biblical economic model share many fundamental principles with advocates of an unregulated free market, or, as I hope to demonstrate, free marketers share many fundamental economic principles with advocates of a biblical worldview. John W. Robbins writes, in his critique of Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy, “That the structure of knowledge that she erecte [...]

Biblical Illiteracy and the End of the World

Biblical Illiteracy and the End of the World

Gary responds to several recent articles about the state of the world and the end times. While books on the Armageddon theme flood the market, there are a few authors who concern themselves with talk of peace by world leaders: “And now, at long last, the prospect of a peace such as the world has never known before seems to have metamorphosed from an impossible dream to a realistic hope. In fact, t [...]

The Bible is the Standard

The Bible is the Standard

Gary responds to a video where a woman is raging against Christians and the Bible. In applying all the Bible to all of life, those “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1) must have a “new heart” and a “new spirit” so they can rightly understand God’s Word and the world He created for our use (1 Cor. 1:18–25). The “heart of stone” must be removed and replaced with a “heart of flesh,” that is, a he [...]

Don't Tread on Us

Don't Tread on Us

Gary discusses a recent dust-up at a school in Colorado regarding the Gadsden Flag. The 52 signers of the Declaration weren’t dropped from the sky in Philadelphia on July 2. The freshly printed document announced that the 13 American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, were now independent states and no longer part of the British Empire. The decision was not made lightly. Thomas Jefferson ex [...]

Don’t Help the Poor: It Might Delay the Rapture

Don’t Help the Poor: It Might Delay the Rapture

In a survey that Left Behind publisher Tyndale did, “More than 50 percent of respondents … said ‘I’m anxiously expecting his return.’” Jan Markell, president of Olive Tree Ministries, writing for a large worldview ministry, argued that “the church is not in the business of taking anything away from Satan but the souls of men.”[1] Hal Lindsey said something similar: “I don’t like clichés but [...]

MYTH: You Cannot Legislate Morality

MYTH: You Cannot Legislate Morality

In this encore episode from a couple of years back, Gary discusses the impossibility of a “neutral” law system. Constitutional scholar Archie Jones argues there is no way to escape legislating morality: Every system of government exists to produce or enforce certain laws, and every law necessarily entails a set of moral assumptions. All morality—even that which is usually supposed to b [...]

Should the Swine Make Our Nation’s Laws?

Should the Swine Make Our Nation’s Laws?

In an earlier article and podcast, I responded to a Facebook Post related to the application of God’s law in the NT, including laws found in what is described as the “law of Moses,” actually God’s law. The Mosaic Law is God’s Law that was revealed to Moses. The FB poster went on to write the following: [Gary DeMar] also believes [God’s laws] should be legislated in secular government. There is no [...]

Walking By the Spirit

Walking By the Spirit

Gary responds to an individual that claims Torah law no longer applies to Christians. Christian Reconstructionist writers revived the older expression of world-and-life-view Calvinism and added the particulars of the Genevan and Puritan models. The revival of this particular expression of world-and-life-view Calvinism has not set well with the critics. As long as Reformed churches were preaching t [...]

More Confusion About God’s Law

More Confusion About God’s Law

I saw the following on a Facebook post indirectly aimed at me. “It frustrates me when people insist that the New Covenant has Torah requirements, i.e., that we are still under the law. Paul pitted law against grace. Grace is not the adapter that connects us to the law; it actually frees us from that slavemaster. We don’t live by an external force like the law; rather, we live by an internal nature [...]

1976: The Turning Point (Part Two)

1976: The Turning Point (Part Two)

Dr. Gary North concludes his discussion of how the Scopes Trial and the ensuing political developments shaped the 20th century. The liberals’ strategy of subversion could not be defeated by using short-range tactics or through a primarily defensive strategy. It could not be defeated by building thicker walls around the camp, for this produces a ghetto, not an army on the march. A successful [...]

Harmonizing the Gospels

Harmonizing the Gospels

Skeptics of the Bible nitpick different accounts of similar events. If the four gospels don’t align exactly at every detail, the claim is made that there are mistakes in the Bible. It seems to me that when the Gospels were put together, the compilers would have noted differences and fixed them if they were thought to be a problem historically. They didn’t. The different Gospels are an interrelated [...]

How Literal is Your Bible Translation?

How Literal is Your Bible Translation?

Most Christians cannot read and translate Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the languages of the Bible. As a result, for most of us, we are dependent on translations. Vernacular translations began early. The Latin Vulgate was mostly the work of Jerome (345-420). The Vulgate was adopted as the Bible translation of the Western Church. It was the first book printed using JohannesGutenberg’s printing press [...]

What Does the Current Apostasy Mean?

What Does the Current Apostasy Mean?

Gary interacts with two articles by David Jeremiah and Dr. Michael Brown regarding the climate of the modern Church. The Apostle John’s antichrist doctrine is a theological concept related to an apostasy that was fomenting in his day. John did not have a particular individual in mind but rather individuals who taught that Jesus Christ is not who the Bible says He is: In one word, “Antichrist” mean [...]

Two Atheists Walk into a Bar

Two Atheists Walk into a Bar

According to Richard Dawkins, our “selfish genes” don’t have a moral compass. They are like the Terminator. Their only goal is to survive and replicate and pity the poor organism that stands in their way. Michael Ruse and Edward O. Wilson contend that “We need something to spur us against our usual selfish dispositions. Nature, therefore, has made us (via the rules) believe in a disintereste [...]

The Successful Long March Through the Institutions

The Successful Long March Through the Institutions

There was a radical worldview shift in the 1960s. What was its foundational source? Those pushing for an overthrow of the establishment learned a great deal when their radical and often violent actions failed to accomplish their stated goals to bring down the system and turned most of the population against them and their tactics. In time, the radicals understood it would be necessary to capture t [...]

The Ethical Implications of Darwinism

The Ethical Implications of Darwinism

Dr. Gary North concludes this talk about the importance and historic significance of the Scopes Trial and William Jennings Bryan. Christians do not object to freedom of speech; they believe that Biblical truth can hold its own in a fair field. They concede the right of ministers to pass from belief to agnosticism or atheism, but they contend that they should be honest enough to separate themselves [...]

Disengaged Christians under the Microscope

Disengaged Christians under the Microscope

In terms of Christian theory, privatization means that the grand, global umbrella of faith has shrunk to the size of a plastic rain hat. Total life norms have become part-time values. In terms of Christian practice, watch your average Christian business person or politician. Are there family prayers at home before leaving for work? The private sphere. Are there Bible studies with colleagues at the [...]

Flipping the Narrative

Flipping the Narrative

Several prominent leftists are beginning to question the mainstream media and the Democrat narrative about the pandemic and the vaccine. Suppose someone says, “Christianity is not true because it gave rise to the Inquisition. In the Inquisition, people who professed to be Christians did horrible things. They tortured people and killed people. And so, Christianity cannot be true.” The logical falla [...]

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Non-dispensational debates on eschatology have become big news. The topic of the resurrection is often at center stage. What passages deal with the physical resurrection of the “self-same bodies” (Westminster Confession of Faith: 32.2) and “the very same body” (Larger Catechism Q/A 52) at the physical return of Jesus at some time in the future? Larger Catechism Q/A 87, “What are we to believe conc [...]