A Modest Proposal: Christians Should Support Abortion!

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-110708.jpg" ““Article”) I offer a “Modest Proposal” in light of a majority of people in Colorado, California, and South Dakota voting down abortion restrictions. The proposal has been made by some that children are a burden. Population experts tell us that we are heading for critical mass where pop [...]

Don't Pay Attention to Newspaper Headlines

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-110308.jpg" ““Article”) The newspaper and news sources in general can be depressing reading these days. No matter who wins tomorrow’s election, America and the world are in for uncertain times. Instead of ruminating over the negative possibilities, Christians should see what will come as opportunit [...]

My 40th High School Reunion

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-102808.jpg" ““Article”) The city of Pittsburgh**[1]** is the jewel of Western Pennsylvania. This wasn’t always the case. On some of its “better” days more than a generation ago, Pittsburgh was noted for its smoke-filled skyline. While the steel industry brought prosperity to the region, it also bro [...]

An Opportunity to Advance

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-102108.jpg" ““Article”) The newspaper and news sources in general can be depressing reading these days. No matter who wins in November, America and the world are in for uncertain times. Instead of ruminating over the negative possibilities, Christians should see all of what will be coming as opport [...]

Constitutional Hermeneutics: General Welfare

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-102008.jpg" ““Article”) Hermeneutics, the science and skill of interpretation, is most often applied to the Bible. But hermeneutics can be applied to any written document. For example, the Constitution is a piece of literature that requires interpretive skill to determine its meaning. I was reminde [...]

Just Preach the Gospel

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-101408.png" ““Article”) In addition to those who are arguing for third parties, others are claiming that Christians have no business being involved politically. The following email I received is a typical example of someone who says no to all politics and social action: “Would you not see that the [...]

Setting the Historical Record Straight

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-101308.png" ““Article”) I noted with interest the comments of John Manzi (”Secular Nation,” Oct. 7, 2008) in the Charleston Post and Courier and sent a version of this article to the editorial department for publication. Mr. Manzi contends that the United States was founded as a secular nation. The [...]

Gas and Government

Gary interviews Josh Bollen discussing the influence Christians can make through grass roots efforts by way of the Internet. They discuss the political left force of MoveOn.org and how they have been influential in moving the agenda of liberalism in America. Josh Bollen introduces his site Reagan.org, and how it’s effort is to push the republican party towards constitutional values once agai [...]

How Serious Are You About Winning?

![“Artl](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-100708.jpg" ““Artl”) Third-party advocates are determined to maintain that they are making a difference. At best, they are casting a protest vote. Their third-party candidates don’t even register in the polls. Not a single state will be won. Not a single electoral vote will be won. John Anderson had more vi [...]

Third Parties and Political Presumption

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-100608.jpg" ““Article”) I wonder if people can read. I don’t mean read the words on a page. I mean read to understand. Last week’s articles on third parties are a case in point. Two of the articles, one published by me and the other by Eric Rauch, are critical of those pushing the third-party optio [...]

The Visitor's Center Censors America's Christian History

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/artice-image-093008.jpg" ““Article”) The new 580,000-square-foot, $621 million Visitor’s Center is already embroiled in controversy. It seems that the illustrious planners wanted to avoid controversy by leaving out the content of America’s rich Christian heritage but had no problem including “photographs of Eart [...]

One Party, Two Party, Three Party, Four

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-092908.jpg" ““Article”) Trying to get elected as a third party candidate in American politics is extremely difficult if not impossible since the electing process is not by majority vote. Ballot access is also an obstacle since third parties have to meet additional criteria not required of Republica [...]

Tulip Mania

e housing market as it relates to the current economic crisis. Gary clarifies how not only is congress at fault for the market fall, but the buyers, bankers and investors too. “We might be victims of Wall Street’s greed, but not quite innocent victims.” Government interference in the market place is always a disaster. Gary also shares insight into the insurance/loan/housing marke [...]

The Pulpit and Politics

While driving to Charlotte, North Carolina, yesterday, I heard John MacArthur encourage Christians to vote. It wasn’t that long ago that he left the impression in his book Why Government Can’t Save You that Christians should resist putting too much emphasis on politics. I was glad to hear that he has taken a more active role in helping Christians to understand that politics is not outside the para [...]

Crazy Prophecy Books

![“arcticle_angel”](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/arcticleangel.jpg" ““arcticle_angel””) Books on Bible prophecy are getting crazy. And what’s even crazier is that a legitimate news site is promoting them. There’s David Flynn’s Temple at the Center of Time: Newton’s Bible Codex Finally Deciphered and the Year 2012. The latest end-time specul [...]

Why We Need Rich People

“Washington wants only more of some people’s money… Out of envy, they are saying, ‘Yes. Tax those people at the top.’” Why are the prices so good in America for many commodities? Why are there enough jobs to go around? Why is it that in communist countries there’s no economic innovation? Thank the wealthy. Gary points out the ‘wealth of benefits&rsq [...]

Some Warped Political Philosophies

![“ArticleImage](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/articleimage-eaglewings.jpg" ““ArticleImage”) There are a number of political philosophies from a Christian perspective floating around that need some attention. The Apostle Paul saw no inconsistency in taking advantage of his Roman citizenship (Acts 16:37–39; 22:22–29) while maintaining that he was also a [...]

Whoopie Goldberg: Constitutional Scholar

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-article5.jpg" ““Article”) While appearing on the September 12, 2008 episode of “The View,” John McCain was asked about his opposition to the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision. The question relates to the type of judges he would nominate to the Supreme Court. McCain insisted that he would support j [...]

Bureaucratic Slavery

Gary discusses the current debates on the political scene, and interviews Joel McDurmon about the mortgage crisis. [...]

Should Sarah Palin be in Politics?

There is concern and reservations over the candidacy of Sarah Palin as a vice-presidential candidate, and not all of it is coming from the political left. A number of Christians have expressed their disapproval of a woman holding political office. The most articulate biblical appraisal taking this position has been written by William Einwechter. At first reading, there is little I can disagree wit [...]