Law in Colonial America

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Law in Colonial America[1]**** With the exception of Rhode Island, every early American colony incorporated the entire Decalogue into its own civil code of laws. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut declared that the Governor and his council of six elected officials would “have pow [...]

The Neglect of the Divine Commands

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) With the publication of E.C. Wines’ Laws of the Ancient Hebrews I’ve gotten some interesting emails from fellow Christians. Here’s a sample of responses when we asked the question, “Should Christians obey Old Testament Law?”: If Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Law of Moses, why is [...]

The Religion and Politics of Noah Webster

Most well-known for his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster was a devout Christian and this worldview is evident in his intellectual works. Biblical references are found throughout Webster’s writings which includes a translation of the King James Bible. In today’s show, Gary examines the religious and political views of this man who made a profound impact on [...]

We Should Legislate Morality

Christians are confronted with liberals saying “separation of church and state,” “judge not, that you be not judged,” “you can’t legislate morality.” Gary shows that not only do we legislate morality, but that nearly every bit of legislation is based on some sort of moral code. Every person in office makes moral choices that dictate their platforms. [...]

Christians Taking On "Things of this World"

Christians are divided between what they understand to be the great commission and Christian influence in culture. One person emailed Gary to ask “Would you not see that the main concern of the church is to preach the gospel, baptize, disciple believers in matters concerning their lives as believers in Christ JESUS?” Gary answers this question. [...]

Myths, Lies, And Half-Truths (Part 2)

It is crucial that Christians learn their roles as citizens and what they can do to produce meaningful change. Gary reviews the call Christians have in Scripture to cultivate a biblical culture around them — including in civil government. Politics may be dirty, but politics can be cleaned up and should be cleaned up by heavenly citizens. [...]

Harold Camping Will go Mad on May 11, 2011

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) “In many cases sheer fanaticism has been the result of exclusively dwelling on prophecy, and probably more men have gone mad on that subject than on any other religious question.”[1] —Charles H. Spurgeon Harold Camping is at it again. He is predicting that an eschatological “end” wi [...]

Myths, Lies, And Half-Truths (Part 1)

It is crucial that Christians learn their roles as citizens and what they can do to produce meaningful change. Gary reviews the call Christians have in Scripture to cultivate a biblical culture around them — including in civil government. Politics may be dirty, but politics can be cleaned up and should be cleaned up by heavenly citizens. [...]

Harold Camping's 2011 Apocalyptic Predictions

There are many Christian dispensational scholars that predict the time of “the end” of the world. One person you may have not heard of is Harold Camping. If you’ve been watching Bible prophecy discussions closely since the early 1990s you may remember his name. Gary DeMar reviews reports from Camping that the end of the world is in 2011 (just like Camping said it was going to be [...]

The Left Wing and Right Wing Enlightenments

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Brooke Allen claims in her article “Our Godless Constitution” that America “was founded not on Christian principles but on Enlightenment ones.”[1] The Enlightenment is a term used to describe a period in eighteenth-century Europe and America when reason, coupled with advances in sci [...]

Brambles Strangling the Cedars of America

Continuing his study in Judges 9, Gary develops perspective of one of man’s basic needs: to have a ruler over him. How man finds these rulers is treacherous. Does the typical man appeal to God’s plan for civil government, or does the he settle for a godless form of reckless men to have dominion over him? [...]

The Religion of Centralized Government

Gary DeMar reviews more of the life and times of Gideon in the book of Judges, and how the fall of Gideon’s power in Israel led to the centralized, powerful, religious government of Abimelech. There are parallels in those times and the times we face in America. What many Americans want is a “Baalism” of civil government. [...]

Making Changes from the Bottom Up

Conservatives and liberals alike get sucked into politics and perceive that civil government is the solution to all our worldly woes. Gary DeMar teaches that change is from the bottom up, and civil government is not where change begins for society. [...]

The History of Preterism and Futurism: Poisoning the Well

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) The following is a response to a critic of preterism named Darrell Myatt. While I’ve answered many of the objections he raises here and here, I wanted to discuss his opening statement about the origin of preterism. Futurists, mostly dispensational premillennialists, claim that their [...]

No More Terror in the Skies if Men take Charge

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) How many of you have heard about the November 17, 2009 AirTran Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston? While there is some confusion about what really happened, there is no doubt some passengers were alarmed enough to leave the plane when it returned to the gate. They believed a terrori [...]

No More Terror in the Skies if Men Take Charge

More often than we want to admit, terrorists are attempting to beat the security systems and hijack planes filled with civilians. It is up to the passengers — you and me — to responsibly prepare ourselves for the worst. Gary highlights some of the events in 2009 that should get you thinking about self-defense, and what you might face the next time you fly the highway in the skies. [...]

A Christmas Message from Delta Air Lines in 1972

Take a look at this December 1972 “Christmas Message” that appeared in Delta Digest, a monthly publication by the Public Relations Department of Delta Air Lines. Delta has come a long way in 37 years. Now they’re one of the official sponsors of the annual Gay Pride parade. A Christmas Message To: All Members of the Delta Family As we celebrate the birth of Christ during this Christmas Season, we a [...]

Christians Have Their Own Mayan Calendar Problems

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) I’m working on a new prophecy book. The tentative title is The Christian Prophetic Calendar under the Microscope. I know; it’s not a very good title. That’s why I’m sponsoring a contest. Submit your title suggestion, and if I use it, I’ll give you credit in the book when it’s publis [...]

What is Preterism? Part 2

The prophecies in the Word of God make sense and speak for themselves. Gary reviews Old and New Testament prophecies that show how the destruction of Jerusalem was the focus of their message. Most of Revelation does not relate future events, but instead the events of the first century in the Roman Empire. [...]

What is Preterism? Part 1

Most Christians don’t learn the competing view-points of Christian eschatology. Do you know what preterism is? How about partial-preterism? Gary answers Christian scholar Daryl Myers’ preterism misinterpretations. It is good to know your terms, types, and answer a man accurately. [...]