The Nation’s Pillars are Falling on Us

The Nation’s Pillars are Falling on Us

There’s word that Taylor Swift could affect the 2024 election (Biden is looking to her for help), the courts are out of control (crazy New York judges and juries are examples), and the people who take an oath to uphold the Constitution don’t know what it says, what it means, or how it applies. It’s not only Swift who could impact the election. Trump’s rape accuser says she will “do everything I ca [...]

Biblical Dominion Comes by Obedience and Service

Biblical Dominion Comes by Obedience and Service

Leftist dominionists believe in “rendering all to a Caesar.” The State is their god so long as they are controlling the reins of power. They become the new gods. Consider the following dominionist worldview from atheist, homosexual, and globalist Yuval Noah Harari that globalist elites are operating under: Human rights are just like heaven and God. It’s just a fictional story that we’ve invented t [...]

Dominion: An Inescapable Concept

Dominion: An Inescapable Concept

Discussions about “dominion” have taken a wild turn. Dominion theology is equated with something called ‘Christian Nationalism.’ Here’s one example: “With a burgeoning interest in the idea of Christian Nationalism, the Christian Church in America has seen a renewed interest in modified versions of theonomy.” If “modified versions of theonomy” are operating, it might be best to get an accurate desc [...]

How is it Possible to “Only Preach the Gospel”?

How is it Possible to “Only Preach the Gospel”?

Ed Dingess responded to my article “Jesus Has Not Called Us to be Doormats” with “Gary DeMar: A Response to Christian Doormats.” He dislikes my claim that there is a link between someone coming to Christ—being born again—and applying the changed life brought on by the gospel to worldview areas like medicine, education, politics, economics, and every other area of life. The claim is often made that [...]

The Unhappy Condition of Being “Free From the Law”

The Unhappy Condition of Being “Free From the Law”

One of the biggest issues in our day is the often-repeated refrain in the Christian world “By What Standard?” Next to eschatology, how should we live and by what standard we should live come up all the time. It’s become a big debate among preterists who have adopted something of a dispensational view of biblical ethics. Like dispensationalists, moral precepts found in the Old Testament, especially [...]

So-Called Science Speaks: “Our Universe Arose from Precisely Nothing”

So-Called Science Speaks: “Our Universe Arose from Precisely Nothing”

Lawrence M. Krauss is a renowned cosmologist and professor at the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including the best-selling The Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing that includes an Afterword from atheist provocateur Richard Dawkins. Krauss is an outspoken atheist, evolutionist, and anti-Christian. The [...]

Does Isaiah 13 Predict the ‘End of the World’?

Does Isaiah 13 Predict the ‘End of the World’?

An image of Isaiah 13 from the Bible with some highlighted verses was posted on Facebook followed by a comment that stated that “the wrath of God is coming on the world,” that is, our world that was 2700 years in the future from the time the prophecy was given to Isaiah. Of course, God hasn’t stopped with judging the world when He sent Israel and Judah into captivity or with Babylon, the Medes and [...]

Don’t Yearn for the ‘Good Old Days’ Because They Weren’t that Good

Don’t Yearn for the ‘Good Old Days’ Because They Weren’t that Good

“In 1905, a Vermont doctor and his chauffeur were the first to successfully drive a car across the country from San Francisco to New York. It took them 63 days. Today you can fly cross country in a matter of hours while using wireless Internet.” — David Bahnsen It’s 2024 and to the surprise of many, we’re still here. We don’t know what the future will bring. With that in mind, many people are nost [...]

Harvard and the Demise of ‘Truth’ in Higher Education

Harvard and the Demise of ‘Truth’ in Higher Education

The battle for America is being fought on two fronts: In the courts and the universities. If these two institutions remain in the hands of liberals, reversing anti-Christian trends will take decades longer. The universities feed the law schools, the law schools corrupt the minds of impressionable law students, and the courts maintain the status quo. Our colonial founders understood that the garden [...]

Was Trump Right to say Some people should ‘Rot in Hell’?

Was Trump Right to say Some people should ‘Rot in Hell’?

Have you noticed how selective Democrats are when it comes to the Bible? Here’s the latest from Democrat political strategist and Clinton supporter Paul Begala. Begala told CNN that former President Trump said that his opponents should “rot in hell.” Notice that Trump did not say “burn in hell” or “be damned to hell.” Begala said the “rot in hell” line was “blasphemy.” “It’s like this comment abou [...]

“Postmillennialism for Satan’s Kingdom”

“Postmillennialism for Satan’s Kingdom”

A few years ago, I spoke at a conference on postmillennialism in Torrance, California, on the topic, “Evidence that Postmillennialists are Winning the Prophecy Debate.” I only got through a small portion of what I prepared. Ken Gentry also spoke. Kirk Cameron was there at my invitation. He gave a great talk about his prophetic pilgrimage. Sorry to say, the recording of my talk did not turn out. Th [...]

Are Christmas Trees Pagan Symbols?

Are Christmas Trees Pagan Symbols?

Every Christmas there is the inevitable talk about a “war on Christmas.” Not all opposition comes from secularists, atheists, and Muslims (see here and here). Some Christians believe the Bible does not set aside the birth of Jesus as a special calendar day to honor His birth because such a celebration violates the “regulative principle of worship.” Acknowledging the birth of Jesus is biblical. Chr [...]

AV Year in Review

AV Year in Review

The year 2023 was an interesting and productive year for me and American Vision. In December of 2022, I noticed a large lump nearly the size of my fist on my left calf. After numerous tests, I found out that it was a high-grade carcinoma. Cancer! After 25 sessions of radiation the tumor was removed in March. Every three months I get an MRI of my calf and a CT scan of my thoracic region because thi [...]

The “Jesus Was a Refugee” Narrative

The “Jesus Was a Refugee” Narrative

Every Christmas liberals have tried to make the Christmas story about some Leftist program. The Bible is convenient when Leftists and their fellow Democrats want to snooker the religiously naïve public. We’ll see more of it this year because of the border and immigration issues that energize the Democrat Party. Leftists have little regard for the Bible unless it can be used to scold Christians for [...]

Naturally, Democrats Want to Abolish the Electoral College

Naturally, Democrats Want to Abolish the Electoral College

You remember Monica Lewinsky. She stated that she had nine sexual encounters with President Bill Clinton in the Oval Office. Her real expertise is coming out as a political analyst. She has written an article advocating for several amendments to the U.S. Constitution. One of her suggestions is to scrap the Electoral College system that’s used to elect the president. “The most fundamental underpinn [...]

‘Democracy’ Means Submission to Leftist Authoritarianism

‘Democracy’ Means Submission to Leftist Authoritarianism

Democrats are playing the Democracy card … again. Anyone who disagrees with a Leftist is anti-democratic and fascist. What Leftists like President Biden and James Carville never do is define what they mean by “Democracy.” For Democrats, “democracy” means rule by Democrats, no matter what evil scheme they may try to force on the American people. For example, to oppose killing unborn babies and beli [...]

Isaiah 66:8 Is Not in Any Way About the Modern State of Israel

Isaiah 66:8 Is Not in Any Way About the Modern State of Israel

In the first article on this topic, I pointed out that a prominent pastor told his congregation and viewing audience the following: “In your Bible, right next to Isaiah 66:8, you can write down May 14, 1948.” It’s obvious that Isaiah 66 describes a time when the sacrificial system was operating (v. 3), the ancient people of Tarshish, Put, Lud, Meshech (the archers, those who draw the bow: Ezek. 27 [...]

Does Isaiah 66:8 Predict the 1948 Modern State of Israel?

Does Isaiah 66:8 Predict the 1948 Modern State of Israel?

I received an email from a pastor that stated the following: “I keep hearing … that Isaiah 66:8 is fulfilled in modern-day Israel. I have looked at these verses in every way and cannot get that reading even with a dispensational hermeneutic…. Can you tell me how they might see this verse to use it in this way and can you give me some help with what Isaiah is actually saying? [...]

The Ten Commandments of the Modern Secular State

The Ten Commandments of the Modern Secular State

In the December 2023 issue of Ligonier’s Tabletalk devotional, Gene Edward Veith has a helpful article titled “Catechized by Culture.” Presbyterians are big on catechisms. They mostly deal with fundamental biblical doctrines. For example, the first question of the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Standards is “What is the chief end of man?” Vieth supplies the answer: “Man’s chief end is to glo [...]

The Beast and His Number

The Beast and His Number

Does the number 666 refer to someone in John’s day? If so, who could it be? Revelation implies that there was a king who was alive when John saw and wrote down what was revealed to him: “Here is the mind which has wisdom.[1] The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits,[2] and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must rema [...]