Should This Professor Be Teaching the New Testament?

Should This Professor Be Teaching the New Testament?

Bart Ehrman, a New Testament scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has a bone to pick with Jesus and Bible prophecy. He has written on the topic of Jesus and prophecy in Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium (1999), Misquoting Jesus:The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (2005),and his most recent book Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says About the End (2 [...]

The Hoax of Replacement Theology

The Hoax of Replacement Theology

In an earlier article, I mentioned Jack Hibbs and his claim that “replacement Theology” is the theory that the Christian Church has replaced Israel as the people that God no longer has a prophetic plan for Israel. He said the following: “Friends, that’s false doctrine. Any ministry, any pastor, any group that says ‘Israel as a nation and the Jew doesn’t matter,’ that is a doctrine of heresy, pure [...]

What Does it Mean that Israel is a “Prerequisite” for the End Times?

What Does it Mean that Israel is a “Prerequisite” for the End Times?

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, California, stated that according to the Bible, Israel is a “prerequisite” for the End Times. He made this claim by denouncing something called “Replacement Theology” as “heresy.” Replacement Theology is said to be a false doctrine that declares that the church has replaced Israel, and that God is done with the Jews. (I’ll deal with the particulars [...]

Solar Eclipses and Living in the Shadow of the Old Covenant

Solar Eclipses and Living in the Shadow of the Old Covenant

There’s a video going around by Jim Staley titled “The 2024 Solar Eclipse and INSANE Prophecy Events Are Coming!” Here’s the description: This solar eclipse could be THE SOLAR ECLIPSE that unleashes one of the seals of Revelation. I wasn’t a believer at first, but after hundreds of hours of research, I am literally in awe of all the “coincidences.” DO NOT miss this, whatever you do! Along with doz [...]

Eclipses, ‘Blood Moons,’ and Pre-Trib Anxiety

Eclipses, ‘Blood Moons,’ and Pre-Trib Anxiety

In September 2021, many people went into a frenzy when the United States Postal Service announced that their mail delivery service would become permanently slower. This new phenomenon is called Pre-Parcel Anxiety. “We live in a society where we build expectations and uphold perfectionism. We want things here and now. We want efficiency and struggle with patience,” psychotherapist Owen O’Kane expla [...]

Standing on Natural Law is ‘Sinking Sand’

Standing on Natural Law is ‘Sinking Sand’

To understand the relationship between Church and State we need to go to the source, and that source is not the United States Constitution. Modern-day social theory is based on an evolutionary model. This means that there is no way to account for morality, governmental jurisdictions, or separation of powers since these principles are found in the Bible. Some will argue that they can be accounted f [...]

Our Government’s “Disinformation Primer”

Our Government’s “Disinformation Primer”

It’s been said, “eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty.” While Leftists and Democrats (I repeat myself) target something called Christian Nationalism (which they get to define) and how such a movement is fascist and anti-Democratic, real fascism is being implemented right under our noses. The Foundation For Freedom Online reports that a recently uncovered “Disinformation Primer” author [...]

Is 2 Thessalonians 1:7 a Second Coming Passage?

Is 2 Thessalonians 1:7 a Second Coming Passage?

Audience relevance is an important consideration when dealing with the interpretation of any text. This is especially true when interpreting prophecy. Who’s the intended audience? This is especially true when interpreting Matthew 24. The use of the second person plural (you) unmistakably applies to those in Jesus’ audience. We know this because there is an audience: “And Jesus came out from the te [...]

Putting the New Testament Record to the Test

Putting the New Testament Record to the Test

Last Sunday’s sermon (3/10/2024) at our church was from Mark 15. Verse 21 caught my attention: “They pressed into service a passer-by coming from the country, Simon of Cyrene (the father of Alexander and Rufus), to bear His cross.” Biblical skeptics call for historical proof that Jesus existed and that the NT record is authentic. Many of these critics contend that the Gospels were written very lat [...]

Christian Civilization Matters

Christian Civilization Matters

Pastor John MacArthur denounced Christian nationalism insofar as it is defined as an attempt to usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth through political means. “There is no such thing as Christian nationalism,” MacArthur said during a question-and-answer period last month at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles. “The Kingdom of God is not of this world. Jesus said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. [...]

Tell People They’re Losers and They’ll Act Like Losers

Tell People They’re Losers and They’ll Act Like Losers

Ray Kroc, founder of the McDonald’s fast food restaurant chain wrote the following in his book Grinding it Out: “I believe in God, family and McDonald’s—and in the office, that order is reversed. If you are running a hundred-yard dash, you aren’t thinking about God while you’re running. Not if you hope to win. Your mind is on the race. My race is McDonald’s.”[1] Kroc’s statement reminds me of the [...]

The Time Was Indeed Very Short

The Time Was Indeed Very Short

Ron Rhodes appeals to Revelation 3:10 to support the pre-trib rapture view in his book Bible Prophecy Under Siege. (See Parts One and Two) Here’s what he has to say in support of his view: This verse reveals that church saints will be kept from the actual time period of testing, not just the testing itself…. That Revelation 3:10 refers to a rapture before this future period of worldwide testing is [...]

Christians in the Crosshairs

Christians in the Crosshairs

Keeping people dumb and ignorant is the plan, and it’s working. Teach children about sexual fluidity but not logic, history, economics, and a nation can be transformed without ever firing a shot. No internment camps or Gulags are necessary. Cutting young people off from the past in government schools and social media makes them ripe to be propagandized with a new history. Debates aren’t allowed. I [...]

Remaking ‘Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving’ in the Image of Woke

Remaking ‘Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving’ in the Image of Woke

The woke Social Justice Warriors were out in full military regalia after watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving that originally aired in 1973. Franklin Armstrong, the only black child featured in the animated feature is sitting in a lawn chair alone on one side of the table. To the woke crowd, this is racism pure and simple because, as you know, everything is racist. I guess not having a “person of [...]

Living in a Pre-Trib Bubble

Living in a Pre-Trib Bubble

(Note: This is Part Two of a series) I grew up in the Pittsburgh area with a very large extended family. My mother was one of twelve and my father was one of eleven children. Both sets of grandparents lived nearby, and we visited them often. We were closer to my mother’s side of the family because they lived closer. After a get together with some of the family, this statement was made by two of my [...]

A Critique of 'Bible Prophecy Under Siege'

A Critique of 'Bible Prophecy Under Siege'

(Note: This is the first part of a series) In 2019 I wrote a review and critique of Ron Rhodes’ book Jesus and the End Times titled “Repetitive Prophecy Books Keep Getting It Wrong.” I’ll be including it in my upcoming book Prophecy Wars. Rhodes’ latest book from Harvest House is Bible Prophecy Under Siege: Responding Biblically to Confusion About the End Times. It’s mostly a defense of pretribula [...]

Meaninglessness and Its Consequences

Meaninglessness and Its Consequences

When a person loses hope and does not see meaning in this life, inevitable consequences follow. Giving up on life is the result of life having no meaning. Why bother if we are nothing but a conglomeration of atoms and molecules animated by an electrical charge? There’s no meaning in that. How does a civilization survive and grow when previous generations strip life of meaning. A life without meani [...]

What Do the Words ‘Quickly’ and ‘Near’ Mean in the New Testament?

What Do the Words ‘Quickly’ and ‘Near’ Mean in the New Testament?

Eschatology continues to be a hot button topic. In addition to the popular prophecy theorists who can’t help themselves from claiming the rapture is near, there are Facebook posters who add grist to the eschatology mill by critiquing arguments that are grounded on solid biblical study by people who should know better. I saw the following post on Facebook post: I sent my friend information related [...]

Leftist Eschatology is Killing Us

Leftist Eschatology is Killing Us

There must be a change in which Christians understand eschatology. I’m not only talking about the so-called rapture and how we are the “terminal generation.” Eschatology is an inescapable prospect. A pessimistic eschatology has the tendency to immobilize people. This is also true of optimistic “rescue eschatology” that has infected the church. According to them, nothing can be done or should be do [...]

From Woodstock Nation to Sinking Ships

From Woodstock Nation to Sinking Ships

George Will called 1968 “perhaps the worst year in American History” and called the sixties “the most dangerous decade in America’s life as a nation.” [1] This is not surprising because of the continued escalation of the Vietnam War, the draft, and the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy. These events happened a year after the “Summer of Love” that began in the Haight- [...]